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July 2017


    An unholy evil force unleashed on the American people.


      Two state driver’s licenses, three residential addresses, false police reports, false affidavits, no tax returns, unregistered Cadillac, family court drama at its best.

      Jewish Adjustment Disorder

        How junk science comes to the aide of wife beater, bone cracker and child abuser….just an adjustment problem.

        LoVallo’s Psychiatric Stability

          Time to take a look at the jewdicial bias and prejudice played out in Family Court under the color of law.  Today we observe the perverted logic festering in the twisted legal mind of child predator in black, Judge Sharon LoVallo of New York. LoVallo, the crazy, takes aim at a mother.  Mother is a victim of domestic violence and has the broken bones to prove it.  LoVallo is confident that mother deserved the beating and bone cracking at the fist of the father.  After all, the State of Connecticut arrested mother as a fugitive from justice on the order of Governor Daniel Malloy for providing child care by seeking… Read More »LoVallo’s Psychiatric Stability

          Dee v Couloute

            The American court system is an adversarial forum.  Two opposing parties duke it out before competent authority and the best legal warrior wins.  A made for TV propagandist description which overlooks reality.  Every now and again there is a twist where drama triumphs over law. Let’s take the lowly court battle between Family Support Magistrate Julie A. Dee of Erie County, NY. and the arrogant Matthew Couloute, Esq.  Dee is not a real judge, but she is a lawyer appointed magistrate who handles rather administrative functions of child support; ensuring forms are filled out, math is correct and amounts ordered.  Simple, cookbook, turn the crank process which is the same… Read More »Dee v Couloute