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Robert Nastri

Nuttier Nunley

    The now-famous Blog spotlights efforts of yellow, commie chink William Tong to thwart parental rights in federal court on behalf of sovereign nutmegs, in pleading by communist foot soldier AAG Alma Rose Nunley who pleads that a father cannot be ‘next friend’ for little Odin Sakon of Manchester, whom TAMMY!, Diana, and Nastri have maligned in deprivation of federal ADA rights. Oi vey! The jewish ideology of societal and familial destruction flows forth from the Office of Attorney General of Connecticut with kosher venom. Nunley cites no case law, no statute, no public policy that prohibits a father from acting as next friend for his abused child, but don’t let… Read More »Nuttier Nunley

    More Conspiracy

      The jewdicial monsters of Hartford family court, blog stars Tammy!, Leo Diana, Robert Nastri, are now joined in federal suit for CONSPIRACY to deprive rights of little Odin Sakon of Manchester, denying dad hugs in name of jewish ideology of familial destruction, prohibited by federal law. Oi vey! The jews will not stop, anything possible is shat upon the goy to destroy parent-child bonds. The trio of tyranny is represented by the incompetent Alma Nunley of Willie Tong’s office of retards, who will pen a defense that the jews of family court are just doing what jews think best for goy … Constitution be damned! Judge Robert Nastri, an absolute… Read More »More Conspiracy


        Judge Robert Nasty Nastri, black robed child rapist of Hartford, child trafficker and jewdicial buffoon, betrays the CONSPIRACY of Tammy! and Diana in deprivation of rights, shredding Fourteenth Amendment, and pissing on federal civil rights protections, all while raping childhood of Odin Sakon of Manchester, who has not played catch with his dad in over eleven months. The rabbinical, goy-hating, child-trafficking court doubles down in hearing this morning, where Judge Nasty Nastri vocalizes direction of jewish masters, proclaiming the COURT will not address discriminatory flaws of TAMMY’s discretionary orders that sever father-son bonds for no state interest. Judge Nasty Nastri thought no one was watching, that he could pick and… Read More »Conspiracy!


          Happy New Year! Time to make those resolutions! The now-famous Blog has no interest in gym memberships, dietary restrictions, or other self-help considerations. Blog remains focused on the evil of family court and herein lists the objectives for 2022. More .50 cal ammunition for the number of jewdicial heads needing full metal jacket intervention. Evil cannot thrive where retaliation is swift. Jewdicial discretion of separating children from mothers properly checked by helicopter door gunner SGT. Mouk spraying the annual judges meeting. Patriotic snipers, gifted night scopes, and .308 ball ammo by Santa provide that American form of balanced checks on the discretion of pathetic jurists of the family bench. Special… Read More »Resolutions!