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Judge Anthony Truglia

Jew Court

    The now-famous, WORST blog takes aim at the vagueness of Connecticut family court orders to expose the jewdical powers wielded by misplaced zealots sitting atop benches rooted in the Constitution. Another plain example that the family court is a jewish invention created to destroy the Christian concept of family, injecting jewish venom deep into the fabric of society for no humane purpose, just glee of the jew. Hats off and a night scope aim to the niggers, dykes, homos, paedos, queers, traitors of the nutmeg state government who condone and protect the rape of childhood, a jewish delicacy. What is vague and against public policy cannot be enforced by contempt… Read More »Jew Court


      Judge Antoni Truglia, the monster in black, mother hater, child predator, total asshole, claims it is a flagrant waste of precious jewdicial resources to grant fee waivers to mothers with no money to appeal draconian orders of the family court to the appellate court! Precious money, so loved by a jew like Truglia will not be squandered upon goy moms who are forbidden from hugging children by discretionary orders of jewdicial authority. Start boiling the tar, plucking feathers, gather the angry mob, Truglia is going to feel the wrath of a sovereign people, betrayed. Two moms, stripped of counsel, denied marital assets for replacements, dragged thru the cesspool of Bridgeport… Read More »Flagrant!

      Truglia Motherfucker

        Judge Anthony D. Truglia, Jr. miscreant of jewdicial proportions conspires with David Rookasin in battering Catherine Rookasin on the altar of mother hatred in Bridgeport Superior Court. The un-ending drama of mentally defective males exhibiting anti-maternal behaviours stands on the jewish concept of best interests of child sex toys in the public forum of ‘family court’. Blog disclaimer applies: can’t make this shit up! David Rookasin is a dangerous individual. In 2016, David proves his manliness to petite wife Catherine by beating the crap out of her, sexually assaulting her, brutally sodomizing her, tearing her hair out, cracking her neck, dislocating spinal disks, inflicting emotional, psychological trauma, and bruising on… Read More »Truglia Motherfucker

        Judge Thomas Welch, AJ

          The now-famous Blog spotlights Judge Thomas J. Welch, the head judge of the Fairfield Judicial District in the armpit of Bridgeport. This nutmeg retard earned a black robe from the deviant Dannel Malloy to promote destruction of society for the agenda of the chosen. Despite being educated at Holy Cross, this devil in disguise conceals Satan’s form under his black robe of justice. The moron cannot even recognize the power of federal law in his own district. He ignores civil rights deprivations to the harm of children in obedience to his nigger master of the Judicial Branch. Thomas Welch embarrasses his mother and father, mocks the rule of law of… Read More »Judge Thomas Welch, AJ

          David Rookasin

            The now-famous Blog enjoys a good pedo daddy story, like nut job David Rookasin of Monroe, Connecticut a new blog star. The repetition of classic abusive narcissistic behaviour towards mothers is striking. David is a societal parasite, selling financial products to old folks, bagging ridiculous commissions, a euphemism for the common term ‘fleecing’. He is so pathetic, he got caught and fined for taking a $50k commission under the table from another parasite. He calls himself a Financial Advisor, his advice will be your loss. Rookasin, a pervert, paedophile, mean nasty person, a child abuser under federal law, is on the public stage in Connecticut Superior Court, in New Haven,… Read More »David Rookasin

            Jooish Family Court

              The now-famous Blog examines the conduct of Connecticut Family Court that exemplifies its jewish form, in all that is alien to American jurisprudence and way of life. Secret Bench Book The Secretary of the State holds copyright to a book that is hidden from the public. The bench book is listed in the Library of Congress Catalog, identifying Judge Support Services as publisher. The overpaid jewish attorney and executive of JSS, Deirdre McPadden ($173k) refuses to disclose it, as she has orders from a big dumb nigger in a black robe to conceal such from ‘we the people’ in defiance of the First Amendment. Only jews feel so empowered to… Read More »Jooish Family Court

              Candace Fay

                Attorney Candace Fay of Danbury achieves instant blog star status for her leading role in the new video by Wayne Dolcefino. Candace practices jewish law right out of the Talmud. A chosen parasite fleecing veterans for shekels along with raping childhoods and bleeding family savings. Another fine example of the pettiness of a UCONN Law degree. Sole practitioner because no real law firm wants her smelly cunt. Only clients are appointed by the court, as no respectable human will retain such a sleeze ball. Candace is a jew’s jew. Profiting off the misfortune of others. Her mother must be proud! Interesting to note that the unbridled jewdicial discretion of Judge… Read More »Candace Fay