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Ed Mahoney

Barbara’s Blunder

    The cesspool of Connecticut jewdicary stinks again! Judge Barbara Bellis does it again, a sham trial, devoid of constitutional protections, promoting jewish agenda that guns are bad, applying federal law permitting hoaxes to promote elite chosen agendas: stage a hoax, make a case for gun confiscation, call in Barbara to preside over a fictitious suit under color of state law to attack gunsmiths, then when the hoax is over exposed, call in Barbara to promote propaganda that free speech of government drama theatre is tort against federal actors who staged the hoax, call it defamation, get Norm Pattis and Alex Jones to play along, a grand drama made for the… Read More »Barbara’s Blunder

    Jew Shill Ed Mahoney

      The now-famous worst blog calls out Ed Mahoney of the nation’s oldest continuously published newspaper for being a hapless shill to the jewdicial mafia of Connecticut, spinning a judicial corruption story into a heinous anti-semtic drama to shame the goy. Oi vey, only executive editor Helen Bennett could be proud of such journalistic hypocrisy, fictional writing played on the goy as ‘reporting’. Blog elders frown upon a newspaper dating to 1764 which today advocates censorship by ridiculing citizens for exercising First Amendment rights. Ed Mahoney plays the jew game of ‘hate speech’ being speech the jews hate. Poor Ed, a demented old man, detached from reality, promoting trickery on his… Read More »Jew Shill Ed Mahoney

      Jewish Journalism

        A responsible press is a necessity of a free society, but in Connecticut the irresponsible press is the bane of a free people, where pathetic yellow journalism exposes reporter puppets on jewstrings. People so alien to the fabric of the nation, as to be domestic enemies of the Constitution, terrorists, simple traitors. Meet pretend journalists Ben Lambert of the New Haven Register, Alex Wood of the Journal Inquirer, Ed Mahoney of the Hartford Courant, Ethan Carey of I95 Rock. All jewish puppets reporting about a disbarred lawyer for accusing jews of being jews in family court, while concealing the real story that five jews conspired to isolate three kids from… Read More »Jewish Journalism