The now-famous Blog, participates in the marketplace of ideas, acting under the expression clause of the First Amendment, scrutinizing public forums involving abuse of children, denial of rights, and jewish subversion of law. Blog speciality is criticism. Unfortunately, Shawna Hamilton Doster slept thru lectures on Bill of Rights at Houston Law. Poor saddle-sore Texas cowgirl now lives in Greenwich, selling incompetent legal services to an unsuspecting public.
Shawna is a drunken fool who can’t hold her wine nor read law. Her confused brain combined with inflated ego sense of self-importance cannot comprehend that stepping upon the public stage, representing parents, conspiring with others, barking for bark sake, draws critical public interest. Nutmeg family court is an evil threat to childhood, players are Satan’s foot soldiers, sacrificing children to the jewish money god, in best interests of legal fees, kickbacks, and purchased decisions. Shawna Hamilton is not a zealous advocate in the adversarial system, she is a huckster who tricks her client as directed by the case shot caller. Judge Truglia kicked her off the Tiberi case last week for misconduct in representing mother. A veritable lesbian financial gang rape over little Leo by Lisa Knopf, Janis Laliberte, Judge Grossman, and Dr. Jessica Caverly, PhD, playing jewish games to isolate daddy’s sex toy from mom, in destruction of protected mother-child bond. Shawna Hamilton did as instructed, tossing her client under the bus, conspiring to traffic a child; the hallmark of rabbinical court. The gravy train from pedo daddy Frank Tiberi, a dentist in Bridgeport is just too sweet to be derailed by zealous advocacy or concern for child welfare.
Shawna Hamilton abhors spotlights on her pathetic court conduct, downing a few bottles of pinot grigio then barking at the moon, for the internet exists, for which the world must apologize. Her alcohol induced traumatic paranoid hallucinations claim the internet conspires to harass, assault, defame, inflict emotional distress, invades privacy, casts false light, for which the world must apologize or be sued for free expression. She will hold accountable all who criticize incompetent counsel upon a public stage for defamation.
The now-famous Blog notes that Attorney Shawna Hamilton Doster is subject to the rules of professional conduct, she is a lawyer, occupying that special place in society to ensure the quality of administration of justice, promoting public confidence in the rule of law and integrity of the courts. A nutmeg attorney lashing out against the protections of the First Amendment smells jewish. Public is warned of a domestic terrorist masquerading as an attorney.