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Gary Roberge


    The Connecticut Judiciary expends huge money paying for retarded idiots to masquerade as family relations counselors in the cesspool of family court. To embellish the jewish charade of custody fights for no state interest, the public is tricked into paying ridiculous salaries to clowns in pretense of providing SERVICES to people in family court. In reality, it is a social welfare program to employ the unemployable performing job functions with no measurable efficacy. For this, Deborah Fuller is paid over $178k/yr to prance around as DIRECTOR of a cash burning operation with no product, other than fat paychecks and fatter pensions. Here is a listing of the SERVICES that are… Read More »Efficacy?

    Spot The Pedos!

      The now-famous blog takes time to highlight the pedo players in the Harris case out of Waterbury JD. Just another pedo play where two seven year old twin girls, Scarlett and Skye, are daddy Dana Harris’ deviant play toys. Same old pedo play, daddy abuses daughters, mom cries foul, pedo court maligns mother, sole custody to pedo dad, no visitation for mom, no hugs for kids, not even a child support order as pedo Dana charges his pals to play. Oi vey, Judge Schofield just cranks out the pedo orders, like no one is watching. Let’s examine the pedo players on the lawyer side. First there is pedo daddy lawyer,… Read More »Spot The Pedos!

      CSSD Gestapo

        Just when we begin to fear our government, the Connecticut Judiciary scares the living shit out of us! The thought police are on the hunt for the now famous blog. Three henchmen of the Court Support Services Division of the Jewdiciary were shaking down citizens this week for information on the journalistic masterminds behind the annoying source of annoyance which the jewidicial masters don’t like…da blog! The State of Connecticut, acting with public funds, by private vendetta within the judiciary is actively investigating free speech which annoys its ruling elite. The state gulag does not allow criticism of public matters in a public forum by the public. The First Amendment… Read More »CSSD Gestapo