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Eric Frazer Psy.D

Pedos, Niggers & Jews

    Lions, tigers & bears, oh no!!! Pedos, niggers, and jews, oh it’s Connecticut again. Daddy pedo Scott Powell molests and rapes his daughters, but because of the proper mix of pedophile protecting cops, jew controlled child protective service, and a dumb nigger in a black robe, the screams of the girls have been silenced, mother maligned, and a federal jew has ruled it is all defamation to call a pedo a pedo. Just another day in the life of the pedo utopia of Corrupticut. The story centers on a pedophile dad named Scott Powell and blog famous dumb nigger Judge Erika Tindill. Same old story that has been played out… Read More »Pedos, Niggers & Jews


      The bizarro world of Connecticut pedophilia goes up against the First Amendment in the recent Second Circuit ruling in Powell v Jones-Soderman. Amazing to see how even federal judges in D. Connecticut work to protect the state pedo ring, lest the world officially recognizes the State as the child rape capital of New England. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious about speaking ill of the pedophiles and their jew protectors. A typical child abuse drama played out in the misnamed ‘family’ court of Connecticut, Scott and Jane Powell go at it, while two little girls get dragged into the simple… Read More »Allegations