Jewish connections are amazing, crossing generations, over decades, like true blood bonds of crime families who depend on the power of vice to thrive in the land of the goy. Harvey Mallove was a wealthy jew, previous mayor of New London, power broker, head of a criminal enterprise. Christmas eve of 1973 he killed a kid changing a tire on Pequot Ave near Plant Street. Hit and run. Probably drunk. The jewish mafia instantly circles the wagons, obscures the investigation, protects the guilty jew. Of interest is the role played by the Superior Court in erasing the history of the case that was never solved. The only unsolved hit and run in the history of New London. Amazing!! Of greater interest is that Attorney Joseph Moukawsher was involved in obstructing the case of vehicular manslaughter. Rather curious that a Harvard Law grad gets appointed by Judge Angelo Santaniello to perform a ‘coroner’s inquest’ into what should be a criminal investigation by professional law enforcement of New London, followed by a grand jury conducted by prosecutors. Moukawsher drags his feet conducting the coroner inquest, completes six days of testimony in November ’74, then fails to issue report or transcripts, dragging it out for two years without submitting a formal report. No transcripts or report are known to exist and recordings of the proceedings involving 50 witnesses have disappeared.
But when jews need protection, the cops are the first to look the other way, while pocketing their payoffs. The victim’s goy mother pleaded for a grand jury, but Attorney Thomas Bishop, representing the victim’s estate blows smoke, to where the Superior Court ignores her, producing nothing resembling justice. Jew Abraham Kirshenbaum, then chairman of the City Council’s Public Safety Committee ensures the boys in blue look the other way, making evidence disappear. State’s Attorney Edmund J. O’Brien refuses to acknowledge mother’s demand for a grand jury. The jew mafia has a tight grip on the entire state. Dead goy kid does not matter when the jew is implicated, there will be no proper investigation. Interesting to note that Bishop severed his involvement when a partner of his New London law firm represented Mallove’s alibi witness, another jew. Pretty obvious what was going on.
Three years after the jewish hit and run, in December 1976, Governor Grasso intervenes, Judge Joseph Dannehy is appointed as one-man grand jury, which produces over 3,000 pages of transcripts. 24 sessions, over 100 witnesses. Dirty Austin McGuigan is appointed ‘special prosecutor’. A sanitized report issued in February ’78, provides no justice for dead goy kid. Judge Dannehy held another inquiry in October ’80, issuing a report in August ’81, but no justice for victim eight years on, although Mallove is the prime suspect. In 2005, Judge Elaine Gordon denies free press pleading to release the transcript of Dannehy’s grand jury, citing secrecy. In reality, the denial by Gordon is to obscure the fact that the transcripts have been removed form the Superior Court archives.
The now-famous Blog plays ‘connect the dots’. Drunk jew kills goy kid Kevin Showalter, plenty of evidence to indict Harvey Mallove, jewish mafia stonewalls proper investigation, New London police play possum, prosecutors go dark, Moukawsher’s coroner inquest delays, evidence disappears, Grasso intervenes overriding Judge Santaniello where Judge Dannehy is given the dirty deed, no indictment, just a mystery of who done it, suspecting Mallove as the driver, thirty-two years later Judge Elaine Gordon denies public scrutiny of the dark hand of the jew. The files and evidence having long disappeared from court custody, which the judges fail to address.
The ‘connect the dots’ exposes the pattern of jewish control in the third Branch. Judge Dannehy fingered Mallove as the driver, but could not indict as the New London Police destroyed the evidence, Dannehy was rewarded with promotions to the appellate court then to the supreme court for his ability to provide the appearance of justice without indicting jew Mallove. It was clear by Mallove’s sworn testimony at the grand jury he was lying. State Police had Mallove as the prime suspect. His story did not match the facts, a typical jewish error when speaking down to the goy. Judge Santaniello was never called out for the obstruction in appointing Moukawsher to conduct a sham inquest, Moukawsher was never fingered by Santaniello for obstruction of justice, Moukawsher was doin’ his job to protect the jew. Pretty standard fare for the gulag of Connecticut, a dead goy, killed by a jew, will never have justice.
Note that Judge Elaine Gordon who in 2005 thwarted the First Amendment denying public access to the transcripts was a judge in the Liberti case which trafficked young Maxx to the pedophiles of the Liberti family of West Haven. Judge Thomas Moukawsher, the son of Joseph became a judge in 2013, now dumped in family court, as he is a jewdicial fuck up, where he recently disbarred an advocate for being zealous, for pointing out the jew mafia raping childhoods. Attorney Thomas Bishop, who scammed the victim’s mother by pretending to represent the dead kid’s estate, was rewarded with a black robe in 1994, having been partner at prominent New London jewish law firm. Moukawsher’s wife Betsy is the town clerk of Groton. Judge Dannehy’s daughter Nora is jew puppet Governor Ned Lamont’s general counsel. Ryan McGuigan, known pedophile, inherited daddy Austin’s law firm, created on the legacy of having been rewarded with the State’s Attorney job for his acting in the Mallove grand jury with Judge Dannehy. The only person not to benefit from the corruption is Attorney Averum J. Sprecher who in December ’76 filed a civil lawsuit on behalf of dead kid’s mom against the unnamed driver. His suit was thwarted by the loss of evidence by New London cops and failure of Dannehy to indict Mallove, he got banished.
Loyalty to jewish mafia is thicker than blood.
Best articles on the corruption of New London, the protection of jew Mallove is here and here and here. The depth of Connecticut corruption has deep roots in the synagogues.
Visit Mallove Jewelry, the legacy of Russian jews who created the greatest corruption story in New London. Like Harvey became a millionaire just by retailing jewelry on State Street in the cesspool of New London. Sure.