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Attorney Charles T. Gura

Reckless Incompetent Caverly

    Dr. Jessican Biren Caverly, PhD is Connecticut jewdiciary’s favorite jewish opinion generator for the sole cause of trafficking children as sex toys of pedo perverts. Welcome to hell, where screams of children are silenced by the wrath of Kundry, a jewdicial Branch run by a Free At Last! Nigger a conspirator to childhood rape in defiance of the Constitution. Only question of legal import is how many child predators can swing from one branch of the Charter Oak? The now-famous FRANK REPORT splashes jewish infirmity on the internet, exposing jewdicial discretion in blessing RECKLESS INCOMPETENCE as societal expertise on families in the name of simple administrative no-fault divorce. The jews… Read More »Reckless Incompetent Caverly

    Child Predators

      Meet big jewish child predator Harold L. Moroknek a scum lawyer advocating for Mad Man Christopher Ambrose to keep three kids isolated from mother. Harold Moronek is attacking a next friend lawsuit by Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer for malpractice against Dr. Jessica Biren Caverly, PhD, the jew psychobabblist who prescribed a momectomy for three gifts from God. It has now been more than 640 days since kids hugged mom, celebrated a birthday, shared religious holidays or any other semblance of normal mother-child relations … because jews like Caverly are not normal people, neither are her lawyers at MarshallDennehy. ‘Go To’ CEO G. Mark Thompson has some explaining to do to… Read More »Child Predators