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Dr. Frank Tiberi DDS

Grossman Does It Again!

    The grand dyke jew queen of paedo protection, Judge Jane Grossman, of Connecticut family court, severs another constitutionally protected mother-son bond, as paid for by Dr. Frank Tiberi, DDS of Tiberi Family Denistry, jews Lisa Knopf, Janis Laliberte, and Jessica Caverly participating in professional conspiracy.  Little Leo Tiberi has not hugged his mother in over a year, his fundamental right to mother hugs thwarted by jewish discretion, no state interest, no finding of maternal unfitness, no finding of harm, just the jewish delicacy of protecting paedophiles, while maligning motherhood in jewmurika. Blog star Jane Grossman, is frightened that the boogey man is lurking in the bushes, that the public knows… Read More »Grossman Does It Again!


      The now-famous WORST Blog highlights the jewdicial incompetence of kunt Judge Grasso-Egan and ‘spickish Judge Eddie Rodriguez for their inability to apply the law of a sovereign people, doing a favor for jew whore Lisa Knopf, turning concept of COURT into a stage drama to malign a mother, molest a child, and enrich a jew … not what the founding fathers had in mind, a standard of performance worse than the Crown, where at least Kings care about children of the realm, where jews of family court only care about billable hours, inflicting emotional harm on families, raping childhood for Satan’s pleasure. The drama centers on CGS §46b-15, a law… Read More »Fear

      Tiberi Outs Volpe

        Blog star dentist of Bridgeport, the manly Dr. Frank Tiberi, alcoholic, child abuser, drug addict, pedophile, outs freelance journalist Michael Volpe as being behind this now-famous worst Blog. After years of police investigations, search warrants, jewdicial snooping, Frank Tiberi has outed the Blog in his sworn testimony before Judge Eddie Rodriguez in Bridgeport. Yes, I know for a hundred percent fact that Michael Volpe is in part with family circus, this is– it’s right in there. We can show it to you. Frank Tiberi Trial Testimony The comedy section of Blog editorial staff notes that ‘spic boy Judge Eddie Rodriguez found manly Frank’s testimony to be CREDIBLE! Frank is in… Read More »Tiberi Outs Volpe

        Frank Tiberi: ManCard Cancelled!

          The great filler of cavities, Dr. Frank Tiberi, DDS of Tiberi Family Dentistry has officially turned in his ManCard, admitting he is an absolute wuss. He swore to Judge Lisa Grasso-Egan of Superior Court in Bridgeport that his manliness is in FEAR of the petite mother of his son LEO. Big man is SCARED! Blog can’t make this shit up!! He pleaded that he was in IMMEDIATE AND PRESENT PHYSICAL DANGER! He requires immediate protection with a piece of paper!! He claims his 7 year old son LEO is in DANGER of being hugged by his mom, which the court must prevent!! Can’t have smiling happy kids hugging mom while… Read More »Frank Tiberi: ManCard Cancelled!

          Impromtu Crazy

            Investigative journalist Mike Volpe interviews another victimized mother of the Connecticut Family Court. Joriz Tiberi has been abused by the chosen ideology of Judge Jane Grossman who falsely believes she has constitutional power to isolate a child from the birth mother. The people of Connecticut empower the Grossman and the family court mafia to ignore the Constitution, where the personal opinion of Jane Grossman overrides the rule of law to the harm of children. Grossman’s purpose is to protect Dr. Frank Tiberi, DDS of Tiberi Family Dentistry in Bridgeport from being exposed as a child predator by isolating seven year old Leo from anyone to whom he might expose his… Read More »Impromtu Crazy

            Word Salad

              The now-famous Blog highlights the incompetence of Judge Jane Grossman in her recent order which can only be described as tossed word salad of federal trespass. It is time to recognize Connecticut Family Court is staffed with idiots unable to administer the law. A serious issue for a responsible people to take up in protection of children. Background of the case is classic Connecticut pedo. Daddy is a minor attracted drug addicted alcoholic who enjoys heroin, vodka, young latina hookers, along with deviant pleasures involving children. First wife split with the daughter to end the abuse. Second wife filed for divorce on same discovery. Usual suspects of pedo protection showed… Read More »Word Salad

              Lisa Knopf, Esq.

                The now-famous Blog spotlights the pedo protection pleadings of Attorney Lisa Knopf, a public service alert revealing the absolute discretion of a jew judge acts to protect child rapists and silence mothers who recognize the evil of a predator father. Read here the insane pleading of a licensed attorney, asking the court to conspire in silencing the screams of raped children. Blog legal staff breaks down the pleading, exposing pedo protection, which jew judge Jane Grossman is paid to deliver. Pedo daddy gets sole custody, mom barred from school, medical records, and doctor’s visits with child. Can’t have mom taking Leo to the pediatrician on complaint of butthurt. Mandatory reports… Read More »Lisa Knopf, Esq.

                Laliberte Liability

                  The now famous blog takes a look at Connecticut’s lawyer welfare program administered by the judges of the family court. A guardian ad litem is appointed at the discretion of the court to represent the ‘best interests’ of a child. A posting absent legal purpose, as the family court operates in the best interests by statute. Why is a lawyer needed? Because it is how the judges put cash in the pockets of the bottom of the barrel attorneys who would otherwise starve to death. Time to spotlight the incompetent GAL in the Tiberi case, the fat, the ugly, the stupid, Janis M. Laliberte. The first hint that Laliberte is… Read More »Laliberte Liability