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Attoney Nancy Aldrich

Part 3: Unspecified Disorder

    The third part in the drama of pedo dad Christopher Ambrose and the court system that abuses children, while lawyers get rich, families go broke, and pedophiles are protected. Read on Frank Report. The jewish psycobabblist Jessica Biren Caverly is cited for diagnosing mother with an ‘unspecified disorder’ for which the jew magic of family court finds cause for isolation of children from mom, as ordered by jew Judge Jane Grossman, applauded by jew GAL Jocelyn Hurwitz to the glee of daddy’s jew attorney Nancy Aldrich. Note that jew girl Jocelyn normally charges $500/hr, but gave the Ambrose family a 20% discount for her valuable ‘services’. Hurwitz retainer letter here.… Read More »Part 3: Unspecified Disorder