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Jews, Jews and more Jews

    The now-famous Blog highlights the jewish ideology permeating the anti-Christian drama of Kassenoff v Kassenoff in Westchester, NY recited in a jewish post in FrankReport, repeated below. Jewish Sociologist: Jewish Family Court Waged War on the Moser Catherine Kassenoff June 28, 2023 FR is still waiting for confirmation of Catherine Kassenoff’s death. Catherine Kassenoff is the daughter of the late Dr. Nazih Youssef, an oncologist. He was also a Coptic Christian, born in Egypt. Yousseff moved to England, where he met his wife, Heather Ann. The couple emigrated to Canada, where Catherine was born [1969] and finally to the USA in 1977. Catherine married an Orthodox Jew, Allan Kassenoff, who… Read More »Jews, Jews and more Jews


      The jews be mad! SCOTUS ruled that criminal speech does not turn on opinion of kikes who dislike goy expression, that claims of HOLOHOAX objectively upset the jews, make them fear for their pathetic victimhood, but are protected by First Amendment. Counterman v Colorado brought the curtain down on criminalizing scary words by reaction of a jew, a ‘true threat’ exception to 1A requires more than just a whining kike complaining like a whining kike. Another jewish ALI model penal code falls to the sword of justice, reminding kikes that the regulation of speech is withdrawn from the states with the Fourteenth Amendment, the end of Jeffersonian democracy. Little kike… Read More »Counterman

      Prospective Relief

        How do ‘we the people’ address rogue jewdicial authorities like Thomas Moukawsher of Connecticut? Redress by bullets or federal suit? Does Attorney General William Tong prefer bullets? According to AAG, blog star, Robert Deichert, bullets are preferred as Tong objects to civil redress in suit under the Enforcement Act of the Fourteenth Amendment. Let bullets fly! Deichert objects to peaceful resolution of disputes, inciting a free people to acts of violence to deal with Moukawsher’s tyranny of being accuser, trier, judge, jury, and executioner under the guise of jewdicial discretion in his illegal action of disbarring a zealous advocate for pointing out that family court is a jewish cesspool of… Read More »Prospective Relief

        Tucker’s Folly

          The now-famous Blog rolls on the floor laughing at miscreant assistant attorney jerkoff John Tucker, state paycheck sponge, under supervision of blog star William Tong, yellow chink commie, defending against suit in fraud attempting to play the IMMUNITY card to save quackster UCONN Health psychologist Damion Grasso from the financial sting of a jury verdict for participating in family court character assassination. AAG Tucker blows some frivolous smoke in the face of Judge Susan Cobb, claiming employment by the state provides immunity from tort for ‘the-rapist’ misconduct, Cobb is not impressed, denying the fabricated claim of immunity, putting Grasso on notice that he faces a jury for his shenanigans in… Read More »Tucker’s Folly


            The jews are at it again! US Attorney Mark Totten of Michigan, kike clown on puppet strings to Micky Garland is out to shred the First Amendment, enforcing kike mind control that any mention of community protection, anti-semitism, rabbit rifles, Tibetan good luck symbols, or the like will be met with arrest and incarceration, the FBI maligns any citizen who renounces the jewish agenda. Oi vey! The jews will not give up on their limitations of goy speak. Totten is a Yaley, a legal fuck up trained in anti-American ideology by rabbis of goy hate at the New Haven Yeshiva of Law. He is a kike sleeper cell, now activated… Read More »Totten

            Po’ Folk

              The vultures of Connecticut family court have codified a docket clearing statute for poor folks, those who have no money to feed the predators of the family bar association, highlighting again jewdicial cause that families with no money will not clog the docket of financial plunder, not waste profitable court time, not distract the jewdicial authority from appointed purpose of plundering bank and enriching lawyers. The alien chosen ideology in worship of shekels is laid bare in the new version of CGS §46b-44a, passed by the house and senate. The elements are purely financial. Two equal citizens, holding special status of little assets and no children to fuel a custody… Read More »Po’ Folk


                The big dumb nigger boy Richard Robinson, Chief Justice of Connecticut Jewdiciary can’t sleep at night, worried about sovereign response to pathetic conduct of untrained, uneducated, bottom of the barrel jurists he calls ‘judges’. Oi vey! Like this nigger is special because he is a nigger? The sovereign people are a threat to his sleep because he cannot run the judicial branch? When the silent mob, bearing torches in the night, draped in white, lynch tyranny from a sturdy branch of the Charter Oak, liberty will prevail; sleeplessness not an issue. The now-famous Blog, of the worst pure protected political prose takes aim at a dumb nigger, complaining about his… Read More »Sleepless

                Connecticut Flames

                  The devil’s only friend is fire, flames which consume all that is good. Connecticut is a wildfire of evil, incinerating all vestiges of an enlightened society, so evil that the devil’s foot soldiers masquerade as elected representatives, working from within government to turn the First Amendment to ash. The now-famous Blog of the pure, protected, political speech kind highlights subversive activities of the state legislature in conspiring to defeat free speech under the insane excuse of protecting rogue judges who work tirelessly in familial destruction, promoting alien ideology of the jew, by the Government Administration & Elections Committee. The attack on free expression comes in form of HB 6410, a… Read More »Connecticut Flames

                  Attractive Queer Nuisance

                    The now-famous Blog is humoured by the alphabet people of Brunswick, Maine in their insane desire to paint crosswalks in celebration of sexual deviancy while complaining of skid marks on the street. Oi vey! The town is just asking for another round of ‘vandalism’ on expressions of deviancy. Police Chief Scott Stewart can hunt hate skids again this year. Since when is a skid mark on a street vandalism? Only in Orwellian newspeak, by rabbinical rulers of modern ‘murika can queers make a fuss over skid marks, like rubbing gayness in the face of normal folks, who want nothing to do with perverts. Accolades to community leadership of Brunswick! Councilor… Read More »Attractive Queer Nuisance

                    Connecticut Paedophilia

                      The now-famous Blog of pure protected, political speech observes the paedophiles of the jewdiciary committee are happily promoting child rape by manipulating definitions of deviant sexual attraction to children. Corrupticut is the paedophile capital of New England, where the people’s elected representatives gaylee execute talmudic goals to make rape of goy kids perfectly legal. Sexual orientation will now include deviant desire to rape a child. The deviancy is proposed as a ‘bill’ by anti-Christian miscreants of the legislature: Jeff Currey, Hubert Delany, Gary Winfield, Dominque Johnson, Tom Delnicki. All deviants following a jewish agenda to crush humanity into an unrecognizable cauldron of dystopia, holding no moral purposes, no societal benefit,… Read More »Connecticut Paedophilia