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DDN Missouri Court Update

Daily Docket News is dedicated to shine light on the grave injustices taking place in the family court in multiple states including the State of Missouri. Our news coverage extends to the most devastated regions of our country with boots on the ground seeking out the truth. Each edition we run is focused on a different state where corruption runs deep. It has been a national scandal for decades in which family courts in this country systematically failed to protect our children from physical, emotional, and sexual abuse by predatory parents. What is equally scandalous is the silence on the coverage of this unimaginable atrocity. It is a dreadful reality of child trafficking through the family courts in the United States of America.

The Worst Interest of the Child, The Trafficking of Children and

Parents Through U.S. Family Courts

Book by Keith Harmon Snow

Keith Harmon Snow’s meticulously documented investigation into sex-trafficking of children by American judges is not to be missed. This scandal is one of the most important censored stories in our country today …

Daily Docket News legal team is following William J. Halaz III, Esq., with the infamous lawless secret society Missouri Court Mafia (MCM) law firm of Cordell & Cordell that specialize exclusively in representing extremely rich fathers with Pedophilia, Psychopathy and/or Criminal History, Like with all his cases, Halaz, with the law firm of Cordell & Cordell, following his company policy, will lie, cheat and steal everything from a mother, including the shirt off her back, using the corrupt court system as a cover, that follows no law, thus living up to the law firm of Cordell & Cordell company motto, ‘destroy every good woman by any illegal means’, by advocating for the father’s rights of rich pedophiles, psychopaths, and/or criminals. Halaz, with the law firm of Cordell & Cordell, will work tirelessly, day and night, representing the wealthy mentally disturbed sex offender. Halaz, with the law firm of Cordell & Cordell, is on a relentless, you could say psychopathic mission, devoting every minute of every day in creating a false narrative, and in creating a living nightmare, for a loving mother, by destroying her emotionally and financially, by stealing everything from her including, but not limited to, her children, her home and her bank account, thereby achieving Halaz’s, with the law firm of Cordell & Cordell, number one goal of leaving her homeless and living on the street. Cordell & Cordell are known statewide as a well-organized mother killing machine. Some of Halaz’s cases include:

Haynes v. Haynes, Case No. 13RI-CV00554, filed 12/10/2013, in the Ripley County Circuit Court;

Van Den Bergh v. Van Den Bergh, Case 15SL-DR05021 filed 08/29/2015 in the Saint Louis County Court;

Smith v. Smith, Case No. 21SL-DR05191 filed 10/20/2021 in the Saint Louis County Court;

Boyer-Meyerman v. Schmitz, Case 21SL-DR05671 filed 11/09/2021 in the Saint Louis County Court;

Kennedy v. Kennedy, Case No. 14SL-DR07146-02 filed 01/12/2022 in the Saint Louis County Court;

Fox v. Fox, Case No. 22SL-DR00915 filed 02/28/2022 in the Saint Louis County Court;

Perkins v. Perkins, Case No. 21SL-DR01008 filed 03/04/2021 in the Saint Louis County Court;

Essman v. Essman, Case No. 2011-FC01430 filed 10/08/2020 in the Saint Charles County Court;

Hummel v. Hummel, Case No. 2211-FC01113 filed 08/18/2022 in the Saint Charles County Court;

Daily Docket News legal team is following the McCloskey’s regaining their law licenses from MCM Alan Pratzel with the corrupt Office of Chief Disciplinary Counsel (OCDC).

Daily Docket News legal team is following another case of Missouri court corruption in the Tolu vs. Stientjes, Case 16SL-DR04088-02, filed 07/02/2020, in the Saint Louis County Family Court by Robert John Stientjes, Esq., who has relentlessly pursued six years of nonstop litigation against his former wife Evita Tolu ever since Tolu divorced Stientjes in 2016, after learning that Stientjes physically and emotionally abused her two sons, now adults, their entire lives, behind Tolu’s back. It must be noted, Tolu was never properly served in this case, but the court created a new law that personal service is no longer required in Missouri courts. Tolu entered this case with her limited appearance for a very narrow purpose. Stientjes continues the abuse of Tolu’s adult children by threatening and forcing them to attend every court hearing to watch the illegal bloody massacre perpetrated by Stientjes on their mother. Stientjes physically beat Tolu’s oldest son Alex almost daily as witnessed by Tolu’s youngest son Tony but were instructed by Stientjes to never tell their mother or he would kill them both and their mother. Both children grew up in extreme fear of Stientjes, their father, and were brain washed, Nazi style, from a very young age and are nothing more than controlled soldiers for Stientjes’ war on Tolu, a fight to the death, literally. Stientjes had regular anal sex with Tony by drugging him with a whole bottle of Nyquil prior to each rape. During their marriage, Tolu always wondered why Stientjes needed to sleep naked with one of her sons. In 2017, after Stientjes, Tony’s father, was not in their home anymore and feeling safe, Tony got up the nerve to tell his mother. Tony then filed sexual assault charges against Stientjes, his father, as confirmed by sources at the Olivette Police Department, who took the charges very seriously, and brought them before the Saint Louis County Prosecutors office. Like numerous other charges in a very long rap sheet, Stientjes convinced the Saint Louis County Prosecutor’s office to not pursue the charges, stating that both Alex and Tony are pathological liars. Appears the apples do not fall far from the tree. Like Tolu throughout her marriage to Stientjes, Alex and Tony have been horrifically abused and brainwashed by Stientjes, who has total mind control over them. Stientjes verbally abused Tolu’s sons daily calling Tony a fagot because he is gay and Alex worthless because he does not perform to Stientjes expectations. Stientjes disparaged Tolu in front of her sons daily, since they were babies, calling Tolu a worthless stupid communist, fucking cunt, dirty slut, my chattel, brainless bitch who needs a good dicking. Tolu asked Stientjes why he treats her this way in front of her children and his reply was “that’s how it’s done in America with dumb fucking immigrants.” Stientjes ordered Alex in 2015 to kill his mother with a baseball bat as witnessed by Tony. Tolu ran from their home to a woman’s shelter barely escaping with her life as Alex, a strong baseball player, narrowly missed Tolu’s head and put a large dent in her vehicle as she escaped. Tony witnessed Stientjes laughing while Alex was trying to kill his mother. Stientjes committed endless adultery during their entire marriage with multiple mistresses at any given moment in time. Stientjes brought home venereal diseases regularly blaming it all on Tolu for not keeping a clean house thus inviting germs. Stientjes did not allow air conditioning in the summer or heating in the winter because it cost too much money. Stientjes did not allow Tolu to use a washer and dryer but was forced to wash clothes by hand and hang them outside to dry. Stientjes watched Alex drowning in a lake and did nothing until Tolu, who cannot swim, called for help from a stranger. Volumes can be written on the abuse suffered by these two boys and their mother. Tolu was physically, emotionally, and financially abused by Stientjes the entire 14 years of their marriage but stayed in the marriage for her children’s sake, which in hindsight was Tolu’s biggest mistake of her life. Tolu regrets that she failed her children. After Tolu divorced Stientjes, Tolu learned that Stientjes, a tax attorney who at one time worked for the IRS, fraudulently filed their joint tax returns during the entire marriage by attributing all Tolu’s self-employment income to himself. Tolu found out in early 2017 that she had no credit history when trying to secure a bank loan. Tolu also discovered in early 2017 that she had no social security contributions during the marriage because she had no reported income to the IRS by Stientjes. Tolu, who had mistakenly trusted Stientjes during the marriage, was left with nothing. Stientjes stole everything from Tolu. Stientjes lied on his bar exam, has been sued by clients for stealing their money and reprimanded for threatening to kill an IRS agent. Stientjes took a plea deal with the IRS that he would enroll in anger management classes but never did and instead forged a certificate stating he did. Stientjes, in mid-2016, told Tolu that if she wanted, he would kill her now new husband for her, so they could get back together. Stientjes told everyone that he was still married to Tolu as late as 2020, four years after their divorce in 2016 and instructed Alex to do the same, even though Stientjes was secretly dating a woman, several years prior to their 2016 divorce, who is now his new wife and owns a chain of restaurants and is purportedly worth $650,000,000. After Tolu’s divorce from Stientjes in 2016, it was learned that Stientjes sold tax shelters, that he stole from the IRS while employed there, to the very wealthy and made tens of millions which Stientjes concealed in offshore bank accounts around the world to avoid paying any taxes. Stientjes brought Tolu into this latest motion to modify by filing false statements with the court accusing Tolu of draining their children’s college savings accounts which both Tolu and Stientjes contributed to equally during the marriage. Stientjes fabricated a story and told Alex and Tony that their mother was pure evil because she depleted all their college funds and that they are never to have any relationship with her ever again. Stientjes also lied to the court and stripped Tolu’s trusteeship of her children’s college savings which she fears will now be stolen by Stientjes leaving her sons with no way to pay for their college. Of course, the right thing to do, in the best interests of the adult children, would be to have a third party as trustee over the college accounts. Stientjes, who is estimated to be worth upwards of $350,000,000.00, is not stopping this legal abuse until Tolu is literally dead and buried, as he unsuccessfully tried to do during their marriage on many occasions. Stientjes is suing Tolu for full legal and full physical custody of their two adult sons who have moved away from home to attend college and are living on their own. Tolu does not want any custody of her adult children and didn’t even know there was such a thing as having custody of an adult. Stientjes is suing Tolu for child support of her two adult sons who do not live with either parent, after stripping Tolu of all her social security benefits by falsifying their joint tax returns during their marriage. In the present case, Stientjes was represented by Kristen K. Zurek, Esq. with the MCM law firm of Cordell & Cordell that specialize exclusively in representing extremely rich fathers with Pedophilia, Psychopathy and/or Criminal History, who decided to destroy Tolu by any illegal means, until Tolu discovered Zurek was knowingly falsifying numerous court documents as she does in all her cases. After Zurek was caught red handed by Tolu, who is pro se, the law firm of Cordell & Cordell went into protection mode and immediately replaced Zurek with William J. Halaz III, Esq., who continues to perpetrate the lies where Zurek left off. You don’t need a law degree to know what is going on. Like with Cynthia Haynes, in Haynes v. Haynes, Case No. 13RI-CV00554, filed 12/10/2013, in the Ripley County Circuit Court, Halaz, with the law firm of Cordell & Cordell, following his company policy, will lie, cheat and steal everything from Tolu, including the shirt off Tolu’s back, using the corrupt court system as a cover, that follows no law, thus living up to the law firm of Cordell & Cordell company motto, ‘destroy every good woman by any illegal means’, by advocating for the father’s rights of rich pedophiles, psychopaths, and/or criminals. Halaz, with the law firm of Cordell & Cordell, will work tirelessly, day and night, representing the wealthy mentally disturbed sex offender. Halaz, with the law firm of Cordell & Cordell, is on a relentless, you could say psychopathic mission, devoting every minute of every day in creating a false narrative, and in creating a living nightmare, for a loving mother, Tolu, by destroying her emotionally and financially, by stealing everything from Tolu including, but not limited to, Tolu’s sons, and Tolu’s small bank account after everything was stolen by Stientjes, thereby achieving Halaz’s, with the law firm of Cordell & Cordell, number one goal of leaving Tolu homeless and living on the street. Cordell & Cordell are known statewide as a well-organized mother killing machine. Are Tolu’s son’s precious young lives totally irrelevant to Halaz and Zurek, with the law firm of Cordell & Cordell? Is Halaz and Zurek, with the law firm of Cordell & Cordell, mentally disturbed? Are all Cordell & Cordell attorneys this mentally messed up or is it a prerequisite to work for this firm? Is Halaz and Zurek, with the law firm of Cordell & Cordell, sole purpose to destroy Tolu’s son’s lives, only to protect a sex offender, at any cost? Does Halaz and Zurek, with the law firm of Cordell & Cordell, think Judge Patrick S. Flynn is a complete idiot and will fall for this con-game or is Judge Patrick S. Flynn also a member of the MCM and will do their bidding? Does Halaz, Zurek and Judge Patrick S. Flynn have the best interest of the children? You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News team has received thousands of emails from our readership telling us about the horrific experiences they have had with various firms associated with the MCM and requested that we provide a list of these firms to the public in their hopes of helping other families who are seeking legal guidance, to steer clear of them. These firms will pretend that they are advocating for you and your children’s best interests, but the reality is they are only advocating for their bank accounts by taking yours. If you find yourself in the unfortunate grip of one of these firms, fire them immediately or suffer dire consequences of being swindled out of your entire wealth for nothing in return. If your ex-partner hired one of these MCM firms, you are screwed unless you have an honest firm representing you which are extremely hard to find if not impossible. Are these MCM firms aiding and abetting criminal activity? How much cash have these MCM firms laundered to offshore bank accounts? Are these MCM firms dangerous to society? Should all these MCM firms’ cases, past and present, be reviewed for judicial misconduct? Should these MCM firms be immediately shut down? Will Governor Michael L. Parson take the lead in exterminating the MCM by pushing change to Missouri laws in removing immunity from all court involved professionals like other state governors have done to protect their children? Are there any legislators in Missouri with a backbone, who will sponsor ‘MIKAELA’S LAW’ which has been largely ignored, or are they all spineless worthless self-serving public servants that must be removed from their office? Should every current Missouri Senator and House Representative be replaced when their term expires and only be remembered for their failure to protect Missouri children? You be the Judge. If your attorney’s firm is not listed here, chances are they soon will be. Below is a list of firms which we will keep updated with each edition:

1. Cordell & Cordell

2. Frankel, Rubin, Klein, Payne, & Pudlowski

3. Growe Eisen Karlen Eilerts

4. Jones Family Law Group

5. McCarthy, Leonard & Kaemmerer

6. Riezman Berger

7. Gillespie, Hetlage & Coughlin

8. Moss Pociask

9. Grant, Miller & Smith

10. Buxner Law Firm

11. Travis Noble

12. Schwartz, Herman, and Davidson

13. Carson Law Firm

14. Brodie Law Firm

15. Maness, Maness & Pennington Evans

16. Karsten & Bridges

17. Betz Law Firm

18. Center for Family Law

19. Llewellyn & Keene

20. Osburn, Hine & Yates

21. Marks Law Firm

22. Stange Law Firm

23. Carson Law Firm

24. Aranda Law Firm

25. Paule, Camazine & Blumenthal

26. Family Ally

27. Bardol Law Firm

28. Smith Law Firm

29. Kallen Law Firm

30. Cavanagh & Associates

31. Haefner Law Office

32. Coulter Lambson

33. Joseph A. Specter

34. Margot H. Beasley Law Office

35. Family Law Partners

36. Galmiche Law Firm

37. Amy J. Cantor Law Office

38. Hais Hais & Goldberger

39. Kathleen Shaul Law Office

40. Barbara Graham Law Office

41. Roberts Law Firm

42. Jill Puertas Law Office

43. Boehmer Law

44. Page Law

45. John Fenley Law Office

46. Jones Family Law Group

47. Marta J. Papa Law Office

48. Brian M. Faucett Law Office

49. Lampin Law Firm

50. J. Rench Law Firm

51. Hardin Law Firm

Daily Docket News legal team is providing the following partial list of the infamous 01-27-2021 Zoom meeting law firm, ‘Cash for Kids, LLC,’ corporate members, all in good standing, whose primary purpose is to extort money, thereby destroying any family they can get their greedy little hands on. Make no mistake, every court involved professional, including your own attorney, opposing counsel and the judge, are working extremely close together toward one common goal and that is to keep you prisoner of the Kids for Cash scheme until you are bankrupt. Every one of the names listed below has access to hundreds of other attorneys who will all fall in line to work with them on their cases and drain your bank account. The playbook is identical in every case that we have observed, numbering in the tens of thousands, and we have only touched the tip of the Missouri court iceberg. If any of these listed corporate members with the law firm, ‘Cash for Kids, LLC,’ are on your case, you must get rid of them immediately or suffer dire consequences of being swindled out of your entire wealth for nothing in return. A divorce done by honest attorneys and judges will take three to six months maximum. A divorce done by dishonest attorneys and judges will take three to six years minimum with many running ten years and longer depending on how much disposable income you are willing to throw away. See the 40 odd attorneys in action as they plot to destroy anyone who exposes their Kids for Cash scheme on the infamous 01-27-2021 Zoom meeting video link attached further down in this edition. Please share this with everyone you know who believes in ‘Child’s Lives Matter’. Are these attorneys aiding and abetting criminal activity? How much cash have these attorneys laundered? Are these attorneys dangerous to society? Should all these attorneys’ cases, past and present, be reviewed for judicial misconduct? Should these attorneys be immediately disbarred, and put behind bars? Will Governor Michael L. Parson take the lead in exterminating the MCM by pushing change to Missouri laws in removing immunity from all court involved professionals like other state governors have done to protect their children? Are there any legislators in Missouri with a backbone, who will sponsor ‘MIKAELA’S LAW’ which has been largely ignored, or are they all spineless worthless self-serving public servants that must be removed from their office? Should every current Missouri Senator and House Representative be replaced when their term expires and only be remembered for their failure to protect Missouri children? You be the Judge.

