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NJ Courts Exposed: Secret ‘Hit List’ Targets Family Court Litigants and Journalists

NJ Courts Exposed: Shocking documents expose a secret NJ court police unit blacklisting family court victims, journalists & whistleblowers.

NJ Courts Exposed: Whistleblowers, Protective Parents, and Journalists Targeted by Rogue Court Gestapo

Rick LaRivière Luthmann Headshot

By Rick LaRivière with Richard Luthmann

Shocking new documents obtained in the investigation of the Monica Ciardi case reveal that the New Jersey Courts—through its Court & Judicial Security Unit—operate like a secret police force, maintaining an undisclosed ‘hit list’ of family court litigants they seek to silence and neutralize.

This secret unit targets not only family court litigants but also journalists reporting corruption within the New Jersey Judiciary.

Todd Christie’s Indecent Proposal? Family Court Hostage Monica Ciardi, New Jersey Court Transparency, and They Who Think Themselves God

The documents, which we have reviewed, confirm that the New Jersey Court System systematically blacklists individuals, denying them due process, impeding court filings, and in some cases, coordinating their arrests and prosecutions.

Among those on this secret judiciary blacklist? Activist Rachel Alintoff and Family Court Hostage Monica Ciardi, until her arrest last September.

NJ Courts Exposed: How the Secret ‘Hit List’ Works

The Court & Judicial Security Unit—a shadowy division within the New Jersey Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC)—has been operating this surveillance operation without public knowledge.

  • Step 1: Blacklist the Litigant – The judiciary identifies “problematic” family court litigants—typically protective parents or whistleblowers. They flag their cases internally, obstruct their filings, and restrict their ability to seek legal recourse.

  • Step 2: Manufacture Legal Pretext – The courts find pretextual reasons to escalate action after isolating the target. For Monica Ciardi, the courts used her social media posts to justify bogus “terroristic threats” charges—ignoring the fact that she was quoting a judge.

  • Step 3: Use Law Enforcement for Targeted Prosecution – Once flagged by the Court & Judicial Security Unit, litigants often face coordinated prosecution efforts between the courts and politically connected law enforcement. This outlet is investigating claims that the AOC regularly seeks ex parte pretextual warrants against its targets from “rubber stamp” judges. Evidence is assembled and handed over to the Executive Branch for prosecution.

  • Step 4: Silence the Press—When journalists begin exposing these abuses, the New Jersey Court System threatens reporters with criminal prosecution, claiming unauthorized media coverage.

NJ Courts Exposed: Federal Authorities Notified

U.S. Attorney General Pamela Jo Bondi
U.S. Attorney General Pamela Jo Bondi

The unredacted ‘hit list,’ obtained from a protected source and dated November 2024, has been forwarded to federal authorities in the Trump DOJ for investigation with permission.

“The New Jersey Courts have become a rogue operation,” said David Weigel, a family court watchdog and leader of the Family Court Fraud Warrior Project.

NJ Courts Exposed: Shocking documents expose a secret NJ court police unit blacklisting family court victims, journalists & whistleblowers.

“This is like the old Soviet Union. They identify enemies, blacklist them, and systematically destroy their lives.”

How Monica Ciardi Became a Target

Ciardi, a New Jersey mother, has been jailed for over five months on charges stemming from accusations made by her ex-husband, John Uanis, a firearms instructor with deep ties to law enforcement.

NJ Police Firearms Instructor John Uanis
NJ Police Firearms Instructor John Uanis

Why was Ciardi targeted?

Monica Ciardi FB Post

Because she spoke out about corruption in the New Jersey Family Court system and accused Uanis of abusing their children.

Melanie Hemsey
Melanie Hemsey

Uanis and his new wife, Melanie Hemsey, are now confirmed to be the complaining witnesses in the indictment that threatens Ciardi with 33 years in prison.

NJ Courts Exposed: Shocking documents expose a secret NJ court police unit blacklisting family court victims, journalists & whistleblowers.
Are you on the NJ Secret Police “Hit List”?

The judiciary responded by using their ‘blacklist system’ to silence Ciardi. They unilaterally determined that she was a threat.

There was no due process.

There was no opportunity to be heard.

The judiciary police aided in the investigations to help ensure she was imprisoned on bogus charges.

“They don’t want mothers speaking out,” Weigel said. “They are using the courts to terrorize women into submission.”

NJ Courts Exposed: Chris Christie’s Involvement?

The secret police unit appears to have been established by former Governor Chris Christie through his judicial appointments and administrative changes to the court system over a decade and a half ago.

