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Truglia’s Threat

    The now-famous Blog ridicules the jew of Bridgeport, miscreant in a black robe, appointed to the bench as political consolation prize, banished to bowels of family court for being a fool at law, Judge Antoni Truglia wields his talmudic powers against the goy by threatening a mother with incarceration for the fault of a dysfunctional father-son relationship. Oi vey! Reality is by whim of the jew, constitutional protections ignored, rabbinical courts acting under edict of the talmud rule the land; Zyklon B relief required. The case is Campos v Campos, another financial feast for jew lawyer Lisa Knopf who milks dad, Joao Campos of Milford for lawyer feed, now in… Read More »Truglia’s Threat


      The now-famous Blog spotlights the manliness of Steven M. Manware of thin blue thugs of Madison Police Department, under the paedo leadership of Chief Jack Drumm. Manware claims to be a sworn law enforcement officer, trained in the criminal justice system, twenty years experience scarfing jelly donuts and crullers in New Haven, now six years of patrolling the mean streets of Madison, hunting down abused girls, dragging them back to their abusers. Manware demonstrates his lack of manliness and ignorance of the law in August ’21 when Mia Ambrose packed her wagon and walked away from Mad Man Christopher Ambrose, homosexual, paedo daddy who just can’t understand that kids are… Read More »Manware

      Chief Manchester Thug

        The now-famous, all-seeing Blog of the WORST kind spotlights the Thin Blue Donut Whore, Chief William Darby of Manchester Police, for his collar of a dad for knocking on a door to see if his son would like to play catch, a child brutally denied the past-time of playing catch with dad for a year, courtesy of the jews of Hartford family court, Leo Diana presiding childhood rapist. Upon complaint and alarm of crazy Francelia Sakon and sloth Dennis O’Toole, resident child abusers of little Odin Sakon, at 53 Benton Street, the great donut whore thugs of Manchester responded with blazing speed and powdered sugar, arresting dad for criminal conduct… Read More »Chief Manchester Thug

        Fraud Sticks!

          Superior Court of Connecticut rules that claim of FRAUD against jewdicial pet Dr. Linda Smith, PhD sticks in suit against her by a disgruntled litigant who was subject to her FORENSIC psychology, better known as voo doo custody evaluation; snake oil sold to the highest parental bidder. Yes folks, the wheels are coming off the family court gravy train of plunder and loot, court whores like Smith are facing blowback for peddling their jewish wares in the name of ‘best interests’. The suit is Sakon v Smith, where Judge Stuart Rosen upholds claims against Dr. Smith of FRAUD, CONCEALMENT, BREACH OF CONTRACT, UNFAIR BUSINESS PRACTICE. The charlatans of family court… Read More »Fraud Sticks!


            The Brigeport resident jewdicial ‘spic in a black robe denies First Amendment redress rights to peasants by applying the new jewdicial ruling of REJECTED to pleadings in rights, a true talmadic ideology dealt by Judge Eddie Rodriguez, a senior judge, exemplifying nigger boy Robinson’s commitment to fucking over a sovereign people for the pleasure of childhood rape! The now-famous Blog of the ‘worst‘ kind provides standard disclaimer: ain’t makin’ this shit up! The family court is wrestling with draconian orders by Dark Lord Gerard Adelman and Jew Jane Grossman, which isolated children from mother for three years in the Ambrose case, the kids had enough, ran away from Mad Man… Read More »Rejectez


              Attorney Chris Goulden of Milford, bottom of the barrel lawyerly scum of the Connecticut Bar, steps into Blog spotlight, representing blog star Christopher Ambrose in the ongoing drama of childhood rape, emotional pain, and overall misery of Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer, prisoners of a mad man who lives in an altered reality of script writing and make believe. Get popcorn! Four weeks ago, Mia voids jewdicial orders of child abuse, runs away from prison at 381 Horse Pond Road in Madison, knocking dad out of the running for father of the year award, exposing his pedo deviancy to the world by filing a sexual abuse complaint against him in juvenile… Read More »Goulden!

