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Rumours are real

Gossip and rumours are the stuff of politics and drama.  Connecticut is replete with both.  So spread the rumour that criticism of Family Court is a right of protected freedom of expression.  A federal constitutional right of the people to scrutinize the activities of crooks & thieves masquerading as the government of the people, for the people and by the people.

Stop in and chat with state Senator Kissel of the Judiciary Committee of the General Assembly.  Ask him to discuss the corruption in Family Court, then notice a worried look, stammered speech, foot shuffling and a need to visit the restroom.  Rumour has it that Senator Kissel is lawyered up.  Strange for an elected representative of the people to have need for counsel.  Even stranger that such a gas bag politician won’t talk.  Politicians are known for hot air, promises and campaign donations.  Offer Senator Kissel a thousand clams for his re-election campaign for a minute of discussion on the cesspool of Family Court; he wants the money, but the lawyers advise him to keep his mouth shut.  Why so?

What causes politicians to replace their shadows with lawyers?  What is at risk?  Why exercise the right to remain silent?  Afraid that anything they say can and will be used against them in a court of law?  Oh, wait, but not a Connecticut court as pots and kettles don’t call each other black.  Must be a higher power… the FEDS?

Spread the rumour.  State representatives and senators associated with the judiciary committee are all lawyered up.  The tri-Chairs:  Sen. Paul Doyle, Sen. John Kissel and Rep. Willie Tong, all lawyers themselves, are facing a federal enema requiring the state to pay for legal representation of these elected officials and their fellow committee members.

Rumours are real.  Feds are real.  Boogeyman is real.  Pedo rings are your imagination.

Rumour…spread it.

Tong swears to undermine the Constitution.
Political criticism is a hate crime.

FBI Watched Baby Aaden Splash