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FSMJ Julie A. Dee

Who is protecting Matthew Couloute?

    Public scrutiny of the shenanigans of Family Court turns up unexplainable oddities that only confirm the suspicion that judges are on the take and controlled by powers of evil lurking in the shadows of society.  Child endangerment. Let’s take the strangeness which surrounds Matthew Condel Couloute, Jr.  A strange black man with two kids from two different white women.  He appears before the less than Honorable Sybil Richards of Connecticut Superior Court for a matter of child support brought by mother of his son Xavier.  Pretty simple process, fill out forms, declare income, perform some simple mathematics on a ‘worksheet’ and presto, the child support order is done.  But not… Read More »Who is protecting Matthew Couloute?


      Blow some smoke up the judge’s robes claiming Connecticut has jurisdiction in Buffalo. Dueling states or legal frivolity?

      Dee v Couloute

        The American court system is an adversarial forum.  Two opposing parties duke it out before competent authority and the best legal warrior wins.  A made for TV propagandist description which overlooks reality.  Every now and again there is a twist where drama triumphs over law. Let’s take the lowly court battle between Family Support Magistrate Julie A. Dee of Erie County, NY. and the arrogant Matthew Couloute, Esq.  Dee is not a real judge, but she is a lawyer appointed magistrate who handles rather administrative functions of child support; ensuring forms are filled out, math is correct and amounts ordered.  Simple, cookbook, turn the crank process which is the same… Read More »Dee v Couloute