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Dr. Jessica Biren Caveryly PhD

Call For Papers!!

    Have a CAVERLY custody evaluation? FrankReport wants to hear your story!!! FR Seeking Victims of Dr. Jessica Biren-Caverly, CT Family Court’s Notorious Custody Evaluator Frank Report is investigating Dr. Jessica Biren-Caverly, a psychologist specializing in suspect custody evaluation reports for CT Family Court. If she’s done a custody evaluation report for you, you may be a victim of a crime. Contact me at 305-783-7083 or email I am currently studying 17 of her cases, and a shocking pattern of suspected racketeering is emerging. Even the footnotes are identical. Initial Findings Based on my study of Dr. Biren-Caverly’s custody evaluation reports and other information, the suspected racketeering involves specific types of… Read More »Call For Papers!!

    Jewdicial Shit Show

      CT Family Court: The ‘Children’s Best Interest’ Is the Best Interest of Attorneys, Psychologists and Wealthy, Abusive Fathers Who Pay Them From the FRANKREPORT. The children’s best interest. That’s what the divorce and custody case of Chris Ambrose versus Karen Riordan is about. Ambrose has had legal and physical custody of the couple’s three adopted Latino children since April 24, 2020. On that date, almost two years ago, CT Family Court Judge Jane Grossman surprised the children and their stay-at-home mother, Riordan, by taking them from her and placing them with their father because the mother had alienated the children from their father. They had lived with their mother all… Read More »Jewdicial Shit Show


        The now-famous Blog provides public warning about the ‘custody evaluation’ ordered in Connecticut family court. The evaluator is blessed by the jewdiciary with ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY to which unsuspecting parents and unrepresented children will fall victim. The dangers of family court are constructed by the jew of the judicial branch under the soul-less black leadership of Chief Justice Richard Robinson. Never in the history of the republic has the sovereign ever bestowed such immunity for a person to provide an opinion on constitutionally protected parent-child bonds. A construction so evil, so inhumane, so un-American that it can only be talmudic law enacted on the goy. Blog examines the wording of an… Read More »Warning!

        Jew Questions

          The jewdiciary of Connecticut employs word salad in the administration of justice to obscure matters to the extent of being unrecognizable in a civilized society for the sole purpose of raping childhood and draining family savings. Here is a list of ‘questions’ created by a jew judge which a jew psychologist is supposed to answer. Describe the overall psychological functioning of the child. Anyone want to define ‘psychological functioning’? Is this just jew speak to provide a barnyard description of the four legged calf of the parents? Won’t find this anywhere in case law, or the study of humanity. A jew game. What mental health treatment is recommended for the… Read More »Jew Questions

          Absolute Immunity!

            Discrimination is protected litigation practice in Connecticut Family Court!!! Mentally impaired Judge John David Moore, presiding judge of Litchfield Judicial District rules that court whores appointed by jew judges to malign mothers and rape childhood hold ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY by privilege created of jewdicial discretion by a doctrine not codified in law. Judge Moore claims that it is public policy to shield court whores from any form of accountability!!! Federally prohibited discriminatory conduct is protected in Connecticut’s rabbinical courts. Strange how the construction of such jew immunity is not by due process, conferred by the legislature by the will of a sovereign people, but just comes from jew judges protecting their… Read More »Absolute Immunity!


              The big nigger in the black robe being the sworn chief jurist of Connecticut ruled today that the Fourteenth Amendment does not apply to family court, that liberties of pathetic citizens and their four-legged calves are under the complete control of the whim of a jew in a black robe. Welcome to the gulag, shut up, get in the box car, you need a shower. Denied appeal here. A jew dyke like Jane Grossman and kike pal Gerard Adelman conspire to isolate mother from three kids, on singular opinion of a court whore selling quack opinions to create conflict generating lucrative billable hours for lawyers. No state investigation, no claim… Read More »Absolute!

              Jooish Family Court

                The now-famous Blog examines the conduct of Connecticut Family Court that exemplifies its jewish form, in all that is alien to American jurisprudence and way of life. Secret Bench Book The Secretary of the State holds copyright to a book that is hidden from the public. The bench book is listed in the Library of Congress Catalog, identifying Judge Support Services as publisher. The overpaid jewish attorney and executive of JSS, Deirdre McPadden ($173k) refuses to disclose it, as she has orders from a big dumb nigger in a black robe to conceal such from ‘we the people’ in defiance of the First Amendment. Only jews feel so empowered to… Read More »Jooish Family Court

                Candace Fay

                  Attorney Candace Fay of Danbury achieves instant blog star status for her leading role in the new video by Wayne Dolcefino. Candace practices jewish law right out of the Talmud. A chosen parasite fleecing veterans for shekels along with raping childhoods and bleeding family savings. Another fine example of the pettiness of a UCONN Law degree. Sole practitioner because no real law firm wants her smelly cunt. Only clients are appointed by the court, as no respectable human will retain such a sleeze ball. Candace is a jew’s jew. Profiting off the misfortune of others. Her mother must be proud! Interesting to note that the unbridled jewdicial discretion of Judge… Read More »Candace Fay

                  Chris Ambrose: Part 8

                    The blog editors applaud the FrankReport on its continuing series exposing homosexual, pedophile Chris Ambrose and the doting jewish pedo players of the Connecticut Family Court who are victimizing Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer, while sucking the family bank dry. Read directly at FrankReport, see the latest art-work depicting the jews of family court and their evil terror played out on innocent children. Satan is alive and well in the Connecticut judiciary. When headless bodies of child predators float down the Connecticut River, will anyone be surprised? Anyone think that Judges Rodriguez, Grossman, Adelman, and Albis not getting a cut of all this money? Anyone still fooled into believing the jews… Read More »Chris Ambrose: Part 8

                    FrankReport #6

                      The FrankReport has published its SIXTH installment of public scrutiny into the pedophile affairs of the Connecticut Family Court in the matter of Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer. The Chief Family Judge Michael Albis remains hidden in his Middletown chambers, hoping no one notices his complacency to child abuse under the color of state dissolution law, while hoping he does not become a headless floater in the nearby river. The now-famous blog compliments Frank’s creative artwork provided in the Ambrose series.

                      Frank Report: Chris Ambrose

                        The evils of Connecticut family court are not difficult to spot. Read the first in a series of articles on the jewdicial conspiracy to protect a pedophile and traffic children: FRANK REPORT. Looks like CJ Richard Robinson and Judge Michael Albis have some explaining to do. Judges Adleman and Grossman should be in federal custody along with Attorney Jocelyn Hurwitz. Law enforcement and state child protective services have betrayed the trust of a sovereign people. Connecticut: screams of children are silenced. The Ambrose Papers Part 1: ‘Secrets and Lies’: TV Writer Chris Ambrose and the Connecticut Family Court Puts Children in Danger October 3, 2021 This is part one of… Read More »Frank Report: Chris Ambrose