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Robyn Porter

Nutmeg Niggers & ‘Spics

    The now-famous Blog takes aim at pigment politics of Connecticut General Assembly’s Black and Puerto Rican Caucus for bill introduction by Waterbury ‘spic Geraldo Reyes, whining over jewish judges ripping families apart in guise of best talmudic interests for goy kids. Reyes claims state severing of parent-child bonds is a bad thing, which should be illegal. The dumb ‘spic can’t write a cohesive sentence, here is his proposed ‘legislation‘: That section 46b-56a of the general statutes be amended to require that when a court orders joint custody of a minor child, the court shall also order that the parents of the minor child have equal parenting time with the child,… Read More »Nutmeg Niggers & ‘Spics