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Judge Jeffrey D. Wait

Wait … whut?

    Blog star and Upstate New York woodchuck Judge Jeffrey Wait is back in the news for being the deceitful little shit that his wife Mary Lou is so proud of. Twenty-five years ago this chosen self-serving p.o.s fabricated evidence in an investigation leading to the conviction of a goy disliked by the jewish political machine of Brooklyn, he thought he got away with it, but like all good skeletons, his past has caught up with the clown in a black robe masquerading as an honorable judge in Saratoga Springs City Court. Here is the nuts and bolts of what jew Jeffey boy did for political operatives back in 1996. A… Read More »Wait … whut?

    Support Denied!!!

      Just when you thought family court could not get any crazier, the pedos of Upstate New York trip up and expose themselves. Today Judge Jeffery Wait of Saratoga Springs heard a petition by a father seeking to pay for four years of college for his child. The state law provides the court with jurisdiction over support of a child until 21 and to provide orders for college tuition and living expenses. A simple request to support such child was opposed by the mother’s lawyer. Judge Wait dismissed the petition, denying the child financial support. Needless to say no competent court would deny any child the right to financial support for… Read More »Support Denied!!!

      Domestic Terrorist

        A walk down Broadway in Saratoga Springs, New York reveals that terrorism is everywhere. The town where the American Bar Association was formed in 1878 is now home to a domestic enemy of the Constitution, Judge Jeffrey D. Wait. Back in August of 1878, a hundred lawyers from all over met in Saratoga Springs to form an association of the legal profession to advance the rule of law. But now we have Jeff Wait sitting on a bench, shredding the rights of everyone and wiping his ass with the Bill of Rights. Wait is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. He was an undergrad ski bum at University of… Read More »Domestic Terrorist


          Judge Jeffrey D. Wait of Saratoga Springs, child abuser! Time to spotlight the devil who walks among us. Cloaked in a black robe, with duty to protect children and uphold the law, Satan himself presides in Saratoga Springs City Court, Judge Jeffrey D. Wait. A moronic excuse of a human, holding no intellect along with a worthless law degree from Western New England School of Law, this miscreant cannot spell rule of ‘l-a-w’ when it lands on his bench. A simple matter of child support came before Wait. A child involved in a case before his bench lacks the legally required support order. A motion was made to remedy the… Read More »Wait!