1. Cynthia Albin, Esq.

2. Ann Bauer, Esq.

3. David Betz, Esq.

4. John Bridges, Esq.

5. Maia Brodie, Esq.

6. Greg Brough, Esq.

7. Leigh Carson, Esq.

8. Kelly Chevalier, Esq.

9. Mary Davidson, Esq.

10. Amy Diemer, Esq.

11. Mathew Eilerts, Esq.

12. Charles Flynn, Esq.

13. Phelan Galligan, Esq.

14. Shevon Harris, Esq.

15. Colleen Hubble, Esq.

16. Venus Jackson, Esq.

17. Mark Kiesewetter, Esq.

18. Nicolette Klapp, Esq.

19. Beth Lewandowski, Esq.

20. Rachna Lien, Esq.

21. Henry Miller, Esq.

22. Arthur Nissenbaum, Esq.

23. Jennifer Piper, Esq.

24. Sarah Pleben, Esq.

25. Sylvia Pociask, Esq.

26. Elaine Pudlowski, Esq.

27. Lynn Reichert, Esq.

28. Sharon Remis, Esq.

29. Deborah Roeder, Esq.

30. Justin Ruth, Esq.

31. Lisa Sigmund, Esq.

32. Laura Stobie, Esq.

33. Kimberly Whittle, Esq.

34. Sarah Wilde, Esq.

35. Sarah Wittrock, Esq.

Daily Docket News investigative team has always known, government positions like judges, draw people who otherwise could not make it in the private sector. This is for a combination of reasons including, but not limited to, mental disorders, lack of intellect, lack of self-esteem, inability to communicate, and inability to find a good job, to mention a few. Most enter the civil servant position with good intentions but soon are swept up by the MCM. Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. It is extremely easy for people, who had a difficult life, to fall into the black hole of court judgeship corruption. The temptations are everywhere when there is full immunity and zero accountability. From being a nobody in society, most of these judges start to suffer from an incurable debilitating mental disease called God Complex. God Complex inflicts most of these civil servants in positions of authority and there is no known cure. The court system is severely broken and in need of a major overhaul. There is a dire need for superior vetting of candidates for these judgeship positions that make life changing decisions in people’s lives. Do you think Judges with mental disorders do not serve the publics best interests and must be immediately removed from the bench? You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News legal team continues to expose and report on corrupt Missouri judges even though it is common knowledge, as confirmed by our readership, most are. Judge Patrick S. Flynn, an honorary member of the MCM, who sells his court decisions to the highest bidder, appears to be suffering from acute God Complex. God Complex is an incurable mental disease that inflicts most all civil servants in positions of authority. Judge Patrick S. Flynn is one of the most lawless judges to ever sit behind the bench according to our readership. Judge Patrick S. Flynn is under investigation for ongoing extensive criminal activity. Judge Patrick S. Flynn fabricated, amongst countless other things, numerous criminal charges against elected Lincoln County Circuit Clerk which were all found to be blatant outright lies. Judge Patrick S. Flynn removed Lincoln County Circuit Clerk for two years but conveniently continued using taxpayers’ money to pay her. Apparently Judge Patrick S. Flynn spends more time playing with himself during his court hearings than listening to the court proceedings. Judge Patrick S. Flynn does not want to know the facts or the law in his cases. In fact, Judge Patrick S. Flynn makes up his own law on the fly totally ignoring state law. Judge Patrick S. Flynn screams at litigants and threatens them with jail if they do not do his bidding. Judge Patrick S. Flynn changes his court orders and has convenient memory loss of what he said in previous hearings. Judge Patrick S. Flynn alters court transcripts and docket entries. Now that dishonesty is being exposed, corrupt Missouri judges are being sued. Is Judge Patrick S. Flynn a perfect example of wasted taxpayers’ money? Does Judge Patrick S. Flynn have acute mental disorders? Is Judge Patrick S. Flynn aiding and abetting criminal activity? How much cash has Judge Patrick S. Flynn laundered from his courtroom and where? Is Judge Patrick S. Flynn dangerous to society? Should all Judge Patrick S. Flynn cases, past and present, be reviewed for judicial misconduct on his part? Should Judge Patrick S. Flynn be immediately removed from the bench, stripped of his government pension, and put behind bars? Will Governor Michael L. Parson take the lead in exterminating the MCM by pushing change to Missouri laws in removing immunity from all court involved professionals like other state governors have done to protect their children? Are there any legislators in Missouri with a backbone, who will sponsor ‘MIKAELA’S LAW’ which has been largely ignored, or are they all spineless worthless self-serving public servants that must be removed from their office? Should every current Missouri Senator and House Representative be replaced when their term expires and only be remembered for their failure to protect Missouri children? You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News legal team has always known that it was just a matter of time. Now that the dishonesty is being exposed, corrupt Missouri judges are being sued. This will be a multitrillion-dollar cost that the Missouri taxpayer will have to burden for many generations unless something is done now. It will undoubtedly bankrupt the State of Missouri. Right on the heals will follow Missouri attorneys who once thought they also had immunity. Missteps were made in past lawsuits, but much has been learned. It is our mission to expose and help bring to justice every dishonest Missouri attorney, no matter where they may hide. We know they masquerade as guardian’s ad litem (GAL), litigant attorneys, officers of the OCDC, judges from lower courts to the supreme court. Missouri children are being either sold, beaten, molested, tortured, raped, and/or murdered, as a direct result of a court involved professional’s conduct and they must all be held criminally responsible. Does every corrupt judge and every corrupt attorney need to be sued and disbarred? Will Governor Michael L. Parson take the lead in exterminating the MCM by pushing change to Missouri laws in removing immunity from all court involved professionals like other state governors have done to protect their children? Are there any legislators in Missouri with a backbone, who will sponsor ‘MIKAELA’S LAW’ which has been largely ignored, or are they all spineless worthless self-serving public servants that must be removed from their office? Should every current Missouri Senator and House Representative be replaced when their term expires and only be remembered for their failure to protect Missouri children? You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News legal team has been following the Haynes v. Williams et al, Case No. 1:21-CV-00160, filed 11/08/2021 in the United States District Courts, Missouri Eastern District Court. This wrongful death case alleges father, father’s mother, as well as the GAL Jennifer Williams and her law firm, like all other MCM GAL’s, including those on the 01-27-2021, Zoom meeting, do not have the best interest of the children but only the best interest of their offshore bank accounts. According to the wrongful death suit, Mikaela Haynes was threatened by GAL Jennifer Williams with placement into foster care or worse, placement with her rapist father, if Mikaela disclosed that her father had sexually abused her to anyone. If what Jennifer Williams did is in fact true, must she be immediately disbarred and charged criminally? You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News investigative team sadly knows that most all media avoid coverage of the holocaust being committed by the MCM against the most vulnerable, our children, but there are a few brave and honest reporters with balls, including Juliette Fairley with the Saint Louis Record, exposing deep state corruption at every level.

Daily Docket News has been flooded with positive responses from our readership praising us for exposing the corruption that runs deep in the Missouri courts. Our faithful followers are sickened by what is happening to Missouri children, whose lives are forever damaged or extinguished by court involved professionals, the likes of Elaine Pudlowski, Esq., guardian ad litem (GAL), with the MCM law firm of Frankel, Rubin, Klein, Siegel, Payne & Pudlowski, P.C. Those of us, who are not mentally disturbed, believe ‘Childs Lives Matter’ and are working 24/7 to save as many children as possible. We must all work together to eradicate the MCC that is destroying Missouri children. We can all agree that on behalf of the children of Missouri, a ‘BIG THANK YOU’ goes out to Governor Michael L. Parson for doing the right thing by stopping Elaine Pudlowski and putting a small dent in the MCM. This, by far, was one of the best decisions that Governor Michael L. Parson has ever made in his governorship. Children of Missouri can breathe a little easier knowing Elaine Pudlowski is not a judge but will still live in deep fear that she is still a GAL. Elaine Pudlowski must be permanently disbarred along with all those who conspire with her to traffic in children. We know of at least 40 other co-conspirators from the infamous, 01-27-2021, Zoom meeting, that must also be disbarred. There is no doubt in any parent’s mind, who had their children either sold, beaten, molested, tortured, raped, and/or murdered, as a direct result of a court involved professional’s conduct, be held criminally responsible. Will Governor Michael L. Parson take the lead in exterminating the MCM by pushing change to Missouri laws in removing immunity from all court involved professionals like other state governors have done to protect their children? Are there any legislators in Missouri with a backbone, who will sponsor ‘MIKAELA’S LAW’ which has been largely ignored, or are they all spineless worthless self-serving public servants that must be removed from their office? Should every current Missouri Senator and House Representative be replaced when their term expires and only be remembered for their failure to protect Missouri children? You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News investigative team has received several emails from very concerned honest Missouri GAL’s stating that Shevon Harris, Esq., is openly helping a group of MCM GAL’s, in her official capacity calling herself an officer of the OCDC, in protecting their Kids for Cash scheme from any investigation by the OCDC. Shevon Harris apparently will stop at nothing by using her OCDC power and influence to crush anyone who exposes the MCM. We knew that the OCDC was involved in corruption, but this takes it to a whole new level. We reported on the infamous, 01-27-2021, Zoom meeting where Shevon Harris advised the Zoom meeting attendees how to protect themselves from being investigated by the OCDC. Corruption at the OCDC has been running deep and unchecked for a very long time. Should Shevon Harris be disbarred for unethical behavior as an officer of the OCDC? Does the OCDC need a complete overhaul? Has the OCDC lost touch with reality? How can the OCDC be entrusted with the power to serve justice when they can’t even be trusted? Must the OCDC be stripped of their immunity and every officer held directly responsible for aiding and abetting Missouri children being sold, beaten, molested, tortured, raped, and/or murdered by MCM GAL’s? Will Governor Michael L. Parson take the lead in exterminating the MCM by pushing change to Missouri laws in removing immunity from all court involved professionals like other state governors have done to protect their children? Are there any legislators in Missouri with a backbone, who will sponsor ‘MIKAELA’S LAW’ which has been largely ignored, or are they all spineless worthless self-serving public servants that must be removed from their office? Should every current Missouri Senator and House Representative be replaced when their term expires and only be remembered for their failure to protect Missouri children? You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News investigative team must inform its readership that Elaine Pudlowski, Esq., with the MCM law firm of Frankel, Rubin, Klein, Siegel, Payne & Pudlowski, P.C., GAL days are numbered, which could not happen fast enough for the children of Missouri. Even though Elaine Pudlowski should not be a licensed attorney, she is apparently stepping aside from many of her cases as a GAL and turning her MCM position over to her 01-27-2021 infamous Zoom meeting buddies, to continue her legacy of exploiting children and destroying families. No, Elaine Pudlowski is not gone yet, but she is now taking an active role in the court by representing a parent of a child whose life she will destroy. Elaine Pudlowski will work in extremely close partnership with the opposing counsel, her MCM GAL buddies, judges, and all other court appointed professionals, to keep the Kids for Cash scheme running smoothly by milking the parties of their wealth using every illegal trick in the MCM playbook. All court players will get rich beyond anyone’s imagination. When will the OCDC man or woman up, and disbar Elaine Pudlowski? Why does the OCDC ignore thousands of bar complaints against Elaine Pudlowski and all her other Zoom meeting buddies? Is the OCDC afraid of Elaine Pudlowski and all her other Zoom meeting buddies because they have much dirt on the OCDC officers? Are the OCDC officers in bed with the MCM? Do the OCDC officers run the Kids for Cash scheme or are they aiding and abetting it? You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News investigative team found that Longtime Missouri Juvenile Officer was indicted on child sex trafficking charge.