NJ Courts Exposed: Shocking documents expose a secret NJ court police unit blacklisting family court victims, journalists & whistleblowers.
NJ Judge Glenn A. Grant

Judge Glenn A. Grant, Christie’s hand-picked Administrative Director of the Courts, oversaw this blacklisting system until his recent retirement, announced in January 2025.

Rachel Alintoff appears on the Black List. She has been fighting NJ Family Court corruption for over a decade and has “no problem” with her inclusion on the Hit List being publicized.

NJ Courts Exposed: Shocking documents expose a secret NJ court police unit blacklisting family court victims, journalists & whistleblowers.
Rachel Alintoff

In 2015, she presented Christie with what she claimed was a class action lawsuit against the former governor and state officials for “a culture of collusion and bias against mothers.”

Alintoff presented a stack of paperwork to the former governor. Christie laughed it off.
Chris Christie
Former NJ Governor Chris Christie
“As governor, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been sued,” Christie said to laughs from the mostly friendly crowd. “I’ll just hand this off to the attorney general’s office and let them figure it out.”
NJ Governor Phil Murphy
NJ Governor Phil Murphy

It is unclear whether current NJ Governor Phil Murphy is aware of the judiciary’s secret political policing tactics.

NJ Courts Exposed: Now Targeting Journalists

The Court & Judicial Security Unit has expanded beyond targeting family court litigants—it is now actively targeting journalists who investigate the weaponization of the New Jersey courts.

In a March 3rd letter, the New Jersey Court & Judicial Security Unit threatened investigative journalist Richard Luthmann with criminal prosecution in retaliation for exposing the secretive court hearings in Ciardi’s case.

NJ Courts Exposed: Shocking documents expose a secret NJ court police unit blacklisting family court victims, journalists & whistleblowers.

The letter, unsigned by court officials, accuses Luthmann of violating New Jersey’s Media Directive #06-24 by discussing court proceedings that were secretly closed to the public.

Luthmann fired back in a letter of his own, sent to New Jersey judiciary officials and multiple federal agencies, including the U.S. Department of Justice’s Public Integrity Section.

From: Richard Luthmann <>
Date: On Wednesday, March 5th, 2025 at 8:44 AM
Subject: Re: NJ Courts- Violation of Media Directive
To: Security Court-Judicial <>
CC: Eugene Volokh <>, Volokh, Eugene <>, Michael Volpe <>, Paul Boyne <>, RALafontaine <>, Rick LaRivière <>, <>, Frank Parlato <>, <>, Modern Thomas Nast <>, <>, familycourtfraudwarrior <>, Jill Jones-Soderman <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>

Dear Sir or Madam:

This correspondence may have been sent in error. I am concerned that the purported Administrator on the top of the letterhead (Judge Grant) has left your unit. The letter is unsigned. Is this a forgery or a “spoof”?

Additionally, I call your attention to N.J.S.A. 2C:21-21(1)(f) and the safe harbor provisions on the Anti-Piracy Act, particularly for broadcasters/media members, archival purposes, and where there is no pecuniary gain.

Also, I would call your attention to Soderberg  v. Carrion,999 F.3d 962(4th Cir. 2021), available at One of your staff attorneys who did not sleep through the First Amendment at Seton Hall Law School can help explain this one.

I would note for the record that the New Jersey Courts engage in the regular publication of court proceedings at These livestreams are publicly released to all the world without caveat. They are separate and distinct from NJ Courts Zoom Sessions where the Judges and the Court Clerks retain control of who is in and out of the “virtual courtroom” and can remove participants to the “virtual lobby.”

And now, while I have you, and you have opened the door to inquiry, I have a few journalistic questions. I would appreciate your response as I am preparing a piece in collaboration with other members of the press about issues related to the NJ Courts, Monica Ciardi’s case, and alleged malfeasance. The Press has an obligation to hold the judiciary accountable for potential corruption, abuse of power, and unconstitutional surveillance tactics in New Jersey.

General Questions on Monica Ciardi’s Case

1. Why has Monica Ciardi’s trial been closed to the public?
2. Why is there no publicly available live stream of Monica Ciardi’s court proceedings on
3. What legal justification supports holding her hearings in secrecy, contrary to the principles of open justice?
4. Has the Court & Judicial Security Unit issued any advisories or directives regarding the handling of Monica Ciardi’s case?
5. Why has the NJ Courts restricted public access to court documents related to this case?
6. Has the Judiciary received any external communications, political or otherwise, about how to handle Ciardi’s case?
7. Are any court officers, including judges, under internal review or external investigation for their handling of Ciardi’s case?
8. Were any judicial conflicts of interest reviewed before assigning Judge Mark Ali to preside over this matter?

