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Re-Engineering Family Court

    Now famous blog passes on video of the famous dyke on the byke, blog famous Elizabeth Bozzuto, kicked off the bench for being a heartless humanoid of barbaric destructive proportions, now the Chief Court Administrator, she tells the judiciary committee of the ongoing ‘re-engineering’ of family court, which Rep. Fishbein notes is making things worse.  Senator Kissel is totally confused as to what Bozzo’s job really is or what she does everyday other than suck up a quarter of a million dollar annual salary.  Blog history department notes Bozzo hasn’t changed a bit, clueless, ignorant, ineffective, should have never been a judge, just a stain on the people of Connecticut,… Read More »Re-Engineering Family Court

    Nuttier Nunley

      The now-famous Blog spotlights efforts of yellow, commie chink William Tong to thwart parental rights in federal court on behalf of sovereign nutmegs, in pleading by communist foot soldier AAG Alma Rose Nunley who pleads that a father cannot be ‘next friend’ for little Odin Sakon of Manchester, whom TAMMY!, Diana, and Nastri have maligned in deprivation of federal ADA rights. Oi vey! The jewish ideology of societal and familial destruction flows forth from the Office of Attorney General of Connecticut with kosher venom. Nunley cites no case law, no statute, no public policy that prohibits a father from acting as next friend for his abused child, but don’t let… Read More »Nuttier Nunley

      Tucker’s Folly

        The now-famous Blog rolls on the floor laughing at miscreant assistant attorney jerkoff John Tucker, state paycheck sponge, under supervision of blog star William Tong, yellow chink commie, defending against suit in fraud attempting to play the IMMUNITY card to save quackster UCONN Health psychologist Damion Grasso from the financial sting of a jury verdict for participating in family court character assassination. AAG Tucker blows some frivolous smoke in the face of Judge Susan Cobb, claiming employment by the state provides immunity from tort for ‘the-rapist’ misconduct, Cobb is not impressed, denying the fabricated claim of immunity, putting Grasso on notice that he faces a jury for his shenanigans in… Read More »Tucker’s Folly

        Nuttier Nunley

          The now-famous Blog’s department of sewage observes Connecticut Assistant Attorney General Alma Nunley, a nut job of retarded proportions, flush taxpayer funds into the septic tank of legal incompetence. Tong’s strategy of fukking up citizens, denying rights, advancing the jewdicial agenda upon the goy of the gulag exposes itself in more of Nunley’s frivolous, meritless, vexatious pleadings in federal court, a game of blowing smoke up the black nostrils of USDJ Alvin Thompson in Hartford Federal Courthouse. Jews have no shame. Nunley claims TAMMY!’s victim has no right to redress in federal court for jewdicial retaliation in violation of ADA Title II in family court. Displaced Asian rice paddy attendant… Read More »Nuttier Nunley