Daily Docket News investigative team has uncovered alarming statistics that were reported on May 23, 2022, by a federal watchdog report. Of the 29,569 Missouri children in foster care, 1,780 are missing. Does anyone in the Missouri government care to know where these children are? You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News investigative team is delving deep into the fact that Missouri is a hot bed for sex by government employees, on government property, and on government time. This has been reported by our readership time and time again. We all know this is nothing new. It apparently is commonplace at all levels of the Missouri government including the state capital and yes, judge’s chambers. It is no wonder Missouri judges traffic children through the courts. We even have reports of judges masturbating behind the bench during court proceedings. Fallout after the abrupt resignation the other week of County Executive Sam Page’s chief of staff continued, with one County Council member accusing unnamed “politicians” of sharing sex videos “like popcorn at a movie theater” and another calling for legislation to bar county employees from engaging in sexual acts on county property. How is it that the Missouri legislature can create laws to ban government employees from engaging in sex acts during work hours on government property but snub their nose at protecting Missouri children from being sold, beaten, molested, tortured, raped, and/or murdered by the MCM. Sam Page, in first public comments on top aide’s resignation, calls sex video ‘wrong’ but when asked about the Kids for Cash scheme running rampant, Sam Page had no comment. Is Sam Page a pedophile? We all know Missouri laws are never enforced, especially banning sex on government property by government employees during government time. What else are government employees to do with their time during office hours? What a waste of government taxpayer’s dollars. Should the Missouri legislature create a law banning judges from masturbating behind the bench during court proceedings? What about protecting Missouri children from these pedophiles? Are there any legislators in Missouri with a backbone, who will sponsor ‘MIKAELA’S LAW’ which has been largely ignored, or are they all spineless worthless self-serving public servants that must be removed from their office? Should every current Missouri Senator and House Representative be replaced when their term expires and only be remembered for their failure to protect Missouri children? You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News legal team is currently digging deep into ongoing cases involving corrupt forensic psychology evaluators like James D. Reid, Ph.D., who continue to fulfill their corrupt part in the Kids for Cash scheme by writing fake evaluations, destroying evidence, and by helping GAL’s squeeze the last dime from every child’s parent bank account. Only money drives dishonest people like James D. Reid, Ph.D. All Missouri children fear James D. Reid, Ph.D., who sadly believes that ‘Children are but an unfortunate casualty of the MCM’. We are finding forensic psychology evaluators like James D. Reid, Ph.D., are being illegally appointed by corrupt judges over and over without a formal hearing. The corrupt judge sights the appointment pursuant to Rule 60.01. Any order under this Rule 60.01(a) may be made only on motion for good cause shown, upon notice to the person against whom the order is sought and to all other parties. The necessity of a motion as an express condition to entry of a Rule 60.01(a) order is consistent with the fact that Rule 60.01 is an authorized means for conducting discovery whereby one party asks another party to submit to a physical or mental examination by a privately retained expert of the party who seeks such an appointment. Such expert shall be deemed the witness of the party procuring the examination unless called as a witness in court by the opposing party. For the MCM to operate smoothly, corrupt judges do not abide by Rule 60.01 as it was written because judges are immune. MCM judges do not follow any Missouri law that would inhibit them from profiting from the Kids for Cash scheme. In Evita Tolu v. James D. Reid, PH.D. et al, Case No. ED109721, filed 06/14/2021, in the Eastern District Circuit Court of Appeal, the court held that there are no statutes or rules that authorizes a trial court to appoint a psychiatrist or psychologist to serve as the court’s independent mental health expert in dissolution or child custody proceedings. Court corruption continues unchecked and as a direct result, Missouri children continue to be sold, beaten, molested, tortured, raped, and/or murdered. Will Governor Michael L. Parson take the lead in exterminating the MCM by pushing change to Missouri laws in removing immunity from all court involved professionals like other state governors have done to protect their children? Are there any legislators in Missouri with a backbone, who will sponsor ‘MIKAELA’S LAW’ which has been largely ignored, or are they all spineless worthless self-serving public servants that must be removed from their office? Should every current Missouri Senator and House Representative be replaced when their term expires and only be remembered for their failure to protect Missouri children? You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News investigative team learned the unthinkable in an injury-malpractice case, Evita Tolu v. James D. Reid, PH.D. et al, Case No.20SL-CC04680, filed 09/10/2020, in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court, in which James D. Reid, Elaine Pudlowski, Esq., Jennifer Webbe Van Luven, LCSW and Fitzgibbons Psychological Associates were all alleged to have violated numerous laws. Judge Steven R. Ohmer found wrongdoing by all defendants but ruled all was irrelevant because immunity governs all court involved professionals. Upon appeal, in this injury-malpractice case, Evita Tolu v. James D. Reid, PH.D. et al, Case No. ED109721, filed 06/14/2021, in the Eastern District Circuit Court of Appeal, the court found wrongdoing by all defendants but ruled all was irrelevant because immunity governs all court involved professionals. This is but one example of how state immunity from any responsibility is at the core of how court involved professionals can run the Missouri Kids for Cash Institution and go unchecked. It is also clear that the infamous, 01-27-2021, Zoom meeting, spearheaded by Elaine Pudlowski, primary goal was to influence all judges on this lawsuit. Will Governor Michael L. Parson take the lead in exterminating the MCM by pushing change to Missouri laws in removing immunity from all court involved professionals like other state governors have done to protect their children? Are there any legislators in Missouri with a backbone, who will sponsor ‘MIKAELA’S LAW’ which has been largely ignored, or are they all spineless worthless self-serving public servants that must be removed from their office? Should every current Missouri Senator and House Representative be replaced when their term expires and only be remembered for their failure to protect Missouri children? You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News investigative team received a tip from a OCDC whistleblower who provided the Missouri Bar’s criteria for disbarment. If attorney #1 is reported to the OCDC, by a Missourian, involved in child trafficking, drug dealing, money laundering, and/or ethics violations, the OCDC takes the position that they have no jurisdiction over that attorney #1. If an attorney #2 is reported to the OCDC, by a Missourian, for exposing child trafficking, drug dealing, money laundering, and/or ethics violations by attorney #1, the OCDC takes the position that they have jurisdiction over attorney #2 for discipline and/or disbarment. The MCM runs deep in Missouri and the rule of law does not exist. Lady Justice moved out of Missouri decades ago because she was not welcome. The Missouri court system must be purged now of the cancer that is destroying the very fabric of society or we all will suffer its wrath. How much time do we have left if we do nothing? You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News investigative team wants to thank everyone who participated in having corrupt Saint Louis County Circuit Court presiding Judge Michael D. Burton removed from his position. A farewell party was held on August 5th, 2021, with a few of his closest MCM members in attendance including Elaine Pudlowski, Esq., with the MCM law firm of Frankel, Rubin, Klein, Siegel, Payne & Pudlowski, P.C., who represented all corrupt guardian’s ad litem and Kristin Zurek, Esq., with the MCM law firm of Cordell & Cordell, who represented all corrupt litigant attorneys. Do you think anyone in attendance was at all worried to be seen associating with this cabal who profit from children being sold, beaten, molested, tortured, raped, and murdered for the sole purpose of fattening their offshore bank accounts? You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News investigative team has found that not all judges in Missouri appear to be involved with the MCM. We have had favorable reports from litigants of fairness and the following of constitutional, and state laws. These honest judges include Kristine A. Kerr, John F. Newsham, Stanley J. Wallach, and Mary E. Ott who, if you are one of the very few lucky litigants, experienced how a real court is conducted in America. Unfortunately, for most litigants, a fair day in a Missouri court is anything but fair when the scales of justice are always tipped against the most vulnerable. These colluding vultures, who masquerade as officers of the court including, but not limited to, judges like Michael D. Burton, John H. Shock, Eric D. Eighmy, Patrick S. Flynn, Gary A. Kamp, Sandra Farragut-Hemphill, Robert M. Heggie, Nicole S. Zellweger, Thomas J. Frawley, Steven R. Ohmer, Renée Hardin-Tammons, John R. Lasater, Julia P. Lasater, Mary W. Greaves, Victoria M. McKee, Victor J. Melenbrink and court appointed forensic psychology evaluators like James D. Reid, Ph.D., with the firm of James D. Reid, Ph.D., Stacie Bunning, Susan Sanderson, and court appointed guardians ad litem like Elaine Pudlowski, Esq. with the MCM law firm of Frankel, Rubin, Klein, Siegel, Payne & Pudlowski, PC, Sarah S. Pleban, Esq., Arthur Nissenbaum, Esq., and court appointed therapists, like Jennifer Webbe Van Luven, LCSW, with West County Psychological Associates, as well as most family law attorneys representing the Petitioners and Defendants, work as a team against the parties. We estimate that ninety-eight-point nine percent of all Missouri attorneys are members, in good standing, of the MCM. Currently, several lawsuits are about to be filed in federal court against the MCM judges, who are key players in the Kids for Cash scheme that has been running underground in Missouri for decades. Who is aiding and abetting Missouri children to be sold, beaten, molested, tortured, raped, and murdered for the sole purpose of fattening their offshore bank accounts? How involved is the Missouri Governor? How involved are the Missouri Supreme Court judges? How involved is the Missouri Bar? How involved are the Missouri state prosecutors? How involved are the Missouri Senate members? How involved are the Missouri House members? Why are good judges being pulled from certain cases and replaced with MCM corrupt judges by the Missouri Supreme Court? If officers of the court and the people we elect to run the state are not taking a proactive role in being part of the solution in protecting the children, are they in fact part of the horrific problem? You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News investigative team has long speculated but now has irrefutable proof that the Missouri Supreme Court is fully in support of the MCM. It is completely clear that the Kids for Cash scheme would not exist as a well-established Missouri institution without the blessing and full cooperation of every judge sitting on the Missouri Supreme Court. Missouri has good laws, but the MCM does not follow them because the MCM has immunity. Crimes are being committed daily in every Missouri court room by the MCM with no consequences. These crimes are being committed against the most vulnerable, our children, and there is zero accountability. Missouri courts are breeding grounds for pure evil to thrive. Why are there guidelines to punish Missourians for breaking the law but no guidelines for the MCM breaking the law? Why is the local media choosing to ignore child abuse by the court system? Could the MCM be all mentally unstable the reason why they take advantage of the most vulnerable? Would someone in their right mind take advantage of minor children for self-gratification? Where do Missouri children turn for protection from this child trafficking institution? Why has the Missouri House and Missouri Senate abandoned the children? Why is the Governor of Missouri hiding from the fact that he rules over one of the most heinous legalized child trafficking states in the nation? Why are the people we elect to protect our children, instead thirst for power by exploiting our children for their own personal gain? Does anyone in the Missouri government hear the children begging for a little compassion? When a child cries for help, is there anyone in authority they can turn to? Do you approve of your tax dollars going to support the Missouri Kids for Cash Institution run by the MCM? Are you a taker like the MCM or are you a giver and want to help a child? Will you take a stand and help put a stop to the destruction of future generations? Do we need to teach our children not to trust anyone in a government paid position? Is the Missouri government a child’s worst enemy? You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News investigative team has uncovered a sinister plot by the OCDC who has an ongoing campaign that has run unchecked for decades threatening Missouri licensed attorneys, who are helping Kids for Cash victims, with disbarment if they try to stop their well-organized child trafficking scheme. The OCDC has maliciously disbarred countless attorneys over that last number of decades by falsifying documents. Our suspicions that the OCDC was corrupt and involved with the MCM, have been verified. Shevon Harris, Esq., who runs shotgun for the OCDC is one of the masterminds for dismissing all complaints against the MCM players and was a front and center coordinator in the Zoom video, apparently self-shot on 01-27-2021 and self-released on 02-10-2021, depicting a plot to destroy any media coverage of MCM wrongdoing, as well as the eradication of any litigant who gets in the way of their profiting in the Cash for Kids, LLC scheme. Over many decades, the OCDC has thrown out countless bar complaints filed against the MCM players who clearly violated numerous laws knowing that their actions directly resulted in children being sold, beaten, molested, tortured, raped, and murdered for the sole purpose of fattening their offshore bank accounts. In recent months, a countless number of Bar Complaints were filed with the OCDC against dozens of guardian’s ad litem but were magically all dismissed by the OCDC who claimed they did not have jurisdiction over this alleged corrupt guardian’s ad litem. Is this just more damning evidence of the OCDC corruption in protecting the MCM? Why does the OCDC think they are above the law