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Mark Frenzel

Judge Wilson J. Trombley: Traitor

    Judges hold duty to protect the rights of litigants and to uphold the Constitution.  But not the old geezer Wilson J. Trombley, old fart and judge trial referee of Connecticut Superior Court in Waterbury, sitting on the bench in his Depends where before him stands minor kid, Mark Frenzel of Watertown. The jewdicial miscreant Trombley, taking a payoff under the table from jew boy Attorney Steve Levy, entertains a claim for restraining order against Kelly Grohs.  Case UWY CV 17 4037928, Mark Frenzel v Kelly Grohs.  But it is not really the kid against Kelly Grohs, it is just William J. Grohs, the nut case x husband of Kelly, using… Read More »Judge Wilson J. Trombley: Traitor

    Mark Frenzel

      Time to take inventory of the miscreant youth named Mark Frenzel of Watertown, Connecticut.  The kid is a pawn in an evil and expensive game of William J. Grohs, the madman psychopath hell bent on proving his manliness by isolating his daughters from their mother. William J. Grohs is the mentally deranged humanoid whose twisted ego drives him to destroy the lives of every person he ever attempted to hold a relationship; whether it is a woman, child, dog or other man, he can only wreak havoc on people.  His latest episode of deviant behavior was to drag Mark Frenzel into court to make false claims that the x wife… Read More »Mark Frenzel