              More Conspiracy

                The jewdicial monsters of Hartford family court, blog stars Tammy!, Leo Diana, Robert Nastri, are now joined in federal suit for CONSPIRACY to deprive rights of little Odin Sakon of Manchester, denying dad hugs in name of jewish ideology of familial destruction, prohibited by federal law. Oi vey! The jews will not stop, anything possible is shat upon the goy to destroy parent-child bonds. The trio of tyranny is represented by the incompetent Alma Nunley of Willie Tong’s office of retards, who will pen a defense that the jews of family court are just doing what jews think best for goy … Constitution be damned! Judge Robert Nastri, an absolute… Read More »More Conspiracy

                Jew of Bridgeport

                  Anthony Truglia takes on the title of Jew of Bridgeport, like Venice, but more ghetto, the now-famous Blog star Judge Anthony Truglia wears his crooked nose with pride, taking a pound of flesh, or in the case of Gus Zucco, a pound of kidney to go with a sack of shekels, the sole god of the jew. The FrankReport covers the story of ungrateful pig Tracy Simms, her jewish lawyer Randolph Richardson, the jewish game of post-judgment plunder and loot; including a kidney! Now-famous Blog of the worst kind points out the significance of Connecticut’s intermediary appellate court, whose duty under Judge Not-so-Bright is to confer discretionary authority on his… Read More »Jew of Bridgeport


                    Judge Robert Nasty Nastri, black robed child rapist of Hartford, child trafficker and jewdicial buffoon, betrays the CONSPIRACY of Tammy! and Diana in deprivation of rights, shredding Fourteenth Amendment, and pissing on federal civil rights protections, all while raping childhood of Odin Sakon of Manchester, who has not played catch with his dad in over eleven months. The rabbinical, goy-hating, child-trafficking court doubles down in hearing this morning, where Judge Nasty Nastri vocalizes direction of jewish masters, proclaiming the COURT will not address discriminatory flaws of TAMMY’s discretionary orders that sever father-son bonds for no state interest. Judge Nasty Nastri thought no one was watching, that he could pick and… Read More »Conspiracy!


                      The now-famous Blog reports that Connecticut is planning to chop off little Royce Thaner’s dick in name of jewdicial deviancy and familial destruction. Courtesy of family court monsters like Judges Adelman, Simon, Epstein, Dyer, Frazzini, Caruso, Dolan, Taylor, Barall, Olear, Wetstone, Bozzuto, Prestley, Westbrook, Albis, Ficeto, Connors, TAMMY! Nguyen, Klau, with help from GALs Steve Dembo, Stacy Nobles, Kim Duel, Rhonda Morra, Attorneys Nathaniel Shipp, James Tyma, the kid’s manliness will end up in a jar of formaldehyde, never to be a father, his childhood raped and severed by deviant ideology, alien to humanity, but deemed the ‘best interests’ of jewdicial ideology, all courtesy of the sheeple of Connecticut who… Read More »Butchery!

                      Deichert’s Deceit

                        The now-famous Blog observes blog star Robert Deichert, assman to CT Attorney General, deceives sovereign nutmegs by filing disinformation in federal court on behalf of nutjob Judge Thomas Moukawsher. The legal beagles of Blog law department are howling at the comic attempt of overpaid ($145k/yr), undereducated Deichert to disavow existence of the federal Constitution. As always, d’Blog ain’t makin’ this shit up. Deichert finally files appearance for Mouk in the federal civil rights suit, which claims retards in black violate Fourteenth Amendment, wielding discretionary thuggery to disbar an attorney. No state employee can be instantly fired when boss is having a bad hair day, why are jewdicial authorities so special?… Read More »Deichert’s Deceit


                          The now-famous Blog of the worst kind happily reports Judge Gerard Adelman’s jewdicial discretion in the Ambrose case, which isolated children from mother, imprisoned by mad man Christopher Ambrose, resulted in Mia running away from the abusive situation, now in the loving care of her mother … all is well! Saturday afternoon saw a flurry of police activity at 381 Horse Pond Road, where five squad cars convened to hear mad mad man Chris Ambrose complain that his daughter is gone, texting him that she is running away, tired of the court induced physical, mental, psychological, emotional abuse that destroyed the last five years of her childhood. The donut whores… Read More »Runaway!

                          ADA Showdown

                            Judge Leo Diana, presiding jewdicial authority of Hartford family court has stepped in a pile of shit! He has set a hearing for a civil rights challenge to jewdicial discretion of the rabbinical court. Bring popcorn! The fun starts next Thursday, 10am, 4 May at 90 Washington. The ignorant jewdicial authority will hear how isolation of little Odin Sakon from dad for eleven months is a federal civil rights violation. Holy shit! The nutmeg jewdiciary is going to come face to face with the Bill of Rights! Blog legal department notes that the rabbinical court is cornered, trapped in its own delusional belief that ‘best interests’ void constitutional protections, the… Read More »ADA Showdown

                            Therapeutic Supervised Visitation

                              Now-famous Blog’s definition department spotlights jewdicial word-salad of the Connecticut family court in requiring unobtainable services to affect visitation between little Odin Sakon of 53 Benton Street, Manchester and his dad. Viet-cong terrorist Judge Tammy Nguyen specified unspecified service, not defined by the state, as a requirement of visitation, a jewdicial ploy to sever father-son bonds, inflame conflict, promote protracted litigation.  Little Odin has not played catch with his dad for the last ten months, not even a phone call, as mother Francelia Sevin employs the fruit of her womb as a weapon of vindictiveness against child’s father; all under the approval of paedophile Judge Leo Diana, master childhood rapist… Read More »Therapeutic Supervised Visitation

                              Jury Trial Demanded!

