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John P. Doyle Jr

Domestic Enemy

    The now famous Blog of the worst kind, exercising a free press, inciting public debate, the essence of self-government, underpinning the founding of the Republic, presents public opinion as seeing John P. Doyle, Jr., State’s Attorney of New Haven, as a domestic enemy of the Constitution, a threat to the rule of law, a danger to democracy, and holding alien ideology toxic to all things American. John goes by ‘Jack’, for which Blog label department assigns ‘JACKASS’, given his quarter of a million dollar salary and complete lack of brains.  Jackass is above the law, he is not constrained by pesky legislative acts, known to little people as ‘rule of… Read More »Domestic Enemy

    Domestic Terrorism

      The now-famous Worst Blog of the free speech kind provides public warning that John P. Doyle, Jr, state’s attorney for New Haven, GA23 is a domestic enemy of the Constitution, shredding protections of the Bill of Rights, a danger to society, a danger to himself, inciting imminent lawless action, angering deplorable mobs, as there is butthurt among public officials. Doyle is another state paycheck sponge executing terrorism by order of the disgraced Richard Colangelo, the ‘former’ chief prosecutor, who abandoned post because of unethical conduct, abuse of office, while being a jerk.  Doyle does not understand First Amendment jurisprudence, two hundred years of case law protecting expressions to tear down… Read More »Domestic Terrorism