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Lisa Knopf

Lisa Knopf, Esq.

    The now-famous Blog spotlights the pedo protection pleadings of Attorney Lisa Knopf, a public service alert revealing the absolute discretion of a jew judge acts to protect child rapists and silence mothers who recognize the evil of a predator father. Read here the insane pleading of a licensed attorney, asking the court to conspire in silencing the screams of raped children. Blog legal staff breaks down the pleading, exposing pedo protection, which jew judge Jane Grossman is paid to deliver. Pedo daddy gets sole custody, mom barred from school, medical records, and doctor’s visits with child. Can’t have mom taking Leo to the pediatrician on complaint of butthurt. Mandatory reports… Read More »Lisa Knopf, Esq.


      The now-famous Blog announces the labeling of a specialty division of the Connecticut Bar Association that focuses solely on separating children for mothers where daddy has big bucks. This group operates under a secret section of the secret family court benchbook which lays out the strategy to employ the children as tools to promote conflict, drain family savings, raping childhood, while enriching lawyers and judges along the way. The new name: JEWISH CUNT CLUB. Head of the CLUB is the evil, hideous, retired supreme court justice, and child trafficker commissioner Jewette Katz; partner at the lecherous law firm of SHIPMAN & GOODWIN. From her opinionated perch the CT Law Tribune,… Read More »JCC