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Lisa Knopf Esq.

Tiberi Outs Volpe

    Blog star dentist of Bridgeport, the manly Dr. Frank Tiberi, alcoholic, child abuser, drug addict, pedophile, outs freelance journalist Michael Volpe as being behind this now-famous worst Blog. After years of police investigations, search warrants, jewdicial snooping, Frank Tiberi has outed the Blog in his sworn testimony before Judge Eddie Rodriguez in Bridgeport. Yes, I know for a hundred percent fact that Michael Volpe is in part with family circus, this is– it’s right in there. We can show it to you. Frank Tiberi Trial Testimony The comedy section of Blog editorial staff notes that ‘spic boy Judge Eddie Rodriguez found manly Frank’s testimony to be CREDIBLE! Frank is in… Read More »Tiberi Outs Volpe

    Kevin Finch

      What does a guardian ad litem do in a simple administrative ‘no-fault’ divorce? How can a clown like Kevin Finch run up a $50k bill for doing nothing? How does Kevin Finch ethically bill 140 hours of professional services consisting entirely of phone calls and reviewing pleadings of others? What is the magical, necessity of illusory representation of ‘best interests’ that consumes so much time and money? Why is this fictitious form of legal representation, absent a real client, worth $350/hr? Another jewdicial scam on the goy? Ever notice that poor folks don’t get GALs. Or if they do, the State only pays a flat fee of $500/kid? Why the… Read More »Kevin Finch