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Attorney Richard Callahan

Ringer: Debra Marino

    It is easy for the now-famous Blog to spot the ringers in the Connecticut family court who pretend to represent a mother, but throw her under the bus, under the veil of legal advice, then slither away with a few shekels, leaving her set up for the pedo smackdown and ultimate loss of her child. Meet one such ringer: Attorney Debra B. Marino. Why would the zealously advocacy of protection of client rights allow a mother to submit to deprivation of liberty, senseless government intervention, by the undefined SUPERVISED VISITATION used in family court? Debra Marino specializes in ‘family law’. Is she retarded or playing for the dark side? Why… Read More »Ringer: Debra Marino

    Jooish Family Court

      The now-famous Blog examines the conduct of Connecticut Family Court that exemplifies its jewish form, in all that is alien to American jurisprudence and way of life. Secret Bench Book The Secretary of the State holds copyright to a book that is hidden from the public. The bench book is listed in the Library of Congress Catalog, identifying Judge Support Services as publisher. The overpaid jewish attorney and executive of JSS, Deirdre McPadden ($173k) refuses to disclose it, as she has orders from a big dumb nigger in a black robe to conceal such from ‘we the people’ in defiance of the First Amendment. Only jews feel so empowered to… Read More »Jooish Family Court

      Ambrose: Part 12

        The FrankReport exposes the collusion among Attorneys Nancy Aldrich, Richard Callahan, and Jocelyn Hurwitz to traffic the Ambrose kids and fleece the family bank. Lawyers play for each other in Connecticut family court, protected by jew judges who work for pedophiles. There can be no public confidence in a court system that preys on children. Public warning: Stay away from the jews of Connecticut Family Court. Note that this form of free expression protected under the First Amendment is another willful violation of jew Judge Adelman’s gag order. [fuck you] __________________________________________________________________________________________ Ambrose #12: Hurwitz ā€“ the Wolf of Cohen and Wolf ā€” ā€˜Iā€™m the Guardian ad Litem; My Name Is… Read More »Ambrose: Part 12

        Red Flags

          Red flags and simple profiling of cases and the players identifies the corruption in Connecticut Family Court