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Nancy Aldrich

Willie Haskell

    The pissant little jew piece of shit out of Westport, state senator Willie Haskell is ending his playtime in the General Assembly by announcing he will not run for re-election in 2022. Rather he is going to law school so he can be a deviant lawyer to practice lucrative family court law like his evil mother Nancy Aldrich. Willie Haskell explained that his calling is not politics. As a jew, he worships the money god where faith demands getting into the jewish club of family court lawyers and judges, being the most lucrative option available. Haskell remarked that his mother made so much money off of Christopher Ambrose in two… Read More »Willie Haskell

    Predator: Jocelyn Hurwitz

      Time to take a peak at the child trafficking game of evil guardian ad litem Jocelyn Hurwitz of the nasty jewish law firm of Cohen&Wolf. The jewdiciary feigns belief that a GAL is needed to dissolve a marriage. In reality, the GAL is only appointed when there are parents with money. Deceptively designed to represent the ‘best interests of the children’, the true role of the GAL is to wink at the judge, inflame conflict, and collect huge fees for purchased decisions. In the ongoing slugfest of Ambrose v Ambrose, Jocelyn is doing just that, while destroying the lives of her three wards in the process. Jocelyn works in the… Read More »Predator: Jocelyn Hurwitz