by colluding with over 38 officers of the court, including members of their own OCDC, in their self-produced video, calling themselves Cash for Kids LLC, and secretly raising tens of thousands of dollars to specifically destroy litigant Evita Tolu in her Case No. 20SL-CC04680 as well as any journalist that dares to expose their child trafficking scheme? Could the death threats Tolu and other litigants have been receiving since filing their lawsuits be originating from and/or being coordinated by the OCDC to protect the MCM? Does the OCDC need to be disbarred? Does the Missouri Supreme Court care about what appears to be clear lawlessness in the OCDC? This alleged scheme appears to be coordinated and sanctioned by the Missouri Supreme Court. We are led to believe that Missouri Supreme Court Judges work as civil servants, but who do they really work for? Why has this apparent corruption gone unchecked for decades? Like the unborn, why do children in Missouri have no rights in the eyes of the law? Why are Missouri children expendable in the name of profit for the MCM? Why do Missourians allow the genocide of Missouri children by the MCM? Why does the local media refuse to report and seemingly have no interest in the plight of Missouri children? Of the nearly 400,000 children that vanish without a trace in the United States each year, how many of them does the MCM take full credit for? How much money was laundered and funneled to offshore bank accounts by the MCM from each lost soul? You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News has witnessed repeatedly that the playbook is identical in every case involving the MCM players. Take the good parent and portray them as bad while taking the bad parent and portray them as good, thus creating conflict which results in huge bills being generated by all MCM players and running the scheme indefinitely or till one of the parties is bankrupted. The MCM judge’s role in all this is to step back and let the rest of the MCM players manipulate the parties by breaking every law in the Missouri kangaroo court because they have immunity therefore anything goes. None of this would be possible if the laws were adhered to. This well-established Missouri Institution, known as Kids for Cash, is a win-win for the MCM. The casualties of this multibillion-dollar Missouri Institution are the children who are being sold, beaten, molested, tortured, raped, and murdered, which in the eyes of the Missouri government is a small price to pay for a fat laundered offshore bank account for each officer of the court. Should the MCM players be convicted of their crimes and their ill-gotten assets seized to pay reparations to the child victims whose lives have been forever destroyed by their lawlessness? You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News investigative team reported last year on the former Saint Louis County Court presiding Judge Michael D. Burton’s involvement with the MCM. Since former Judge Michael D. Burton’s sent his first set of emails to the members of the MCM, viciously attacking litigant, Evita Tolu, in Tolu vs. James D. Reid, Ph.D., Elaine Pudlowski, Esq., Jennifer Webbe Van Luven, LCSW, and Fitzgibbons Psychological Associates a/k/a West County Psychological Associates, Case No. 20SL-CC04680, filed in the Saint Louis County Circuit Court on 09/10/2020, the government had no choice but fire Judge Michael D. Burton. Judge Michael D. Burton, along with the Missouri Bar and the rest of the MCM including Elaine Pudlowski, Esq. with the MCM law firm of Frankel, Rubin, Klein, Siegel, Payne & Pudlowski, PC, decided they would destroy Tolu by any means, including a plot to disbar her with fabricated evidence and even resorting to death threats if she did not withdraw her lawsuit. Fired Judge Michael D. Burton thought that his two plus decades run, heading up the Saint Louis faction of the MCM was unstoppable, but little did former Judge Michael D. Burton knows that he, along with the Missouri Bar and the rest of the MCM faction, have been and continue to be under federal investigation. Suspiciously and out of nowhere, Judge Michael D. Burton announced, at the 21st Circuit Townhall meeting held on June 16, 2021, that he would be vacating his civil servant position as presiding judge in August 2021 and immediately leave the State to parts unknown or perhaps he is fleeing to a country where there is no extradition. Why would Judge Michael D. Burton suddenly pull out and flee when he was at the top of his game laundering millions each year? How much money did Judge Michael D. Burton make running the Saint Louis Chapter of Kids for Cash? Should Judge Michael D. Burton ill-gotten assets be seized to pay reparations to the victims of the MCM? Did it get too hot in the kitchen for Judge Michael D. Burton? Why would Judge Michael D. Burton abruptly liquidate his ill-gotten assets and runs? Is Tolu’s life, that was threatened by the MCM and in imminent danger, the reason why Judge Michael D. Burton is on the run? Does Judge Michael D. Burton and the Missouri Bar need an alibi when Tolu is found murdered by the MCM? What does the Missouri Supreme Court know and when did they know it? You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News investigative team has long pondered what is going on in the Missouri judicial system. Why are elected representatives of the public and the local media are turning a blind eye to Missouri children who are being sold, beaten, molested, tortured, raped, and murdered in the name of profit by the lawless secret society of the MCM? If they are not part of the solution, then they are part of the problem. We have found that no child is safe anywhere in Missouri from the MCM. We have thought long and hard on why this is happening. The only explanation we can offer is that a pedophilic cancer has taken root in Missouri and consumed the judicial system as well as the local media over the last number of decades. Missourians evidently have grown up to accept child abuse as the norm since it appears to be commonplace in most Missouri households. This can be the only answer to why Missouri children go on being abused in the Missouri judicial system with full approval by the local media. Only the people who were not raised as children in an abusive environment think otherwise. Statistically, most abused children go on to abuse as adults. The MCM is creating future social problems for Missouri and the local media approves. As we cannot find any other explanation for what is going on with the Missouri judicial system, we must conclude that the MCM and the local media are made up of adults who were abused as children. The MCM has mastered a well-oiled machine, under color of law, to make billions of dollars in profit off the backs of innocent child victims who cannot fight back. Under the Missouri constitution, none of this would even be possible except for the fact that the MCM does not follow the Missouri constitution or any law for that matter because the MCM have full immunity which means the MCM does not have to follow any law. It is a win-win for the MCM who are accountable to no one. Our forefathers created a great judicial system that works for the most part but only with honest officers of the court who follow the law. We no longer have honest officers of the court in Missouri and have not had them for many decades. There is absolutely no reason to be honest when there is full immunity. In fact, it has been proven time and again that full immunity incentivizes corruption. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The MCM have written their own constitution over the last number of decades and the citizens of Missouri are not a part of the MCM constitution, but only a never-ending source of revenue. The reality is that the injustice reaches far beyond the family court to every court in Missouri. Sadly, justice for all no longer exists in Missouri and has not existed for an exceptionally long time. Where do Missourians go for justice? Will children ever be safe in Missouri? Why does the local media stick their heads in a hole and pretend none of this exists? Should families with children move out of Missouri to one of the many states that do not have immunity for officers of the court? Since the courts will not uphold the laws, do Missourians need to overthrow the government? Has it come to a point that Missourians must take the law into their own hands to provide a safe place for children? Are the MCM days numbered? Should the MCM members be sentenced to life without parole and their assets liquidated to pay reparations to the victims and the families they destroyed over the last number of decades? You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News investigative team has uncovered that the Missouri courts are maliciously not posting on the flood of lawsuits being filed against the MCM. These MCM child predators waive all judicial immunity by virtue of not upholding the State Constitution or its laws. Why would MCM hide their corrupt behavior from the public eye? Over the last number of decades, how many children has MCM sentenced to a life of torture and how many children has MCM sentenced to death? Does MCM care about the carnage they have inflicted upon the next generation of Missourians or do they only care about the endless stream of cash being laundered into their offshore bank accounts to evade the IRS? Missouri has laws to protect the victims of this all-out assault, but those laws are not being upheld by the MCM. This alleged scheme appears to be coordinated and sanctioned by the Missouri Supreme Court. We are led to believe that Missouri Supreme Court Judges work as civil servants, but who do they really work for? Why is there no accountability for the MCM players like there is accountability for the rest of Missourians for similar crimes against humanity? Immunity for the MCM must be removed and it must be removed today because like George Floyd, Our Children Can’t Breathe. Absolute Power in the Court, Corrupts Absolutely. The lawmakers in Missouri must wake up and do what they were elected to do which is to protect the vulnerable. Missourians need politicians with guts to do what is right for our children by removing immunity from all officers of the court as it has been done in other States and not what is right for the bank accounts of the MCM. Does the Governor of Missouri, the United States Senators of Missouri, the United States House of Representatives of Missouri, the Missouri Senate and House members and the Missouri local media sleep at night knowing that our children are being sold, beaten, molested, tortured, raped, and murdered by the MCM? Does the Federal Government need to step in and clean up the Missouri Holocaust? You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News investigative team covered a press conference that was held on April 20th, 2021, by a few of the thousands of ‘Kids for Cash scheme’ victims, in front of the Saint Louis County Courthouse which is one of the most corrupt courts in the United States, to tell their horrific stories of child trafficking by the MCM. Parents, as well as child victims, told their bloodcurdling stories of victims being sold, beaten, molested, tortured, raped, and murdered allegedly by MCM. Some of the local media begrudgingly showed up, including KTVI, KMOV and KSDK, with their cameras rolling but unexplainably decided not to air this one-hour long press conference or any portion thereof. Saint Louis Post-Dispatch, National Catholic Reporter, Riverfront Times, Saint Louis Review and Saint Louis American were a no show. Unfortunately, these media outlets, and we use the term loosely, have been ignoring the heinous crimes being committed by the MCM for decades. The only explanation we can offer for zero reporting by the local media, who has always known about the deeply embedded corruption of child trafficking by the MCM, is that they give organized crime two thumbs up. If the local media is not part of the solution, then they are part of the problem. By virtue of covering up for the alleged crimes being committed by the MCM, could every one of these media outlet employees in fact be an accessory to every past and future crime? Do these media outlets approve of the MCM corruption? Why do you think these media outlet employees refuse to tell the victim’s stories? Do these media outlet employees condone child trafficking by the MCM? By suppressing the victim’s truth, are these media outlets participating in the MCM cover up? Why would these media outlet employees hide the truth from the public? Do these media outlet employees approve of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse of children by the MCM? Do these media outlet employees profit from the alleged Kids for Cash scheme? How much money is laundered from the MCM to the pockets of these media employees to be silent? Do the media outlet advertisers know their ad dollars allegedly support trafficking of children by the MCM? What do you think the advertisers would do if they found out these media outlets support the MCM? Would these advertisers immediately pull their ads? Do these media outlet employees realize that by not educating the public on these atrocities committed by the MCM and instead sticking their heads in a hole like an ostrich, they are in fact aiding and abetting alleged child trafficking by the MCM? Do you think these media outlets and their employees know that their current inactions are helping the embedded MCM child predators fulfill their twisted thirst for young flesh? Do you think these media outlets and their employees know that each day that goes by suppressing the victim’s cries for help, countless more child victims are sold, beaten, molested, tortured, raped, and murdered allegedly by the MCM? Do you think these media outlets and their employees can be held liable and sued by the victims for covering up the ‘Kids for Cash scheme’ for decades? We teach our children that if they see something, say something. It is irrefutably clear that all Missouri media saw something and said nothing. Are all Missouri media teaching our children that their voice means absolutely nothing and their cries for help will go unanswered? You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News investigative team found that journalists, Megan Fox from New York, and Michael Volpe from Chicago took time out of their extremely busy schedules to fly to Saint Louis specifically to cover this historical news event on April 20th, 2021, in front of the Saint Louis County Courthouse because they knew Saint Louis media do not care about ‘Child’s Lives Matter’. The local media will not tell you about the crimes being committed against children by the MCM, but that will not stop the world from knowing what is going on in Missouri. We are now learning that the Kids for Cash scheme players have blood on their hands from the countless children who could not take being molested by the MCM any longer and sadly committed suicide, as well as the countless children who have been murdered by the MCM who knowingly took custody from the good parent and knowingly gave custody to the bad parent. This alleged scheme appears to be coordinated and sanctioned by the Missouri Supreme Court. We are led to believe that Missouri Supreme Court Judges work as civil servants, but who do they really work for? Please share the link below with everyone you know who believes in ‘Child’s Lives Matter’.

