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Judge Eddie Rodriguez

Rodriguez at it again!

    The slimy ‘spic of Bridgeport, Judge Eddie Rodriguez, the elder paedophile protector, puppet of the ring, slave to the jewdiciary does it again, he has slammed mom with a one year extension to his illegal restraining order issued in April.  Evil Rodriguez ensures Little Leo Tiberi will not hug his mom for another year, the signature mark of Satan’s paedos is child isolation from mother, not rational human behaviour, just jewish destruction of mother child bonds thru extended isolation, inducing irreversible psychological harm. Rodriguez the ‘spic does not care that Judge Nastri recognizes ‘fundamental rights‘ of children to hug mothers, as stated by SCOTUS in Troxel, over two decades ago.… Read More »Rodriguez at it again!


      The now-famous WORST Blog highlights the jewdicial incompetence of kunt Judge Grasso-Egan and ‘spickish Judge Eddie Rodriguez for their inability to apply the law of a sovereign people, doing a favor for jew whore Lisa Knopf, turning concept of COURT into a stage drama to malign a mother, molest a child, and enrich a jew … not what the founding fathers had in mind, a standard of performance worse than the Crown, where at least Kings care about children of the realm, where jews of family court only care about billable hours, inflicting emotional harm on families, raping childhood for Satan’s pleasure. The drama centers on CGS §46b-15, a law… Read More »Fear

      Tiberi Outs Volpe

        Blog star dentist of Bridgeport, the manly Dr. Frank Tiberi, alcoholic, child abuser, drug addict, pedophile, outs freelance journalist Michael Volpe as being behind this now-famous worst Blog. After years of police investigations, search warrants, jewdicial snooping, Frank Tiberi has outed the Blog in his sworn testimony before Judge Eddie Rodriguez in Bridgeport. Yes, I know for a hundred percent fact that Michael Volpe is in part with family circus, this is– it’s right in there. We can show it to you. Frank Tiberi Trial Testimony The comedy section of Blog editorial staff notes that ‘spic boy Judge Eddie Rodriguez found manly Frank’s testimony to be CREDIBLE! Frank is in… Read More »Tiberi Outs Volpe

        More Word Salad

          The now-famous worst Blog highlights the disconnect between law and jewdicial practice in the armpit of Bridgeport Courthouse, before the less than honorable ‘spic Judge Eddie Rodriguez, who suffers from un-diagnosed mental impairment, manifesting cognitive dissonance, unable to comprehend plain meaning of statutes, opinion of case law, impairing ability to uphold rule of law, requiring attention under Canon Rule 2.14: Disability and Impairment. This is a no shitter, another lunatic on the bench. Jew attorney Lisa Knopf brings forth application for a relief from physical abuse restraining order to protect manly dentist Dr. Frank Tiberi from the petite form of his soon to be ex-wife. Manly Frank swears under oath… Read More »More Word Salad

          Frank Tiberi: Liar

            Frank Tiberi took the witness stand today in Bridgeport Superior Court to tell Judge Eddie Rodriguez that despite his application for a restraining order against the petite mother of his child, there is no pattern of physical abuse, no threat of physical injury, pain, bruises, broken bones or other violent acts required under the law to issue the order. Frank Tiberi is an absolute liar, his Attorney Lisa Knopf dropped her head in shame when he stated that the mother of his child did not pose a threat to him or their son. Jew girl Lisa quickly recovered her composure realizing that Frank’s petty games before Rodriguez lined her pocket… Read More »Frank Tiberi: Liar

            Judge Thomas Welch, AJ

              The now-famous Blog spotlights Judge Thomas J. Welch, the head judge of the Fairfield Judicial District in the armpit of Bridgeport. This nutmeg retard earned a black robe from the deviant Dannel Malloy to promote destruction of society for the agenda of the chosen. Despite being educated at Holy Cross, this devil in disguise conceals Satan’s form under his black robe of justice. The moron cannot even recognize the power of federal law in his own district. He ignores civil rights deprivations to the harm of children in obedience to his nigger master of the Judicial Branch. Thomas Welch embarrasses his mother and father, mocks the rule of law of… Read More »Judge Thomas Welch, AJ

              State Extortion

                The over-educated blog staff has cause to explain the extortion racket run by the jewdiciary of Connecticut involving GAL fees. Recent publicity in the Ambrose case spotlights jew Attorney Jocelyn Hurwitz of the jewish law firm of Cohen&Wolf; her $180k+ worth of billed fees for providing nefarious legal representation of child’s best interest. No representation of due process, equal protection, or human decency, Jocelyn just represents the concept of best interests, not the children themselves. A jew scam. The GAL appointment is made by the ‘discretion’ of the court; whatever da fuck that means in legal terms will never be known. But over-educated blog staff observe that GALs are never… Read More »State Extortion

                The $100k GAL

                  Here is a quick look at the money games played by family court of Connecticut by use the the notorious Guardian Ad Litem in a divorce matter and how lawyers and judges conspire to defeat the state statutes governing the role of the court appointee. Meet Attorney Jocelyn Hurwitz of the evil jewish law firm of Cohen&Wolf. Jocelyn is the GAL in the Ambrose case, appointed in September of 2019 for three children for two unemployed parents. Jocelyn normally charges $500/hr for her jewdicial services, but she has graciously discounted her fee to $400, for no stated reason. Curious point is that state law applies a fee schedule for GALs… Read More »The $100k GAL