The now famous blog of the worst kind, a First Amendment thorn in the side of tyranny, highlights the ideological divide between Christians and Old Testament Types, the ancient battle of good vs. evil, where miscreants of Connecticut’s legislative judiciary committee display truly inhumane colors, twisted beliefs, barbaric dogma, misogyny, pederasty, alien doctrines, eschewing founding principles enshrined in the U.S. Constitution, but then, old fart named Moses would never approve such a Constitution among the several tribes; rabbinical courts and ritual animal sacrifice worked just fine to corral his minions. Rumours abound in Hartford that Representative Matthew Blumenthal holds ideological belief that all administrative, no-fault divorces must have a LOSER … the inherent duty of the court to deliver up the unfortunate.
Now famous blog genealogical department notes Matthew Blumenthal, representing parts of Stamford and Darien, is the spawn of Richard Blumenthal, DaNang Dick, we all know the story. Spawn holds Old Testament beliefs for divorce drama. If there must be a LOSER, then Mosaic law requires mother to lose, as “I divorce thee” x 3 equals a divorce for Moses followers. You thought it was the Muslims? Nope, Mohammad got it from Moses, a way of keeping women in line, subservient, oppressed, treated as property to be cast off by male virility. Mosaic law prized wealth over women, prohibiting cross tribe marriages, keeping dowries among cousins. Spawn displays the heavy hard heart of the jew in all things family, described in the Gospel of Matthew and Mark, explaining jewish disdain for Christian matrimonial commitment (sacrament) versus manly Mosaic practice of handing mom a ‘bill of divorce’ from the cold fissures of a hard heart. Brutal, nasty, callous disposal of wives by jewish men is also described in the old book of Ezra, a philosophical schizophrenic who casts out un-kosher wives and their mudblood kids created by jew men who married aliens (a.k.a. goy). Ezra ordered all parents divorced, women and children cast out of the resettled Jerusalem, a form of ethnic cleansing. Contaminating pure jewish blood lines with impure goy DNA, spawning contaminated children, unworthy of tribal membership could not be tolerated. Of course Spawn Blumenthal forgets the old book of Exodus 22, where those who oppress women and children flare the old deity’s wrath, bringing demise by a terrible swift sword. Old book had no flash bangs of Second Amendment variety, broad swords sufficed. The Mosaic theology of instantly destroying a marriage re-injected into modern Christian society by sole promotion of jews, first in 1917 by Bolshevik (jew) overthrow of Russian Imperial and Orthodox culture, creating instant on demand divorce, jews imposing familial destruction on an otherwise Christian society, built on family unity, but when jews treat you like cattle, what else to expect? The U.S. jewish form of instant matrimonial destruction was promoted by jews in Los Angeles, forming the AFCC in 1963, injecting no-fault divorce into American society, eventually codified in law in 1969 in California, signed by Governor Ronald Reagan, go figure. The design of no-fault divorce is to minimize the concept of marriage, eschew Christian belief, destroy a society built on the family unit, one matrimonial bond at a time, erasing thousands of years of a purely Christian concept, for strong Christian societies are hated by the jew. The effort has great success. In 1968, the national divorce rate was exactly the same as 1948, but promotion of deviancy, conflict, societal discord is Satan’s work, today marriage is hardly the societal norm of pre-jewmurika. Spawn Blumenthal is preaching the jewish screed to the goy, losers must be produced by the State’s due process to uphold Mosaic law within the host society. Perhaps the people of the 147th should rethink sending the devil’s hand to the legislature.
The jewish delight in familial destruction is not repeated in any other religion. Under the teachings of Islam, parents are judged by Allah on the compassionate care and upbringing of children, so bestowed upon them by his grace. Fighting over children is a jewish delicacy invoked in a secular society, in defiance of the U.S. Constitution, veiled in State law of pederasty rule. The founding Christian principles of the Republic enshrine protection of parent-child bonds in the First Amendment, being a fundamental liberty interest, predating the founding. The Constitution refutes Spawn’s ‘loser’ ideology, so simply explained by SCOTUS a quarter of a century ago, citing century old case law of the Republic, where the 14th Amendment prohibits Connecticut from creating a ‘loser’ in a divorce matter, a point lost on Satan’s Spawn, who is also an attorney at Koskoff & Beatoff, where the firm advertises their lawyers: stand between abuse of government and the citizen, stand against abuse of judicial power, molding rights of future generations. Sounds like Satan Spawn is in the wrong firm, he advocates for judicial abuse of parents under color of state dissolution law, promotes jewdicial abuse, destroys liberties of kids, all in violation of 14th Amendment, warring against the Constitution in the name of Mosaic law … yes, Blog can see right thru Satan’s political rhetoric, not hard to spot a nefarious demon.
SCOTUS finds Satan Spawn’s war against the Constitution to be a violation of his oath of office to support it. To wit: No state legislator or executive or judicial officer can war against the Constitution without violating his undertaking to support it. Matthew Blumenthal, representing people of the 147th, in their name, violates his oath of office, becoming a domestic enemy of the Constitution, for which all service members swear with their lives to defend. Semper fi is misapplied to Spawn. Pretty heavy duty Patriotic stuff, wonder who trained Matthew to preach to ‘we the people’ an ideology for destruction of a more perfect Union.
Spawn Boy Blumenthal applies his imbecile intellect to present day no-fault divorce, promoting conflict generated by mislabeled ‘Family Court’ of Connecticut. If there is no conflict, then jewish lawyers can’t make money from unsuspecting goy parents, where family savings fill lawyer bank, those bar association members who pretend to practice ‘family law’. Conflict = Money. Spawn promotes conflict in families so there will be losers who pay jewish lawyers, the essence of family court … shekels.
The now famous Blog legal historical department cites a century old high court case from New York, handed down by a jew justice who clearly explains Spawn Boy’s error at law. Justice Benjamin Cardoza ruled in 1925 that the court does not take up one parent’s claim against another in Finlay v Finlay:
The chancellor in exercising his jurisdiction upon petition does not proceed upon the theory that the petitioner, whether father or mother, has a cause of action against the other or indeed against any one. He acts as parens patriae to do what is best for the interest of the child. He is to put himself in the position of a “ wise, affectionate . and careful parent ” (Queen v. Gyngall, supra), and make provision for the child accordingly. He may act at the intervention or on the motion of a kinsman, if so the petition comes before him, but equally he may act at the instance of any one else. He is not adjudicating a controversy between adversary parties, to compose their private differences. He is not determining rights “as between a parent and a child” or as between one parent and another (Queen v. Gyngall, supra). He interferes for the protection of infants, qua infants, by virtue of the prerogative which belongs to the Crown as parens patriae. Equity does not concern itself with such disputes in their relation to the disputants. Its concern is for the child.
Benjamin Cardoza was the first jew to sit on New York’s high court, becoming Chief Judge in 1926, he was the second jew to sit on the Supreme Court of the United States, serving from 1932 until his death in 1938. Cardoza would not stomach the bleating of the Blumenthal Spawn requiring the court of equity to create a ‘loser’ as a condition of state regulated dissolution of marriage. It is doubtful Cardoza would buy into the Holohoax story of 6 million either. A casual observer may rightly conclude that Representative Matthew Blumenthal exhibits Anti-Christian Bias, manifesting deprivation of the free exercise clause, as a domestic enemy of the Constitution.