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Jooish Family Court

    The now-famous Blog examines the conduct of Connecticut Family Court that exemplifies its jewish form, in all that is alien to American jurisprudence and way of life. Secret Bench Book The Secretary of the State holds copyright to a book that is hidden from the public. The bench book is listed in the Library of Congress Catalog, identifying Judge Support Services as publisher. The overpaid jewish attorney and executive of JSS, Deirdre McPadden ($173k) refuses to disclose it, as she has orders from a big dumb nigger in a black robe to conceal such from ‘we the people’ in defiance of the First Amendment. Only jews feel so empowered to… Read More »Jooish Family Court

    Ms. Magazine

      The now-famous Blog spotlights the pathetic journalism that covers the evil of family court. A bizare puff piece written by Amy Polacko, a self described ‘divorce coach’ babbles on about family court without identifying the cause. More kafkaesque allusions the ‘broken system’. Newsflash: Family Court works exactly as designed, it is not broken. Goy sheeple just cannot recognize the jewish purpose to destroy families and loot their savings, while enriching the chosen. Amy’s pathetic prose starts out with a pull quote stating that it is wrong to think the court will protect children. Well no shit! The court exists to devour children. Ancient jewish parasitic practices of sacrificing Christian babies… Read More »Ms. Magazine

      Ambrose: Part 16

        Continuing coverage from the FrankReport of the gut wrenching State rape of childhood in the Ambrose case, where Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer continue to be victims of jewish venom from a rabbinical court, designed for the sole purpose of enriching jew lawyers and their pals. True followers of the Prophet can only pray that the evil pentagram of jews Nancy Aldrich, Jocelyn Hurwitz, Jessica Caverly, Jane Grossman and the evil dark lord himself Gerard Adelman feel his holy wrath thru righteously cast stones, hurled by true believers, in his name, by his judgement to purge the evil from this world. Inshalla, motherfuckers! Ambrose Papers #16: Judge Moukawsher ‘Lacks Evidence’ to… Read More »Ambrose: Part 16

        Betsy Moukawsher

          The Town Clerk of Groton, Connecticut sleeps in the same bed as Judge Thomas Moukawsher, the presiding judge of the infamous star chamber known as Regional Family Trial Docket, where parents get fleeced and children get hurt. The now famous Blog is curious to know the type woman who sleeps with a child predator, a monster so evil as to uphold a 600 day forced isolation of three children from their mother. How does Betsy Moukawsher show her face around town, knowing that the public is aghast at her husband’s predatory behavior towards Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer? Betsy’s hubby has demonstrated his pedophile protective tendencies in full public view, holding… Read More »Betsy Moukawsher


            The FrankReport keeps up on the Connecticut Family Court scam of raping childhoods for lawyer feed. Here are two recent articles highlighting the the Corrupticut family court and the evil players who profit from destroying families and their children. A court system that only jews can be proud of. Judge Moukawsher Says Connecticut Family Court Is Rotten to the Core Guardian-Ad-Litem Ensures ‘Worst Interest of the Child’ But Best Payday for Family Court Lawyers

            Ruling Revisted

              The now-famous Blog has cause to call out errors in jewdicial rulings of family court, not that there is error of law, but failure of humanity. Everyone knows there is no law in family court, just the illusion of law. A jewish interest in trafficking goy kids for shekels. The legal beagles on Blog staff have chosen the nutty ruling by Judge Thomas J. Moukawsher in the disqualification proceeding of jew Judge Adelman for revision, in the light of Christian principles and absolute truth, rather than on citations of a psycho Army helicopter door gunner in a twisted movie about a pointless war in Vietnam, which ended nearly a half-century… Read More »Ruling Revisted

