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Christy Olezeski PhD

The now-famous Blog spotlights another jew focused on ripping dicks off of toddlers in the name of transgenderism for goy. Meet Christy Olezeski, a jew parasite attacking humanity of the goy, from her high perch of a chosen one.  Educated at Albany, State University of New York, trained in the yeshiva of Harvard Medical, along with service at Westchester JEWISH Community Services, this demented nutjob will help a three year old work thru gender confusion, supporting a healthy transition with hormone treatment, culminating in castration and gash insertion, so the little goy kid can pretend he is a she, fulfilling jewish dehumanizing ideology. A grand service to society, promoted by jews.

Christy Olezeski founded the YALE PEDIADTRIC GENDER PROGRAM, she is the Director, she is a jew, she promotes inhumane ideology, she promotes jew shit, she is a monster, a target for a state snow plow.  The sole mission of Christy is to fuck up little kids, promote paedophilia, promote jewish destruction of enlightened societies, make pretense of medical care, while begging a .50 cal to the head from a well regulated parental militia. Christy leads an interdisciplinary team of perverts providing services for transgender and gender expansive (TGE) youth and families in Connecticut. Christy leads professional queers in the fields of psychology, endocrinology, psychiatry, gynecology, reproductive medicine, medical ethics and law, to fuck over little kids. Her mission provides comprehensive, interdisciplinary, family-centered care for children, adolescents and young adults promoting queerness, rape of childhood, mocking humanity, questioning nature, promoting butchery, driving kids to suicide. Christy is evil, satan’s sister, a danger to children, a threat to society; a parasitic disease, requiring extermination.

Christy has made headlines ABC News4, New York Post, Daily Mail, National Review. Watch the nutjob delightfully proclaim transgender jewism in her own words, gives one pause to question YALE MEDICINE?

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