                                Blog Star Robert Deichert, assistant attorney general to commie chink Tong has stepped in a pile of shit! The ignorant minion of constitutional incompetence claims Judge Moukawsher determined family court is not a cesspool of jewish conspiracy to rape childhood, plunder savings, while inflicting maximum familial destruction for need of shekels by lawyers and vendors.  That allegation is ruled ‘false’ by discretion of a black robed retard, absent due process, a question of fact not adjudicated by a jury.  Oh shit … nigger boy Robinson is in a pickle.  The appellate court of rubber stamps under jew puppet William Bright cannot uphold ‘jewdicial discretion’ in determination of public perception of… Read More »Jury Trial Demanded!


                                  The now-famous Blog of the worst kind observes racketeering of Connecticut family court, a den of thieves, in conspiracy to defraud a father, by denial of justice, deprivation of rights, and plundering of bank, while raping six childhoods. The FrankReport is running a series of articles to expose the ‘craft of plunder‘ exhibited by judges, lawyers, therapists, state actors in the DiRubba divorce, where over $3M is extracted by the racketeers in full public view. The machinery of State government works to veil grand larceny in ‘best interests of children’, a jewish delicacy of trickery and deceit, while preying on children. Even the Cheshire Police conspire to execute false arrests… Read More »Racketeering

                                  Psycho GAL

                                    The now-famous Blog spotlights psycho guardian ad litem Sue Cousineau of Middletown, Connecticut for needing heavy duty psychotropic medication to keep her mental derangement in check, allowing her to properly function in fucking over families as appointed by jewdicial authorities in rape of childhood and plunder of family bank. Sue is so mentally deranged, she cannot properly rape and plunder absent heavy medication designed to make her appear normal to unsuspecting parents and children. The jewdiciary is well aware of Sue’s mental disability, major depressive disorder, preventing her from acting with empathy in respect of parent-child bonds. The monsters in black robes personally approve all miscreants on the statewide GAL… Read More »Psycho GAL

                                    Idiot Albis

                                      The now-famous Blog of the worst kind calls out Michael Albis for being a complete idiot, unfit to sit on the bench; a danger to children, an enemy of the Constitution, child predator, domestic terrorist, satan’s foot soldier, all rolled into the Chief Judge of Family Court, in cesspool Connecticut. Albis has amazing inability to recognize the cesspool’s own supreme case law on family matters, just making it up, blithering away in verbose opinions; lacking strict scrutiny required to protect fundamental liberties, purposefully inflaming conflict, familial discord, for the sole purpose of protracted litigation, attorney enrichment, and childhood rape, all while concealing his jewish roots and demonic appendage. This clown… Read More »Idiot Albis

                                      Crook Nancy Aldrich

                                        Blog star Attorney Nancy Aldrich, sleazy jewish lawyer out of Westport, Connecticut left a scented trail in the Ambrose case, picked up by sniffing legal beagles of now-famous Blog’s pedigree hound pound. Nancy did not expect public scrutiny in a public forum, exposing her conspiracy to commit fraud on the court, defeating judicial machinery designed to ensure equitable outcomes, exposing synagogue pals Jane Grossman and Gerard Adelman. The deceit is simple, but obvious. No-fault divorce is an administrative service provided by a secular state court to end a meaningless matrimonial bond derived from Church origins. The court holds statutory obligation to divide marital assets, disclosure by filing a sworn financial… Read More »Crook Nancy Aldrich

                                        Randall Hale

                                          Another horror story out of the Connecticut cesspool, where the criminal justice system plays along with family court to abuse mothers, feeding mentally defective mind of Randall Hale of Haddam, satisfying insatiable need to malign mother of his children, destroy childhood, play victim, while his man card expires, hating his own mother, caging kids, promoting perverse masculinity, conditioning son and daughter in demonic mother hatred; satan’s psychosis grips another mad man and his lawyers Robert Tukey and Paige Quilliam. The judicial destruction of the Hale family is orchestrated by usual judicial monsters:  Albis, Adelman, Diana, Armata, Moukawsher, and GAL Victoria Lanier. A case running for 1735 days; 1500 days post… Read More »Randall Hale