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Mad Man Anthony Wallace

    The now-famous Blog of the worst kind observes that blog star Madman Christopher Ambrose has a lawyer who is also a madman. Man is this getting weird! Meet Anthony Wallace, a pathetic excuse of a human slithering the streets of New Haven, fleecing shekels from the unsuspecting, under guise of legal representation. A full service lawyer who literally fucked his client in a divorce case. Wallace’s practice is so bad that he had to take on Christopher Ambrose in a juvey matter where Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer brought abuse petition against dad for his Blog-famous antics over the last four years in family court. Wallace’s instant demonstration of legal incompetence… Read More »Mad Man Anthony Wallace

    Immediate and Present

      The now-famous Blog cheers the jewdicial word-salad promoting deceit by the mentally infirm Judge Eddie Rodriguez of the armpit of Bridgeport Family Court, undermining public confidence in the jewdiciary, exposing the child trafficking game abhorred by society. The tragedy of Christopher Ambrose continues, in tireless effort to abuse three gifts from God, tormenting childhood under guise of jew Judge Adelman’s ‘best interest’ orders cutting mom out of their lives. Ambrose files ‘ex parte‘ motion in family court demanding runaway children be seized by police, cuffed, chained, dragged kicking and screaming back to his loving care. The fallacy of family court is when the kids don’t play along with jewdicial discretion,… Read More »Immediate and Present

      Michael Reich

        The now-famous Blog spotlights jewdicial abuse of Michael Reich of Avon, Connecticut, a target of the state paedo ring, toy of the evil family court, now denied summer vacation on the Cape by retarded jewdicial miscreant Judge Thomas Moukawsher, who fucks over childhood to generate shekels for his demonic footsoldiers, preying on family bank for legal fees. The jewish ideology of childhood rape and familial destruction plays large on the Reich family, a sexually deviant father, an abused mother and a psychologically destroyed son. Oi vey, another state sponsored rape of childhood, a story that will not end well. This tragedy of jewdicial discretion has been going on for eleven… Read More »Michael Reich

        Ambrose Trifecta

          The now-famous Blog congratulates mad man Christopher Ambrose of Madison, Connecticut for abusing Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer to the point they all ran away, filed abuse petitions against him in juvenile court, and sought safe haven with mother, a trifecta! The third and youngest child, Sawyer ran away from Ambrose in celebration of Independence Day, abused, neglected, emotionally spent, the little kid had enough, now reunited with his older siblings, all protected from abuse by a loving mother. A happy ending for four years of emotional torture by jewdicial discretion of Judges Jane Grossman and Gerard Adelman. But now Chief of Madison Police Jack Drumm dispatches his donut whores to… Read More »Ambrose Trifecta

          No Sympathy

            Judge Robin Wilson of Connecticut’s Superior Court states she has NO SYMPATHY for Blog star Christopher Ambrose in his meritless, frivolous, vexatious defamation action against Auntie Easter Baskets, in today’s court hearing of toddler ranting by Ambrose, abusing the legal system in manifestation of his mental defect that he is a victim of public scrutiny for public behavior in abuse of Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer, three gifts of God, denied jelly beans and chocolate bunnies in celebration of the Resurrection. Concerned citizens, exercising First Amendment rights of scrutiny of matters in the public forum of family court, horrified by jewdicial abuse of children, discussing governmental malfeasance, the essence of self-governance,… Read More »No Sympathy

            Jewish Forensic Fraud

              Dr. Marc Abrams, snake-oil salesman, jewdicial pet of the NY family court system claims he performs FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY for the court, predicting the unpredictable, for shekels, applying joo voo doo, to provide baseless, biased, independent opinions of parents he does not know, and children he does not understand. Abrams has no purpose in life other than to talk to fools who wish to listen, he cannot prescribe any medicine, just spoken word, his opinions are not based in science, he is licensed by the state, from whose authority comes truth, he has no means to measure, test, conclude, there is no process for him to present a ‘diagnosis’ in family… Read More »Jewish Forensic Fraud

              Redress Of Grievances

                The legal shenanigans of Connecticut Attorney General William Tong have come to the attention of ‘we the people’ with bare arms, suggesting the yellow, commie chink is a traitor, acting on private agenda to destroy the redress clause of the First Amendment, oppressing a free people with jewish ideology, begging remedy by flash-bangs of the Second Amendment. The now-famous Blog of the worst kind, loved by nutmeg jew queen Jewette Katz, ponders alien ideology of Tong on this long weekend holiday celebrating independence of colonials from the King. In view of Tong, the King is a better choice. Blog legal beagles sniff out deceit and deception in the Office of… Read More »Redress Of Grievances

                Nuttier Nunley

                  The now-famous Blog spotlights efforts of yellow, commie chink William Tong to thwart parental rights in federal court on behalf of sovereign nutmegs, in pleading by communist foot soldier AAG Alma Rose Nunley who pleads that a father cannot be ‘next friend’ for little Odin Sakon of Manchester, whom TAMMY!, Diana, and Nastri have maligned in deprivation of federal ADA rights. Oi vey! The jewish ideology of societal and familial destruction flows forth from the Office of Attorney General of Connecticut with kosher venom. Nunley cites no case law, no statute, no public policy that prohibits a father from acting as next friend for his abused child, but don’t let… Read More »Nuttier Nunley


                    The now-famous Blog celebrates the one year anniversary of the combined efforts of Virginia and Connecticut State Police to shred constitutional rights by SWAT raid, murdering a front door under cover of early morning darkness to seize fruits of free speech. Hats off to VSP Senior Special Agent Michael Sponheimer for his inability to recognize protected speech, along with accolades of Pooper Scooper Trooper Samantha McCord of Connecticut gestapo, acting under direction of Jewette Katz, who really hates free speech of Blog or any other goy. Oi vey, the state gestapo is just chosen muscle, chilling expression, a kike delight. Despite little green men with black rifles tossing laundry baskets… Read More »Anniversary

                    Toxic Ambrose

                      Now-famous Blog reports that mad man Christopher Ambrose cannot find an attorney to represent him in suit against Auntie Easterbaskets. Mad man Ambrose brought the defamation suit a year ago against a free citizen exercising First Amendment rights talking about mad man’s antics on the public stage of family court, now he asks for a continuance as he cannot find a lecherous legal lizard to represent him in pursuit of meritless, frivolous, vexatious abuse of the legal system. Mad man has represented himself for the last year, over 85 docket entries, pointless pleadings, insane arguments, exposing his mad mind to the world, all on the record. Why does mad man… Read More »Toxic Ambrose