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Shylock Nusbaum

The Shakespearean thespians of the now-famous Blog highlight jewish drama of family court Shylocks, who disguise ‘phone calls’ as legal services in securing an administrative no-fault divorce to run up billable hours on an unsuspecting mother. Blog proves again the merry band of thieves known as the Family Bar Association, run by crook Alex Cuda is an evil, deceptive, greedy, criminal enterprise, subject to federal racketeering prosecution.

Westport jew lawyer, Ed Nusbaum, scams a mother over ninety-eight grand, never stepping foot in court, never filing a motion, never arranging settlement, just professional craft of plunder in the honorable profession of law; a jew’s playground. Nusbaum is a pathetic evil creature of no intellect, a pitiful little man, a passion for thievery and deceit, no remorse, offensive demeanor, full of fraud, while charging $750/hr for no legal expertise. He is just what a state snow plow needs to smack on an icy road.  The world would be a better place without jew charlatans like Edward Nusbaum.

Blog’s accounting department reviews Shylock’s billing for mother of Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer in the Ambrose case.  The stats prove the scam of attorneys spending lots of time talking about things, but delivering nothing. Blog highlighted same racketeering activity in the Campos case with Attorney Maria McKeon, running up fees by yapping on the phone with lawyers Kevin Finch and Lisa Knopf, for no legal purpose. Here are stats on jew boy Nusbaum:  from May to August of 2020, jew bills $98k, invoices contain 137 task entries, over 18 weeks, involving 169 telephone calls, 254 emails, 35 text messages; a financial fuck fest among Attorneys Ed Nusbaum, Nancy Aldrich, Jocelyn Hurwitz, Richard Callahan, and quacksters  Jessica Caverly, Linda Smith, exposing the craft of plunder; lawyer racketeering, just calling each other to drain family bank. For every hour Nusbaum bills mother for talking to Aldrich, dad is billed equally; plundering family savings being true purpose of family law; only jews can justify $1500/hr phone calls to obtain an undeniable, administrative no-fault divorce from the state. Jews devour babies and their college funds. Some of the most expensive phone calls occur in Connecticut under the color of state dissolution law, approved practice by jew judges entrusted by the legislature to regulate professional conduct of persons admitted to the bar. Judges conspire in criminal conduct, promoting legal services as robbery to an unsuspecting and foolishly trusting public. The fabricated custody fight drives lawyer revenue, there is no argument over the dissolution, that is granted by the state upon singular request of one parent; the jew game of fighting over kids is the money maker, a purely jewish ideology, eschewed by all other religions. Jews happily rape childhoods for shekels, family court is a private jewish ATM.

The scam of the Connecticut jewdiciary is implemented by the attorneys who are regulated by the judges. Procedure ensures due process of law in America, the fallacy of Chapter 25 of the Practice Book is to ensure there is no procedure, allowing litigation activities of pre-trial and trial to drag out until all the family savings are gone, the true purpose of family court, a jew’s paradise.  One thing for sure in family practice, when the money is gone, the lawyers are done.

Lawyers must be honest, but they must be believed to be honest, Nusbaum is neither.  He collected enough cash to be paid $250/hr for his time, but greed, evil, and plunder are the hallmarks of his craft. He now enlists cohort in crime Attorney Alex Tembicki to extort another pound of flesh from an unsuspecting mother, having provided no legal services in obtaining an administrative no-fault divorce.  Racketeering at its finest.

Editor’s Note:  Family law in Connecticut is jewdicial art of plunder,  promoting pointless conflict over children in worship of jew money god, a clear violation of the Fourteenth Amendment. Shakespeare and Blog write of the same jew.


Family Court is a jewish paradise, extracting pounds of flesh in name of no-fault divorce, because the jew is clever, the judges approve, the goy robbed, by any other name, it is still racketeering, a criminal enterprise.

Jew puppet Judge Michael Albis, chief judge of family court, protects the craft of plunder at the direction of his masters, being a danger to children and a true threat to society.

Attorney Alex Trembicki, craft of plunder pursuing Nusbaum’s claim for a pound of flesh from a mother who receive no legal services for $98k of billed hours.  Jews all.

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