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Dr. Bruce Freedman


    Our dear friend and blogstar Annie Dranginis has outdone herself again! Under the guise of the practice of law, Annie attempts to shred the First Amendment in the name of Pullman&Comley to hide her courtroom antics from public scrutiny. Her excuse this time is that the INTERNET exists! Jews are never ones for respecting the elements of the First Amendment. It gives the goyim freedom to express historic displeasure with the chosen ones. The practice of law that upholds such protections is just annoyance to Annie and her friends on the bench. Pullman&Comley Chairman ‘Timmay’ Shearin proudly leads his firm as a domestic enemy of the Constitution. Even Livia Barndollar,… Read More »Annie!

    Jew Process

      Time to highlight the goofball ‘spic Judge Jose Suarez of Connecticut Family Court for his form of jew process of law. Not due process, as prescribed by the Constitution, but ‘jew’ process, unique to the zionists of family court. The miscreant judicial authority, sitting as a family court judge did apply King Solomon’s talmudic law to uphold the agenda of zionism against the gentile by relying on the jewish game of psychology, in complete defiance of the American concept of ‘rule of law’ and ‘due process. In family court there is no law. Just the unbridled tyranny of a zionist agenda designed solely to inflict emotional pain and suffering on… Read More »Jew Process

      Annie is at it again!!

        The queen jew of Connecticut Family Court, the pedo protecting, child trafficking, money grubbing Annie Dranginis is at it again….perverting the law and undermining the Constitution to traffic children.  The jew bitch on wheels has no limits when it comes to defeating the elements of a Christian society for her zionistic gains.  Remember, Annie is a retired judge, once head of the evil family court system, now in private practice at Pullman&Comley, the nastiest, corrupt, jewish law firm in Corrupticut. Annie’s game now is to defeat the First Amendment and the public’s right to scrutiny of what goes on in a public forum.  The jewdicial miscreants of family court prefer… Read More »Annie is at it again!!