The now-famous Blog spotlights Betsy Keller’s social advocacy group Connecticut Protective Moms, represented by board member Kerry Anne Linnane, before Truglia,J in hearing for withdrawal of mother’s counsel Shawna Hamilton-Doster, in dissolution case Tiberi v Tiberi. Board member and professional family litigant Linnane appears as a witness to malign a mother fighting to hug the fruit of her womb. Blog famous, incompetent, pinot grigio addicted lush Attorney Hamilton pleads in tears to dump her client in mid trial before Grossman,J, as mom realizes counsel is playing for the dark side, conspiring with father’s counsel Lisa Knopf and GAL Janis Laliberte to sever constitutionally protected mother-son bonds, under the color of dissolution law. Zealous advocacy of family court falls to the wallet providing lawyer feed.
Attorney Shawna Hamilton is represented by Suzanne Sutton of Cohen&Wolf, a self-proclaimed expert in legal ethics. Linnane testifies that she advised mother in her dissolution action, as CPM works with lawyers, provides legal advice to litigant mothers, but derides mom, as she did not follow advice provided; mom’s behaviour desiring child hugs is not inline with CPM’s ‘mission’. Linnane opines, Hamilton is highly recommended by CPM, founder Betsy Keller’s personal choice. CPM feels a mother’s desire to hug her child, suffering with hostile counsel is ‘alarming behaviour’. This hearing is the second attempt by Hamilton to withdraw, first request denied by Truglia,J in December. Linnane agreed under oath to Hamilton’s leading question that she is frightened to be testifying, claims mother’s action is slander, for which Linnae feels duty to oppose for protection of Hamilton. Linanne testified that mom feels Hamilton does not advocate her client’s cause for ‘active & consistent’ involvement in son’s life, repeating mother’s observation that Hamilton is a stupid drunk, deserving a malpractice suit. Hamilton advises Truglia,J that she needed to ‘go to the police’. Sutton informed the court that she advised Hamilton to complain to police because Hamilton felt ‘threatened’ by a mother being maligned by court discretion, isolated from child, absent state interest, due process, or protection of fundamental rights. Sutton states she is worried for Hamilton’s protection, further maligning the mother. ‘Worry’ being new standard of law.
Attorney Hamilton is sworn as a witness, after interrogating Linanne, takes the stand crying, emotional meltdown, requiring court tissues, testifying of being threatened, scared, client claims malpractice, professional misconduct, adding there is more evidence which could not be disclosed for ‘ethical’ reasons. Truglia,J found there is a problem, Hamilton is discharged as counsel.
Read hearing transcript here.
Just another glaring example of the racketeering in Connecticut Family Court, which drives members of the honorable profession to abandon honest practice of law, practicing ‘brawl for hire’, biggest wallet wins the kid, a craft of plunder rather than honest advocacy. More money changes hands in family court than any other forum, custody fights are jewdicial trickery to play the pockets of fit parents, who are victimized by absolute discretion of jewish ideology to inflame conflict, fight over children, all in the name of billable hours for the most ruthless, soul-less, lecherous attorneys in the land. God help us all.
Grossman,J continued the trial, denying request for replacement counsel, cut Little Leo Tiberi out of mother’s life in complete defiance of state law and public policy. Frank Tiberi paid all the bills, over $300k, to ensure Leo never hugs his mom again.
Think twice before retaining attorneys Shawna Hamilton, Lisa Knopf, Janis Laliberte or others engaged in child trafficking for shekels. Courts of Truglia, Adelman, Emons, Grossman, Heller, Pinkus, Solomon, Murphy, Diana, Ficeto, Coleman et al, are predatory forums, danger to society, destructive to childhood. A Connecticut jewish delicacy.
Betsy Keller is a nutjob and there is no ‘board’ of CPM, Inc., just Betsy and her own personal demons.
Editor’s Note: The hallmark of these bizarre proceedings is that the lawyers are mostly women who lack motherhood skills, have substance abuse issues, hold degrees from bottom tier law schools, endorse non-Christian ideology, prefer deviant sexual activity, lack intellect, all before a jewish judge, who is purposely dumped in family court for inability to function in a real court of law. The craft of plunder in practice of brawl for hire, a jewish delicacy.