              Budlong, Osborne & Duell

                The conspiracy of the family bar racketeers Jonathan Budlong, Melissa Osborne, and Kim Duell game the family court to rape the childhoods of three gifts from God in the case Templeton v Kannon. Another example of jews playing the goy for shekels, 868 days of pointless litigation, tag teamed by 7 judges: Dolan, Wetstone, Caron, Gilman, Klau, Diana, and finally Moukawsher at the RFTD star chamber. The malicious conflict promoting Kim Duell ran up a bill of over $20,000! See the real purpose of family court … money for jews! Dewey, Cheatem & Howe Attorney Melissa Osborne represents the mother of three girls, Suzanne Templeton, while running up a ridiculous… Read More »Budlong, Osborne & Duell

                Tammy d’Idiot

                  The mental retardation of Connecticut family court judges is severe. Judge Tammy Viet-Cong cannot count. Her limited intellect cannot comprehend that 24 is greater than 13. She continues to preside over a long drawn out trial for divorce that was commenced in 2016 and is still not finished. The Sakon case may be the record holder for the longest running court drama (1915 days to date) for a simple, administrative, no-fault divorce. The firm of FreedMarcroft is the singular beneficiary to Tammy’s inability to manage a trial. Or as the now-famous Blog’s accountants suggest, Tammy is getting a kickback in return for dragging out the litigation for no purpose in… Read More »Tammy d’Idiot


                    Mentally deranged blog star Judge Thomas Moukawsher issues a decision admitting to a jewish conspiracy in the Connecticut Family Court. Blog editors confer the ‘Chicken Scratch’ award for the most rambling writing ever. But without the Nutmeg retards in black robes, there would be slim pickens for blog material and no machine guns. Historians understand ‘no-fault’ divorce is a jewish invention, created as an element of communism to destroy the concept of family, substituting the state for parents. Societies existed for thousands of years based on families, loving parents, and raising children without attacking marriage until the jews who collapsed Russian Orthodoxy implemented it in 1918. Revolutionary Bolsheviks were jews,… Read More »Conspiracy!

                    Rough Equivalent

                      The now-famous Blog’s expression experts expound upon the federal court’s interpretation of a ‘.50 cal to the head‘ as opined by Justice Breyer of D. Northern California, relying on Ninth Circuit precedent. As always, the juris prudence of Connecticut is at odds with the First Amendment and federal case law. Blog gives a shout out to Judge David Gold who infamously defeated 1A in Footnote 18 of his decision of felony conviction for an email that the dyke on the byke Bozzuto never received. FN18 claims that a ‘rough equivalent’ is the State’s standard for a true threat, proving that Gulag Connecticut does not recognize the Bill of Rights. The… Read More »Rough Equivalent

                      Cousineau d’Cunt

                        Jabba The Hut’s little sister is back on the public stage in Connecticut family court. This time Sue Cousineau is the lead actor in a drama to attack a real lawyer for zealously advocating for her client, where the conspiracy to defraud the court is exposed in the case of Reich v Reich. Ooops! Members of the family Bar association, unable to find gainful employment for the benefit of society, resort to fleecing family bank to feed themselves, pay the mortgage, and finance the BMW. Working together, opposing counsels along with the GAL rig proceedings to drag out litigation, run up billable hours, and enrich themselves by the criminal act… Read More »Cousineau d’Cunt

                        Tong’s Child Abusers

                          Highly paid demonic child predators employed by Connecticut Attorney General William Tong use public funds to promote child abuse and defeat efforts of a mother to protect her children. Meet Jessica Gauvin and Robert Deichert, pedophiles in the first degree. Robert Deichert ($133k/yr) uses the staff of the special litigation department to file 116 pages of legalese to defeat a mother’s effort to protect her children from the emotional and psychological harm inflicted by unscrupulous state actors. Jessica Gauvin ($152k/yr) is the AAG for child protection matters in New Haven, who tells Judge Bernadette Conway that AG Tong ($110k/yr) does not give a shit about the isolation of Mia, Matthew,… Read More »Tong’s Child Abusers