Daily Docket News investigative team found that Missouri Courts, have been hijacked by the MCM and we the people must act now before this country is destroyed and we end up like the former Soviet Union if we are not already there.

Daily Docket News investigative team has uncovered that the MCM are breaking the law on a regular basis by not abiding by the State Constitution or the Federal Constitution. We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. This statement appears to mean absolutely nothing to the lawless secret society made up of Missouri judges, forensic psychology evaluators, guardians ad litem, therapists, and attorneys that are representing both parties in each case. This cabal of so-called officers of the court, appear to have their own constitution that overrides the constitutional rights of the public to be present and witness court proceedings. Over the last few decades, public hearings have gradually been moved behind closed doors, out of public sight, into the judge’s chambers where decisions are made in secrecy. Now, the judges have gone a step further by banning the public altogether from the courtroom to perpetrate lawlessness. Unthinkably, judges are now banning litigants from their own court proceedings to forcibly decide their cases without their presence. Missouri court corruption has no limit. The money to be made by this lawless secret society outweighs the life of a child. Do you think any of these officers of the court care about a child’s life? This alleged scheme appears to be coordinated and sanctioned by the Missouri Supreme Court. We are led to believe that Missouri Supreme Court Judges work as civil servants, but who do they really work for? You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News investigative team has come across unthinkable shocking evidence that Judges are routinely concealing child abuse from court records, altering court orders, altering docket entries, and filing secret orders that are never posted on Missouri Casenet. Our team alleges that the Judges are at the top of the food chain in the Kids for Cash scheme. Why would judges alter the court records? Why do judges, as civil servants, think they are above the law and untouchable? Why does the Missouri Supreme Court allow corruption in the lower courts? How far up the ladder does the court corruption run? Why do attorneys leave a thriving practice to take a cut in pay and become a judge? No attorney in their right mind would leave a thriving practice for a cut in pay working as a civil servant unless there are hidden perks, we are unaware of. Do these civil servants seek power or money or both? Are the monetary incentives to traffic in children in a position of power too attractive for judge want-a-bees to resist? You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News’ investigative team has found a posted interview on KMOV4, a Saint Louis TV station, with two of the victims describing the alleged Kids for Cash scheme orchestrated by James D. Reid, Ph.D., Elaine Pudlowski, Esq., Jennifer Webbe Van Luven, LCSW, and Fitzgibbons Psychological Associates a/k/a West County Psychological Associates. This alleged scheme appears to be coordinated and sanctioned by the Missouri Supreme Court. We are led to believe that Missouri Supreme Court Judges work as civil servants, but who do they really work for? You be the Judge.

Women say St. Louis County’s family courts bring financial and emotional stress

Daily Docket News investigative team found this link to a CBS exclusive report on how Saint Louis County Family Courts bring Financial and Emotional Stress to litigants.

Daily Docket News investigative team found this link by Ann Maguire, CEO of Wings for Justice, a national nonprofit whose mission is to protect children in the family court system from corrupt officers of the court.