Questions Regarding Chris Christie’s Alleged Influence

9. Has Chris Christie or his political and strategic consulting firm, Christie 55 Solutions, had any communications with the judiciary, the Court & Judicial Security Unit, or prosecutors regarding Monica Ciardi’s case?
10. Has former Attorney General Christopher Porrino, now with Lowenstein Sandler LLP, been involved in any capacity with the judicial oversight of this case?
11. Has the court received any direct or indirect pressure from political figures—including Christie’s allies—on how to handle Ciardi’s prosecution?
12. Does the court have records of communications between the judiciary and any of the following individuals regarding this case: Chris Christie, Todd Christie, John Uanis, Christopher Porrino, or anyone associated with Christie 55 Solutions?
13. Were any members of the Christie administration, past or present, involved in recommending prosecutorial actions against Ciardi?
14. Was former Governor Christie’s endorsement of judicial appointments linked in any way to decisions regarding the conduct of this case?
15. Has the court reviewed any potential conflicts of interest arising from the personal or professional relationships between any judge or prosecutor involved in this case and Chris Christie’s political or business network?

Questions About the Court & Judicial Security Unit’s Activities

16. What are the official duties and responsibilities of the Court & Judicial Security Unit?
17. Does the Security Unit operate independently, or is it influenced by external government entities such as the Governor’s Office, the Attorney General’s Office, or any political operatives?
18. What oversight mechanisms exist to ensure the Security Unit is not being used for political or retaliatory purposes?
19. How many active investigations is the Court & Judicial Security Unit currently conducting against litigants, court critics, or members of the media?
20. Has the Security Unit investigated or targeted journalists covering family court corruption?
21. Does the Security Unit classify protective parents, court critics, or family court reform activists as security threats?
22. Does the Security Unit maintain lists of perceived “threat actors” based on their public statements about judicial corruption?
23. Has the Security Unit been involved in surveillance, monitoring, or intelligence-gathering on Ciardi’s supporters, including legal advocates or media figures?
24. Are court critics and journalists subjected to monitoring through digital means, such as social media tracking, phone surveillance, or electronic communication intercepts?

Questions About Ex Parte “FISA-Equivalent” Warrants Against Court Critics

25. Has the NJ Court & Judicial Security Unit sought any ex parte orders under state law against individuals deemed “security threats” due to their criticism of the judiciary?
26. Does the NJ Judiciary authorize or issue state-based “FISA-equivalent” warrants for the monitoring, surveillance, or detention of individuals who publicly criticize judicial actions?
27. How often has the Court & Judicial Security Unit requested judicial authorization for covert surveillance of civilians, including litigants and journalists?
28. Have any ex parte warrants been issued targeting individuals advocating for judicial transparency, such as in the case of Monica Ciardi?
29. Has the court granted any sealed or secret warrants against any journalist, advocate, or whistleblower investigating judicial corruption in New Jersey?
30. Does the Security Unit have an investigative division dedicated to handling individuals who expose court corruption or judicial misconduct?
31. Has any New Jersey judge signed a warrant authorizing intelligence collection or covert investigations into so-called “perceived enemies” of the court?
32. What legal standards and oversight exist to ensure that the Court & Judicial Security Unit does not abuse its powers against political or judicial critics?
33. Has the Court & Judicial Security Unit collaborated with law enforcement agencies or federal entities in obtaining surveillance approvals against litigants or court observers?
34. Has any family court litigant, including Monica Ciardi, been the subject of surveillance operations under such warrants?
35. Has the Security Unit worked with the NJ State Police, FBI, or Department of Homeland Security to monitor court reform activists, journalists, or attorneys?
36. Are there internal documents, memos, or guidance materials outlining procedures for identifying and neutralizing “judicial threats” from journalists, activists, or litigants?

Questions About Transparency and Accountability

37. Will the NJ Judiciary provide a public report on the activities of the Court & Judicial Security Unit?
38. Will the judiciary commit to making public any warrants, surveillance orders, or judicially authorized actions against civilians, after the fact, for transparency?
39. What mechanisms exist for an individual to challenge or review a warrant or surveillance order secretly issued against them by the judiciary?
40. Has any court officer ever been disciplined or removed for misuse of the Court & Judicial Security Unit’s powers?

Closing Inquiry

41. Does the NJ Courts system acknowledge concerns about the alleged political weaponization of its Security Unit and the potential for civil rights abuses against litigants, journalists, and activists?

