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Matthew Couloute: Con Man

    Couloute’s peculiar demands for no financial disclosure and prohibition of mom taking daughter to doctor? Hiding what?

    State Senator Paul Doyle

      State Senator Paul Doyle’s law firm commits fraud on the court while he chairs the judiciary committee of the legislature. Racketeering at its finest.

      Attorney Kelly L. Ball

        How public funds are used to traffick children by Attorney Kelly Ball of Buffalo. Mom deserved her beating from abusive father.

        William Grohs: Mental Defect

          How hereditary mental defects manifest in the life of William J. Grohs to the harm of two girls and to the pleasure of family court lawyers.

          Shipman & Goodwin Terrorists

            Ignorant black female attorney creates civil rights violation for her client, Watertown Board of Education. Incompetence by Bar.

            The Devil’s Custody Racket

              The devil lives among us, in family court. The evil attacking families one custody battle at a time, for the lucrative benefit of lawyers.

              The Mad Doctor is: IN

                Mad Dr. Shawn Tittle is so delusional as to believe Dr. Laura Choi is the mother of his two children. Real mom erased.