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Robert J. Deichert

Line of Fire

    The now-famous blog notes that the little dick-head, yellow commie chink William Tong, Attorney General of Gulag Connecticut has stepped into the “line of fire” by appearing in the appeal of a disbarred lawyer who calls out family court for being a child trafficking racketeering operation run by jews. Does Tong beg a .50 cal to the head? The jewdicial monsters of family court, operating from the Star Chamber of Regional Family Trial Docket conspired to disbar a zealous advocate of the people for the heinous crime of not playing along with child trafficking, deprivation of rights, in the cesspool run by the retarded Judge Thomas Moukawsher and jew pal… Read More »Line of Fire

    Dickhead Deichert

      The now-famous Blog confers the coveted title of DICKHEAD on Assistant Attorney General for Special Litigation, Robert Deichert, pedo protector, asshole, pseudo husband to Reneé, false father figure to daughters Ellie and Abby, now and forevermore, be known to all who read d’Blog as DICKHEAD. Blog readers are well aware of the high bar that goes along with the title of DICKHEAD, where Robert Deichert has exceeded in all categories. DICKHEAD DEICHERT demonstrates his pedo dickery in fucking over kids of the state in his absolutely insane pleading to dismiss a suit brought in protection of children, which is only filed because the State of Connecticut cannot protect children from… Read More »Dickhead Deichert