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Matthew Blumenthal


    The now famous blog of the worst kind, a First Amendment thorn in the side of tyranny, highlights the ideological divide between Christians and Old Testament Types, the ancient battle of good vs. evil, where miscreants of Connecticut’s legislative judiciary committee display truly inhumane colors, twisted beliefs, barbaric dogma, misogyny, pederasty, alien doctrines, eschewing founding principles enshrined in the U.S. Constitution, but then, old fart named Moses would never approve such a Constitution among the several tribes; rabbinical courts and ritual animal sacrifice worked just fine to corral his minions.   Rumours abound in Hartford that Representative Matthew Blumenthal holds ideological belief that all administrative, no-fault divorces must have a… Read More »Loser!


      The now-famous Blog takes a big yawn at drama SANDYHOAX, a scripted event to defeat Second Amendment, run by jews, all authorized under a clause in the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act .. federal propaganda is good!  Poor Barbara Bellis, presiding over a jew charade in the armpit of Waterbury, piles on another chunk of change to Alex Jones’ First Amendment rights on legal cause of his ‘blameworthiness’. Oi vey! Jewish abuse of feeble state courts makes an example of Alex; hoax deniers must pay shekels!!!  This week’s jewdicial invoice is $473M, bringing the hoax tally to $1.44B, just from Connecticut. Jew puppet, Yale grad, Judge Maya Guerra Gamble, in… Read More »Blameworthiness

      Abort Katz!!

        The now-famous worst Blog promotes abortion to an enlightened society, advocating freedom of choice up to and including when the fetus becomes a partner at ShipmanGoodwin. Never has there been such a compelling need to extinguish human life, but when Jewette Katz preaches talmudic edicts on behalf of a jewish law firm. As vacuum extractors cannot deal with her fat ass, the late term abortion for Katz employs the classic Connecticut woodchipper, disposal to Lake Zoar. Blog takes note of Jewette’s jewery in a state’s rights issue of a sovereign people, not a retarded jew, having no respect for humanity nor the Constitution. See her chicken scratch below. Hard to… Read More »Abort Katz!!


          Oswald did not shoot JFK. Pearl Harbor was no surprise. Hiroshima was a demonstration. Russian Revolution was an invasion. Hitler was a good guy. Six Million gassed jews is a fable. Civil War was not about slavery. Gulf of Tonkin was a quiet night. Black lives don’t matter. Jews hate the First and Second Amendments. Sun rises in the East. Adam Lanza not an expert marksman. Spoons make people fat, guns kill people, guns and spoons are evil. Life is a jew matrix, reality is an illusion. Welcome to Connecticut, the land of make believe, not so Honorable Barbara Bellis presiding! The now-famous Blog laughs at the jews of Koskoff,… Read More »SandyHoax!