Daily Docket News investigative team is digging deep into an alleged money laundering scheme involving MCM. Because the Missouri Bar, as well as multiple Missouri law firms, requested removal from our distribution list, we suspect that they could all be involved in this alleged money laundering scheme from the profits made by trafficking in children. Our legal sources feel many, if not all involved directly or indirectly, will be convicted of their crimes, and sentenced to prison time if justice for the children prevails. Where do you think they are hiding the dirty money? Do you think the money is shipped offshore to avoid the IRS? How much money is worth a child’s life? This alleged scheme appears to be coordinated and sanctioned by the Missouri Supreme Court. We are led to believe that Missouri Supreme Court Judges work as civil servants, but who do they really work for? You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News is following hundreds of victims who will be filing their lawsuits shortly against these alleged child predators including, but not limited to, those calling themselves attorney’s, guardians ad litem, therapists, and forensic evaluators. The MCM Swamp has gained national attention over the last several months and is being picked up and broadcast by numerous media platforms. This certainly has overwhelmed the court system and is exposing all involved. The court appears to be in panic mode and unable to comprehend what to do, as lawsuit after lawsuit is filed alleging blatant court corruption. Our legal sources estimate that these lawsuits could amount to billions of dollars in recovery for the victims who were harmed. Unfortunately, it will come too late for the thousands of children whose lives have forever been permanently damaged. No one can put a cost on a child’s life. This alleged scheme appears to be coordinated and sanctioned by the Missouri Supreme Court. We are led to believe that Missouri Supreme Court Judges work as civil servants, but who do they really work for? You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News investigative team continues to dig deep into the cast of an extremely bold video produced by the MCM, made up of an unknown number of judges under the direction of the former Saint Louis County Court presiding Judge Michael D. Burton, and his handpicked guardian’s ad litem. This Zoom video, apparently shot on 01-27-2021 and released on 02-10-2021, appears to depict a plot to destroy any media coverage of their alleged wrongdoing, as well as the eradication of anyone who gets in the way of their profiting in the Cash for Kids, LLC scheme, as they proudly call themselves in the video. Our legal team strongly advises all litigants to be wary of their personal safety as this alleged lawless secret society appears to have issued many threatening statements in this video and should seek the advice of a trusted honest attorney on a legal course of action to protect themselves, a remedy for all damages that may have been caused by this video, as well as possible personal police protection from this alleged lawless secret society. MCM contributing appearances are made by Cynthia Albin, Esq.; Ann Bauer, Esq.; David Betz, Esq.; Greg Brough, Esq.; Kelly Chevalier, Esq.; Mary Davidson, Esq.; Amy Diemer, Esq.; Venus Jackson, Esq.; Rachna Lien, Esq.; Henry Miller, Esq.; Arthur Nissenbaum, Esq.; Jennifer Piper, Esq.; Sarah Pleben, Esq.; Sylvia Pociask, Esq.; Elaine Pudlowski, Esq.; Lynn Reichert, Esq.; Sharon Remis, Esq.; Deborah Roeder, Esq.; Justin Ruth, Esq.; Lisa Sigmund, Esq.; Sarah Wilde, Esq., as well as a partial list of other participating guardians ad litem including, but not limited to, John Bridges, Esq.; Maia Brodie, Esq.; Leigh Carson, Esq.; Mathew Eilerts, Esq.; Charles Flynn, Esq.; Phelan Galligan, Esq.; Colleen Hubble, Esq.; Mark Kiesewetter, Esq.; Nicolette Klapp, Esq.; Beth Lewandowski, Esq.; Lisa Sigmund, Esq.; Laura Stobie, Esq.; Kimberly Whittle, Esq.; Sarah Wittrock, Esq.. Also appearing in this video was OCDC officer, Shevon Harris, Esq., instructing the Cash for Kids, LLC Zoom video attendees how to protect themselves from being investigated by the OCDC. OCDC has a stellar reputation of protecting bad attorneys and destroying good attorneys. In this video, the alleged lawless secret society all conspire with judges to fund a tier four investigation to Kill two Birds with One Stone, being the media and anyone who brings a lawsuit against their infamous leader Pudlowski. The MCM is extremely desperate and dangerous now that their ship is sinking. Judge Burton, who was secretly removed, and Pudlowski, will stop at nothing, and their apparent mindless entourage will do whatever they are told. This alleged scheme appears to be coordinated and sanctioned by the Missouri Supreme Court. If you want to let these attorneys know how you feel, contact us for their home addresses. The rats are trapped and have nowhere to run. Please forward this must watch link and spin offs below to everyone you know who believes in Child’s Lives Matter. We are led to believe that Missouri Supreme Court Judges work as civil servants, but who do they really work for? You be the Judge.

Guardian ad litems cover-up sexual abuse.

31 Missouri Judges Recuse Themselves from Lawsuit Alleging Family Court Guardians and Psychologists Orchestrated Money-Making Scheme

Daily Docket News’ investigative team would like to report that the extremely bold video produced by the MCM, made up of an unknown number of judges under the direction of the former Saint Louis County Court presiding Judge Michael D. Burton, and his handpicked guardian’s ad litem, made a pathetic attempt to take down their self-produced video from YouTube but failed miserable as their petition was immediately dismissed in the court of public opinion. Why is this lawless secret society so afraid of the public knowing how their scheme is pulled off behind closed courtroom doors in the judge’s chambers? Do you think this lawless secret society sleeps at night knowing the children, whose lives they destroyed, cannot sleep at night? You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News suggests that our readership check out ‘Thee Provocateur,’ a blog by Michael Volpe, a freelance investigative journalist based out of Chicago, for real-time gut-wrenching stories that will leave you heartbroken for the victims and questioning what the hell, is this America or a third world country manipulated by evil spirited trolls.

Daily Docket News has come across a link to past issues on our reporting that has been posted by Michael Volpe, a freelance investigative journalist based out of Chicago, who we owe our deepest gratitude for shedding light and helping to educate the public on the atrocities going down in the Missouri Family Court.

Daily Docket News has come across a link by ‘Just Conspiracy’ supporting victims of court corruption across America:

Daily Docket News wants to draw your attention to the following YouTube clips:

Daily Docket News encourages everyone to watch the movie called ‘I Care A Lot’ which is a true story of a greedy businesswoman (played by Rosamund Pike) who works as a legal guardian for unsuspecting elders and drains their assets which is exactly what is happening in the Saint Louis County Family Court except it is happening to our children and for all we know, most likely our elderly too. Also, please watch ‘The Guardians’ which is a movie about the same horrific true story. We pray lady justice will do what is right by imprisoning all predators and saving our children.

Daily Docket News shockingly discovered that the United States Senators of Missouri: Josh Hawley, and Roy Blunt; United States House of Representatives of Missouri: Cori Bush, Ann Wagner, Blaine Luetkemeyer, Vicky Hartzler, Emanuel Cleaver, Sam Graves, Billy Long and Jason Smith; Missouri State Senators: Doug Beck, Bob Onder, Elaine Gannon, Karla May, Steve Roberts, Mike Bernskoetter, Greg Razer, Mike Cierpiot, Barbara Anne Washington, Jeanie Riddle, John Rizzo, Dan Hegeman, Angela Mosley, Brian Williams, Andrew Koenig, Justin Brown, Lauren Arthur, Cindy O’Laughlin, Caleb Rowden, Eric Burlison, Denny Hoskins, Paul Wieland, Bill Eigel, Jill Schupp, Jason Bean, Dave Schatz, Holly Rehder, Sandy Crawford, Mike Moon, Lincoln Hough, Rick Brattin, Bill White, Karla Eslinger and Tony Luetkemeyer; Missouri House of Representatives: J. Eggleston, Danny Busick, Greg Sharpe, Louis Riggs, Ed Lewis, Rusty Black, Randy Railsback, Dean VanSchoiack, Bill Falkner, Brenda Shields, Josh Hurlbert, Sean Pouche, Ashley Aune, Maggie Nurrenbern, Chris Brown, Mark Ellebracht, Wes Rogers, Ingrid Burnett, Bill Kidd, Robert Sauls, Yolanda Young, Michael Johnson, Emily Weber, Patty Lewis, Ashley Bland Manlove, Richard Brown, Jerome Barnes, Jon Patterson, Dan Stacy, Jeff Coleman, Chris Sander, Keri Ingle, Mark Sharp, Annette Turnbaugh, Doug Richey, Peggy McGaugh, Chad Perkins, Randy Pietzman, Jeff Porter, Kent Haden, Cheri Toalson Reisch, David T. Smith, Martha Stevens, Chuck Basye, Tim Taylor, Travis Fitzwater, Sara Walsh, Kurtis Gregory, Bradley Pollitt, Terry Thompson, Dan Houx, Mike Haffner, Michael Davis, Rodger Reedy, Willard Haley, Rudy Veit, Dave Griffith, Bruce Sassmann, Richard West, Tony Lovasco, Marlene Terry, Neil Smith, Jay Mosley, Gretchen Bangert, Paula Brown, LaDonna Appelbaum, Doug Clemens, Raychel Proudie, Mike Person, Alan Gray, Marlon Anderson, Kimberly-Ann Collins, Rasheen Aldridge, LaKeySha Bosley, Peter Merideth, Steve Butz, Donna Baringer, Jo Doll, Wiley Price, Kevin Windham Jr., Joe Adams, Ian Mackey, Tracy McCreery, Dean Plocher, Barbara Phifer, Sarah Unsicker, Michael Burton, Bridget Walsh Moore, Jim Murphy, Michael O’Donnell, David Gregory, Mary Coleman, Shamed Dogan, Trish Gunby, Derek Grier, Bruce DeGroot, Ron Hicks, John Wiemann, Adam Schnelting, Phil Christofanelli, Adam Schwadron, Nick Schroer, John Simmons, Dottie Bailey, Shane Roden, Rob Vescovo, Dan Shaul, Cyndi Buchheit-Courtway, Dale Wright, Mike Henderson, Mike McGirl, Nate Tate, Jason Chipman, Don Mayhew, Bill Hardwick, Suzie Pollock, Lisa Thomas, Jim Kalberloh, Patricia Pike, Ann Kelley, Mike Stephens, Jeff Knight, Bishop Davidson, Bill Owen, Crystal Quade, Curtis Trent, Alex Riley, Betsy Fogle, J. Craig Fishel, John Black, Brad Hudson, Jered Taylor, Tricia Derges, Hannah Kelly, Bennie Cook, Ron Copeland, Chris Dinkins, Rick Francis, Barry Hovis, Jamie Burger, Don Rone, Andrew McDaniel, Herman Morse, Hardy Billington, Darrell Atchison, David Paul Evans, Travis Smith, Brian Seitz, Mitch Boggs, Scott Cupps, Dirk Deaton, Ben Baker, Lane Roberts, Robert Bromley and Cody Smith; Supreme Court Judges: Chief Justice Paul C. Wilson, Judge Mary R. Russell, Judge W. Brent Powell, Judge Patricia Breckenridge, Judge Zel M. Fischer, Judge Robin Ransom, Judge George W. Draper III, are all ignoring the cries of Missouri child victims. Are these civil servants aiding and abetting child trafficking? Could it be that these civil servants condone child abuse? Why have thousands of calls to their offices’, to help our children, gone unanswered and ignored? Do these civil servants protect the MCM? How much laundered money, made by the MCM child trafficking scheme, went to these civil servants’ offshore accounts and their last election campaigns? You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News investigative team has come across the link below, ‘Petition to Remove Immunity from Guardians ad Litem in Missouri’, which we encourage everyone to sign.


