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Eric Levine Esq.


    The now-famous and Blog of the worst kind highlights dumb nigger in charge of the Connecticut Jewdiciary who conspires to conceal judgements from a sovereign people. Nigger Boy Robinson, Chief of the third branch of state government, a former slave, now Free At Last! Free At Last! Free At Last! is a mere tyrant worthy of a .50 cal to the head. The Tree of Liberty thirsts for judicial refreshment. The jewish perfidy of jackass Judge Patrick Carroll, a black-robed crook, undermines the First Amendment by concealing all family court trial judgements from public scrutiny. A government of the people, for the people, by the people, overturned by simple, overlooked… Read More »Nigger!

    Kike Konspiracy

      The now-famous Blog exposes the kike konspiracy of the Connecticut Jewdiciary hiding the dirty work of jew judges from a curious sovereign public, in violation of the First Amendment. But in jewland the Bill of Rights means nothing to the chosen ruling class who do not recognize rights of four-legged barnyard animals mislabeled as citizens. Little kike Eric Levine is employed by the Branch with the title of REPORTER OF JUDICIAL DECISIONS. He is an attorney, subject to the rules of professional conduct, paid $150k a year to perform a clerical job of shoveling papers. Eric acts like a toddler when the public asks to obtain copies of all family… Read More »Kike Konspiracy