Blog star dentist of Bridgeport, the manly Dr. Frank Tiberi, alcoholic, child abuser, drug addict, pedophile, outs freelance journalist Michael Volpe as being behind this now-famous worst Blog. After years of police investigations, search warrants, jewdicial snooping, Frank Tiberi has outed the Blog in his sworn testimony before Judge Eddie Rodriguez in Bridgeport.
Yes, I know for a hundred percent fact that Michael Volpe is in part with family circus, this is– it’s right in there. We can show it to you.
Frank Tiberi Trial Testimony
The comedy section of Blog editorial staff notes that ‘spic boy Judge Eddie Rodriguez found manly Frank’s testimony to be CREDIBLE! Frank is in physical danger and fear of his petite soon to be ex-wife, ‘spic Eddie found that to be credible too!! Welcome to Connecticut Superior Court, family division, law does not apply, perjury is found credible, and children don’t matter.
What does the workings of a free press matter to Frank Tiberi’s claim that he is a victim of physical abuse, by violence from the petite mother of his seven year old son Leo? Frank is so scared of mom he would not allow birthday kisses and hugs for the kid. Frank’s argument is the internet exists therefore he needs a restraining order for protection from public scrutiny of his public spectacle carried out in a public forum. Nuts! First Amendment protects public right of scrutiny of matters in family court, deal with it.
Editor’s Note: The arguments before Rodriguez by Lisa Knopf claiming the internet exists being basis for a relief from physical abuse, domestic violence restraining order is willful deprivation of rights by Rodriguez, pro se mother abuse, derogation of rights by the clown in the black robe. Another fine nutmeg example of the lack of jurisprudence in cesspool Connecticut. Public discussion of matters in family court are unrelated to the litigation at hand, something Rodriguez cannot understand.