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Luigi DiRubba


    The now-famous Blog of the worst kind observes racketeering of Connecticut family court, a den of thieves, in conspiracy to defraud a father, by denial of justice, deprivation of rights, and plundering of bank, while raping six childhoods. The FrankReport is running a series of articles to expose the ‘craft of plunder‘ exhibited by judges, lawyers, therapists, state actors in the DiRubba divorce, where over $3M is extracted by the racketeers in full public view. The machinery of State government works to veil grand larceny in ‘best interests of children’, a jewish delicacy of trickery and deceit, while preying on children. Even the Cheshire Police conspire to execute false arrests… Read More »Racketeering

    FrankReport Interview

      FrankReport moves into video genre featuring interviews with victims of Connecticut Family Court. First in a series!! Hear the horror story of a dad of six kids with money, stripped of everything for lawyer feed by Attorney Marianne J. Charles and GAL Janis Laliberte, the obese sloth of best interests.