                          Patrick Carroll

                            The chosen secrecy of Connecticut Family Court is an abomination of justice, but this is Corrupticut, run by jews, for jews, where the goy don’t matter. The now-famous Blog spotlights Chief Administrator of the judiciary, Patrick Carroll, a fat retard who knows how to scam a free people, steal money, ignore law, and please his jewish masters. He is a puppet on kosher strings, as his power in jewland does not come on his pathetic Irish Catholic roots. A moron of such feeble character, he sells out his soul, betrays his faith, and the public for a few shekels and a pat on the head from his jewish masters. His… Read More »Patrick Carroll

                            Dickhead Deichert

                              The now-famous Blog confers the coveted title of DICKHEAD on Assistant Attorney General for Special Litigation, Robert Deichert, pedo protector, asshole, pseudo husband to Reneé, false father figure to daughters Ellie and Abby, now and forevermore, be known to all who read d’Blog as DICKHEAD. Blog readers are well aware of the high bar that goes along with the title of DICKHEAD, where Robert Deichert has exceeded in all categories. DICKHEAD DEICHERT demonstrates his pedo dickery in fucking over kids of the state in his absolutely insane pleading to dismiss a suit brought in protection of children, which is only filed because the State of Connecticut cannot protect children from… Read More »Dickhead Deichert


                                What is the liability to the people of the State of Connecticut for the misconduct of judges who separate children from mothers without a rational basis or sovereign interest? Time for the now-famous Blog to highlight the jewdicial dogma that holds remedy in the court of public opinion, federal court, and at the business end of the Second Amendment. Take Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer, three kids who fall under the parens patriae powers of the sovereign, where the people hold power, duty, and liability associated with their protection, as equally applied to all children. Liability begins when the family court in Bridgeport accepts the unprofessional opinion of a state licensed… Read More »Liability


                                  Judge Thomas Moukawsher is wrestling with the Dark Lord’s request to rule on his disqualification in the Ambrose drama. He spent the entire hearing today searching for items in the court record which show that Adelman’s impartiality is reasonably questioned. Moukawsher even asked for examples of other cases in which Adelman’s conduct shows a jewish pattern of abuse, especially against women and children. The now-famous Blog delivers. Adelman is such a monster that his orders in the Tittle case shocked the Chief of Family Court, Judge Lynda Munro to the point she stated on the record that Adelman’s orders are DRACONIAN. For the non-classical reader, Draco was an ancient lawgiver… Read More »DRACO

                                  Aldrich Speak

                                    Attorney Nancy Aldrich displays her jewish ability to speak word salad in response to Judge Adelman’s request to disqualify himself. The jewish practice of family law pursues only money, nothing to do with best thoughts for children or application of goy constitutional principles. Quick recap of the Ambrose drama is that Judge Robert Shapiro of Hartford Civil Court has an application for injunctive relief to protect Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer from the state abuse which keeps them isolated from their mother, for no state interest. Judge Bernadette Conway has shelved an abuse petition in protection of the kids in juvenile court, stating not my problem. AG Tong does not give… Read More »Aldrich Speak

                                    He’s Back!!!

                                      Woman beater, child predator, and Blog star Matthew Couloute is back in family court demanding sole custody of his abused daughter. He’s back to his old tricks of blaming everything wrong with his broken father-daughter relationship on others. Nothing is ever the fault of the great Couloute. Couloute and his buddy Attorney Ryan McGuigan left jew boy puppy cop, Brendan Danaher, hanging to face federal civil rights charges for perjury and falsifying information leading to the arrest of Couloute’s baby momma. He is out of friends in Connecticut, out of money in Georgia, out of work, feeds son of other baby momma with leftover food stamps, where the kid prefers… Read More »He’s Back!!!

                                      Ambrose: Part 15

                                        Connecticut Family Court just gets uglier and uglier. Rather obvious that the government of the people, for the people, and by the people has perished from the state, replaced with a dungeon of vile and villainy of totally jewish proportions. The local Bar association rapes families as their sole source of income. Jew judges play along, as it is obvious they get a slice of plunder. Why would anyone drag out a trial for 36 days over seven months, except to run up billable hours. Murder trials get done in less time. The state does not care if you are married or not, fertile or not, gay or straight, just… Read More »Ambrose: Part 15