Daily Docket News investigative team has come across the link below, ‘Open Courts, Article I, Section 14, Missouri Constitution’, which we encourage everyone to sign.

Daily Docket News investigative team has come across the link below of attorney’s wall of shame.

Attorneys Wall of Shame

Daily Docket News investigative team has come across the link below of one litigants court story. Sadly, we no longer live in the land of the free.

Evita Tolu’s personal statement

Daily Docket News coverage of cases across the United States, like in Missouri, present a clear pattern of child trafficking by MCM, who engage in divorce, child custody, adoption, and paternity cases, which coincidentally all involve well to do predatory parents. The common thread in most of these family court cases appears to be the deliberate withholding of damaging evidence perpetrated by the predatory parent while manufacturing damaging evidence for the submissive naive parent, thus artificially creating a mechanism to lengthen the time spent in court proceedings to maximize party billings. This scheme appears to be coordinated and sanctioned by the Missouri Supreme Court. We are led to believe that Missouri Supreme Court Judges work as civil servants, but who do they really work for? We will bring these victim’s stories to you as we investigate them.

Daily Docket News wants everyone to know that the casualties of this Kids for Cash scheme are our defenseless minor children. Many parents have joined the fight to stop family court corruption by suing their own lawyer, guardian ad litem, forensic psychology evaluator and therapist, who are all colluding together to sell or have sold their children to the highest bidder. Sadly, all cases so far have been struck down by court after court, including the Missouri Supreme Court, who sidestepped every applicable law to protect the guilty, which means Missouri is 100% lawless. How did the entire Missouri judicial system fall in ruin? If you know someone who is currently in litigation with minor children involved, please reach out to them, and help save their children from being sold and their bank accounts from being drained by the Family Court. Please forward this letter to everyone you know that is concerned about a child’s safety.

Daily Docket News legal team wants our readers to know that the family court has unfortunately, and we pray not intentionally, lost sight of the following: Missouri Law is premised upon the public policy that “custody of minor children cannot be bartered and traded as goods in the marketplace, so as to foreclose a judicial determination as to the present welfare and best interests of the child.” Matter of W-K-M-, 537 S.W.2d 183, 186 (Mo.App.K.C.1976). Rather, “the welfare of the child is and must be the prime and overriding consideration, and the rights and claims of the parents are and must be of secondary importance.” Id. At 185.

Daily Docket News has received thousands of emails from our faithful Missouri readership stating they had the same or similar circumstances occur in their family court case, as what happened in the cases we are covering, and are asking us for help. If you feel that you and your children were wronged by the family court, go to the links below for a wealth of helpful information and write about what happened to your family. Call your government representative and tell them how the family court destroyed your family. Also, please fill out the ‘OMB’ – feedback on professionals associated with family courts’ section to be connected to other victims in your area.

Daily Docket News wants to thank an anonymous group of generous attorneys and donors, who have pledged unlimited resources to help change laws that currently protect this Kids for Cash scheme that is deeply embedded in the Family Court, and vows to hold accountable every person participating in it, to the fullest extent of the law. Many victims who have completed their child custody case and lost their children, through no fault of their own, discovered everyone, including their own attorney, was working against them. Many victims who are currently in litigation do not realize that everyone is working against them including their own attorney. Our suggestion, for victims of this Kids for Cash scheme in need of immediate help, would be to contact Michael Volpe, freelance investigative journalist based out of Chicago, who is helping coordinate the effort to get justice for victims. We are hopeful that you will be connected to the ever-growing team of honest attorneys, whose mission is to put an end to the injustice taking place in the family court. If there are any attorneys who are not part of the Kids for Cash scheme or terrified of MCM and believe in Child’s Lives Matter and are willing to help these voiceless victims, you know who you are and you know what to do to save a child.

Daily Docket News legal team wants litigants who believe they were wronged by the MCM to either file a Motion to Modify and/or Motion to Vacate prior custody decisions in all cases involving these alleged Kids for Cash players. For currently pending cases, our legal team suggests filing Motion to Strike your current forensic psychology evaluator as an expert and Motion to Remove your guardian ad litem. Above all, record everyone involved in your case including your own attorney. Missouri’s wiretapping law is a “one-party consent” law. Missouri makes it a crime to intercept or record any “wire, oral, or electronic communication” unless one party to the conversation consents. Many states have single-party consent laws. This means that just one party involved in the conversation needs to be aware that it is being recorded. If you are the one recording the conversation, for example, you do not have to reveal this to the other party. Also, document everything including emails. The hundreds of victims coming forward all have the same story in that they trusted the court system, they trusted their court ordered guardian ad litem, they trusted their court ordered therapists, they trusted their court ordered forensic psychology evaluator and they trusted their own lawyer. What they found out too late was they should have not trusted anyone but themselves. If you are currently in litigation, open your eyes wide and trust only your gut because the reality is everyone in the court system, including your own lawyer, is statistically more than likely working against you. Do not be led by the nose in a corrupt court system, take control of your destiny and the destiny of your children before it is too late. Learn from the parents that made the biggest mistake of their lives by trusting the court system which took their money and sold, beaten, molested, tortured, raped, and/or murdered their children. Understand that your case outcome is predetermined before you ever step foot into the courtroom. If you can, avoid the court system all together by working things out on your own with your ex-spouse. Do not let the MCM destroy your family. You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News advises all litigants who feel they were wronged by any court involved attorney, including their own attorney and the GAL, to immediately file a bar complaint with the OCDC and under no circumstances, accept a rejection response from the OCDC. Remember that the OCDC ‘s only function is to protect the MCM Kids for Cash scheme. Protect your child from these all predators wherever they may hide. Only you can decide your child’s fate. You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News believes one of the hallmarks of the American judicial system, and of any good judicial system, is judicial accountability, which is not in the Missouri Supreme Court’s vocabulary. Accountability prevents corruption and abuses of power; it also helps to ensure that governmental policy reflects the community’s values and interests in ensuring everyone a day in court, in protecting individual rights and, perhaps most importantly, in a stable rule of law that is free from undue influence by politicians and special interests. Our investigative team is working day and night to penetrate deep inside the Missouri Court system and expose all involved in the Kids for Cash scheme. Only you can prevent injustice. You be the Judge.

Daily Docket News will make every endeavor to accommodate those who do not believe in ‘Childs Lives Matter’ and wholeheartedly apologize, on behalf of the children whose voices have been silenced, if anyone is offended by our reporting, as that was emphatically not the intent. If you have received our publication and wish to be permanently removed, please email us a polite request and we will do everything we can in a timely fashion to remove you from any further editions. Our sincere apologies if you or a concerned friend were removed inadvertently. Please email us a request, at your earliest convenience, to restart your subscription. If you know someone you think would want to be on our distribution list, please forward their email to us. If you want to let any Missouri Judge, any GAL, any attorney, any forensic psychology evaluator, any therapist or any OCDC officer, know how you feel about their mistreatment of Missouri children, email us a request for their contact information and home address. Knowledge is power and together, we can make a difference in a child’s life.

Daily Docket News wants every reader to unite, armed with the sense of responsibility, and take action to protect our children from this alleged swamp of lawless judges, sleazy predatory parents, unethical greedy forensic psychology evaluators, unethical corrupt guardian’s ad litem, unethical shady therapists, and unethical colluding attorneys. There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of law and in the name of justice. Absolute Power in the Court, Corrupts Absolutely. Laws protecting this outrageous conduct in our courts must be changed now. All immunity must be stripped from all officers of the court. Child trafficking through the court system is an epidemic across the United States, and it takes many ugly forms. Our children deserve safety, justice, and protection from ALL PREDATORS!


Missouri Edition

Reported to you by Daily Docket News

Always Fair, Honest, Unbiased, Balanced & Objective

A Voice for the Children who have been silenced by the Family Court System

Corporate Headquarters: New York, NY

Readership circulation: 1,265,000+ Saint Louis Metro

3,181,000+ Missourians

42,441,000+ Nation-Wide

All persons mentioned herein are presumed innocent at the time of our publication

Our readership is growing because of your support to make a change to save our children

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