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. Please include any further comments, as we expect to go to press soon. If we go to press before we get your response, we will publish a follow-up to ensure a fair and balanced representation of your perspective.


Richard Luthmann
Writer, Journalist, and Commentator
Tips or Story Ideas:
(239) 631-5957
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Substack: This is For Real.
Contributor: Frank Report
Contributor: Sun Bay Paper
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CC: DOJ Public Integrity Section, 1301 New York Avenue, 10th Floor, Washington, DC 20005, Fax: (202) 514-3003

The Court & Judicial Security Unit has not responded to journalists’ inquiries as of press time.

“If the courts weren’t engaging in unconstitutional activities, they wouldn’t need to hide behind closed doors,” Luthmann said. “This is a full-blown judicial conspiracy to silence critics, jail whistleblowers, and operate outside the law.”

Luthmann says “substantial materials” have already been sent to federal authorities. He also says Christie has a “pattern” of operating like an authoritarian.

“Several political consultants told me about Chris Christie before his 2010 gubernatorial campaign. He brought a room full of people together in a hotel conference center under the guise of a job interview and then proceeded to brow-beat them like he was Julius Caesar. It was like it was a privilege to join his ‘Roman Legion’ – even before he cut them a check,” Luthmann said.

One source said they walked out. On the way, Christie went apoplectic.

NJ Courts Exposed: Shocking documents expose a secret NJ court police unit blacklisting family court victims, journalists & whistleblowers.
Chris Christie

“Where are you going?” Christie said.

 “I don’t like you, and I don’t need a paycheck this bad,” the source said.

Luthmann says the evidence shows this is how Christie has always operated.

“Some sources claim he believes himself to be God and everyone should bow down to him, particularly beginning while he was the U.S. Attorney from 2002 to 2008. And when he became Governor, it got worse. The Lawfare and Weaponized Justice that he engaged in and systemically entrenched in the  New Jersey system is pervasive,” Luthmann said.

Charles Kushner
Charles Kushner

Luthmann says Christie’s history of corruption, Lawfare, and weaponized justice can be summed up in two words: Charles Kushner.

President Trump pardoned Charles Kushner in December 2020, calling his prosecution by former New Jersey U.S. Attorney Chris Christie unfair. Kushner, a real estate developer and the father of Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, had pleaded guilty in 2004 to tax evasion, illegal campaign contributions, and witness tampering.

Christie, who led the case, described Kushner’s crimes as “one of the most loathsome, disgusting crimes” he prosecuted.

However, President Trump’s pardon more than suggests the case was politically motivated. Many view Kushner’s prosecution as textbook Lawfare, arguing that Christie targeted him harshly for personal and political reasons.

President Trump has nominated Kushner to serve as the Ambassador to France in his new administration.

Family Court Victims Must Speak Out

The Family Court Fraud Warrior Project is now urging anyone who has faced judicial retaliation or court interference to send their materials to federal authorities.

Victims are encouraged to send documentation of judicial misconduct directly to the Trump DOJ’s Public Integrity Section to ensure the materials are received and the complaints are docketed:

U.S. Department of Justice – Public Integrity Section
1301 New York Avenue, 10th Floor
Washington, DC 20005
Fax: (202) 514-3003

“The only way to fight back is to expose them,” said Weigel. “If you’ve been targeted, now is the time to go public.”

The revelations of the New Jersey judiciary’s secret police ‘hit list’ have sparked calls for Congressional oversight hearings and a Trump DOJ investigation into the corrupt use of and weaponization of justice in New Jersey.

Federal authorities must investigate:

  • How long has the ‘blacklist’ existed?
  • Who has been targeted and why?
  • What role did Chris Christie’s administration play in establishing these illegal judiciary operations?
  • Why are journalists now being targeted by court officials?

“This could be the biggest judicial corruption scandal in New Jersey history,” Luthmann said. “And we’re only scratching the surface.”


🔹 If you are a victim of New Jersey court corruption, send your materials to the Trump DOJ.
🔹 Contact your local congressional representatives and demand an investigation.
🔹 Call out the New Jersey judiciary for operating a secret police unit. Tell Governor Phil Murphy.

📢 The time to expose them is NOW. 📢

NJ Courts Exposed: The World Is Watching

The New Jersey courts are no longer a safe place for justice. The revelations of this Star Chamber operation prove what many have suspected for years—New Jersey’s judiciary operates like a rogue intelligence agency, blacklisting citizens, railroading whistleblowers, and silencing journalists.

It is time for full exposure and accountability.

The fight for justice has only just begun.

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